adherent |
fusion |
dissimilar structure(s) |
Superficially joined with or to one or more other dissimilar structures, the connection(s) with no significant histological continuity. See also coherent. |
fragrant |
odor |
Sweet or otherwise pleasant. |
fruity |
odor |
Sweetly to pungently fragrant and reminiscent of fruit. |
oblate |
plane shape |
Symmetrically elongate and broader than long perpendicular to the developmental or polar axis. |
oblate |
solid shape |
Symmetrically elongate and broader than long perpendicular to the developmental or polar axis. |
prolate |
plane shape |
Symmetrically elongate parallel to the developmental or polar axis. |
prolate |
solid shape |
Symmetrically elongate parallel to the developmental or polar axis. |
syncolporate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Syncolpate, each groove containing a pore. |
cuspidate |
apex |
Tapering gradually to a rigid tip composed of both vascular and laminar tissues. |
circinate 1 |
solid shape |
Terete and rolled downward from the apex in a tight coil. |
half-terete |
= semiterete |
solid shape |
Terete but flattened on one side. |
semiterete |
= half-terete |
solid shape |
Terete but flattened on one side. |
sheathing 2 |
base |
laminar structure |
Terete or involute and closely enclosing the supporting axis for some distance above the point of insertion. |
barbed 1 |
apex |
Terminated by a small, relatively stiff, acutely reflexed, hook-like structure. |
acrid 1 |
= pungent |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a rigid, relatively short, sharp point composed of both vascular and laminar tissues. |
pungent 1 |
= acrid |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a rigid, relatively short, sharp point composed of both vascular and laminar tissues. |
mucronate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, hard point that is a continuation of vascular tissue. See also apiculate, mucronulate. |
apiculate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, slender, angular tip that is not notably harder or stiffer than the main body of the structure. See also mucronate, mucronulate. |
caudate 1 |
= tailed |
apex |
laminar structure |
Terminating in a relatively long, flexible, narrowly acuminate tip composed of laminar tissue. |
tailed 1 |
= caudate |
apex |
laminar structure |
Terminating in a relatively long, flexible, narrowly acuminate tip composed of laminar tissue. |
rostrate |
= beaked |
apex |
Terminating in a relatively long, tapering, more or less rigid point. See also rostellate (small-beaked). |
beaked |
= rostrate |
apex |
Terminating in a relatively long, tapering, more or less rigid point. See also small-beaked (rostellate). |
spinose 1 |
apex |
Terminating in a rigid, tapering, sharp continuation of the central primary vein. See also spinulose. |
aristate 2 |
apex |
pappus scale |
Terminating in one or more awn- or bristle-like appendages. |
hypocotyl |
That portion of an embryo axis between the level of cotyledon insertion above and the root meristem (or radicle, if present) below. |