balding |
= glabrescent |
pubescence |
Becoming bald (glabrous, psilate) with age. |
glabrescent |
= balding |
pubescence |
Becoming glabrous (bald, psilate) with age. |
glaucescent |
< ceraceous, cereous, pruinose, waxen, waxy |
coating |
Becoming glaucous with age. See also caesious. |
spinescent |
architecture |
Becoming spinose. |
suffrutescent |
< subshrubby |
habit |
plant |
Becoming subshrubby. See also arboreous, arborescent, bushy, frutescent, fruticose, shrubby, suffruticose, woody-clumping. |
sunken |
> immersed, impressed |
prominence |
Below the general level of the surrounding surface. |
submerged |
= submersed |
location |
plant, structure of aquatic plant |
Beneath the water surface. |
submersed |
= submerged |
location |
plant, structure of aquatic plant |
Beneath the water surface. |
inflexed |
orientation |
Bent adaxially at some point along its length. |
declinate |
= inclinate |
orientation |
Bent or curved downward or forward. |
inclinate |
= declinate |
orientation |
Bent or curved downward or forward. |
intercostal |
insertion |
Between the costae. |
intercostal |
position |
Between the costae. |
gaping |
= personate, ringent |
architecture |
corolla |
Bilabiate with the upper lip inwardly arcuate, the lower lip prominent and appressed to the upper at the level of the throat or junction of tube and limb, which is thus normally occluded but which gapes, resembling an open mouth, when the whole is compressed laterally. |
personate |
= gaping, ringent |
architecture |
corolla |
Bilabiate with the upper lip inwardly arcuate, the lower lip prominent and appressed to the upper at the level of the throat or junction of tube and limb, which is thus normally occluded but which gapes, resembling an open mouth, when the whole is compressed laterally. |
ringent |
= gaping, personate |
architecture |
corolla |
Bilabiate with the upper lip inwardly arcuate, the lower lip prominent and appressed to the upper at the level of the throat or junction of tube and limb, which is thus normally occluded but which gapes, resembling an open mouth, when the whole is compressed laterally. |
zygomorphic |
architecture |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Bilaterally symmetric; divisible into two essentially equal portions along only one median logitudinal plane. |
testes-shaped |
= testicular |
solid shape |
Bilaterally symmetrical, each side essentially oblate and constrictedly confluent with the other; like the overall shape of a pair of mammalian testes. |
testicular |
= testes-shaped |
solid shape |
Bilaterally symmetrical, each side essentially oblate and constrictedly confluent with the other; like the overall shape of a pair of mammalian testes. |
ligulate 2 |
architecture |
floret |
Bisexual with a zygomorphic corolla; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
blunt 2 |
= obtuse |
base |
Bluntly angular; having an angular proximal portion whose generalized sides intersect at an angle of 90° or more. |
obtuse 2 |
= blunt |
base |
Bluntly angular; having an angular proximal portion whose generalized sides intersect at an angle of 90° or more. |
blunt 1 |
= obtuse |
apex |
Bluntly angular; having an angular tip whose generalized sides intersect at an angle of 90° or more. |
obtuse 1 |
= blunt |
apex |
Bluntly angular; having an angular tip whose generalized sides intersect at an angle of 90° or more. |
stigmatic |
habit |
trichome |
Borne on the surface of the stigma and serving to hold pollen deposited there, variously shaped, often glandular, sometimes contractile. |