arillode |
< aril (broad sense) |
A "false" aril; an appendicular structure that wholly or partly envelops a seed and is produced from or a modification of the outer integument or (in some Pinophyta) a subtending involucre, but not from the funicle or raphe, and thus is not ontogenetically derived from the placenta; usually fleshy or pulpy, sometimes spongy or tufted-capillate, often brightly colored. |
scale 1 |
< bract |
A basically dry, more or less appressed, diminutive bract. The choice of term as between the more general bract and the more restricted scale is sometimes problematic and, when so, often is dictated by custom according to the structure and taxon involved. |
citrus fruit |
= hesperidium |
nominative |
fruit |
A berry derived from a compound ovary and having a thin, firm, leathery rind (exocarp), a thicker, white, spongy wall layer (mesocarp) internal to that, and a fleshy interior (endocarp) that constitutes the bulk of the fruit and is separable into a number of radial sections, each triangular in transsection and consisting of a thin outer membrane surrounding a mass of juicy, unicellular vescicles, among which the seeds are embedded on the adaxial side; esp. in Rutaceae. |
hesperidium pl. hesperidia |
= citrus fruit |
nominative |
fruit |
A berry derived from a compound ovary and having a thin, firm, leathery rind (exocarp), a thicker, white, spongy wall layer (mesocarp) internal to that, and a fleshy interior (endocarp) that constitutes the bulk of the fruit and is separable into a number of radial sections, each triangular in transsection and consisting of a thin outer membrane surrounding a mass of juicy, unicellular vescicles, among which the seeds are embedded on the adaxial side; esp. in Rutaceae. |
floricane |
A biennial or perennial stem after it has begun flowering, when that does not occur until at least its second season of growth; applied especially to the stems of brambles (Rubus spp.). |
primocane |
A biennial or perennial stem before it has begun flowering, when the latter does not occur until at least its second season of growth; esp. in Rubus (Rosaceae). |
massula pl. massulae |
A body of coherent pollen grains, dispersed as a unit; esp. in Asclepiadaceae, Orchidaceae. |
branchlet |
A branch of the highest or ultimate order. |
glochid |
= glochidium; < bristle, capillus, hair, seta, trichome |
A capillus (hair) or bristle (seta) that bears one or more barbs; esp. in Cactaceae. |
glochidium pl. glochidia |
= glochid; < bristle, capillus, hair, seta, trichome |
A capillus (hair) or bristle (seta) that bears one or more barbs; esp. in Cactaceae. |
column 1 |
= gynandrium, gynostemium |
A central floral structure consisting of the partly to wholly fused (connate and adnate) androecium and gynoecium; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
gynandrium pl. gynandria |
= column, gynostemium |
A central floral structure consisting of the partly to wholly fused (connate and adnate) androecium and gynoecium; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
gynostemium pl. gynostemia |
= column, gynandrium |
A central floral structure consisting of the partly to wholly fused (connate and adnate) androecium and gynoecium; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
centralium pl. centralia |
A central longitudinal cavity within the seed; esp. in Arecaceae (Palmae). |
crozier |
= fiddlehead |
A circinate leaf (frond) prior to full expansion, while still wholly or distally coiled; esp. in Polypodiophyta. |
fiddlehead |
= crozier |
A circinate leaf (frond) prior to full expansion, while still wholly or distally coiled; esp. in Polypodiophyta. |
equatorial ridge |
A circumferential ring about a megaspore in the plane of its equator, raised above the remainder of the wall surface; in some heterosporous taxa of Polypodiophyta. |
bundle (not recommended) |
= fascicle |
nominative |
inflorescence |
A cluster of pedicellate flowers that are inserted very close together and little if at all divergent from one another, the whole sessile or subsessile. |
fascicle |
= bundle (not recommended) |
nominative |
inflorescence |
A cluster of pedicellate flowers that are inserted very close together and little if at all divergent from one another, the whole sessile or subsessile. |
sorus pl. sori |
A cluster of sporangia borne upon a fertile frond, usually on its abaxial surface; often covered during maturation by a protective membrane, the indusium, that is an outgrowth from the epidermis; in Polypodiophyta. |
glomerule |
nominative |
inflorescence |
A compact cluster of capitula (heads), sometimes subtended by an involucre; thus, a compound capitulum (head); esp. in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
bulbel |
A comparatively small bulb branching laterally from a larger, currently primary one. |
ovule |
A complex reproductive structure borne by a seed-plant sporophyte, consisting of outer, sporophytic tissues that enclose a haploid, gametogenic tissue usually regarded as a highly reduced megagametophyte. Following fertilization, the entire structure matures to become a seed that contains an embryo, the first stage of the next sporophytic generation. Ovules (and seeds) are borne naked on megasporophylls (in Pinophyta) or within an ovary (in Magnoliophyta). |
floral cup 1 (broad sense) |
= floral tube, hypanthium (broad sense) |
A complex structure comprising fused portions of the perianth and/or androecium of a flower, sometimes also including receptacular tissue; surrounding and wholly, partly, or not at all adnate to the gynoecium; subdivided morphologically into casing, collar and/or neck; sometimes bearing free distal portions of the constituent structures. |
floral tube |
= floral cup (broad sense), hypanthium (broad sense) |
A complex structure comprising fused portions of the perianth and/or androecium of a flower, sometimes also including receptacular tissue; surrounding and wholly, partly, or not at all adnate to the gynoecium; subdivided morphologically into casing, collar and/or neck; sometimes bearing free distal portions of the constituent structures. |