vaginate |
= sheathed |
architecture |
structure |
Closely enclosed over some or all of its length by a terete or involute structure. |
neuter |
architecture |
flower, floret |
Lacking both stamens and pistils. |
…headed |
= …cephalous |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Having the number of heads (capitula) indicated by the prefix; as in three-headed, few-headed, 6-headed. |
cancellate |
= clathrate, latticed |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Having portions of the blade naturally devoid of any but vascular tissue, which forms an open lattice in those areas. |
barbellate |
architecture |
Bearing one or more barbels. |
stalked 6 |
= stipitate |
architecture |
structure |
Having a stipe. |
echinate |
= spinose, spiny |
architecture |
Bearing spines. |
bulbose |
= bulbous |
architecture |
plant |
Growing from and/or bearing bulbs. |
pericolpate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Having more than three surficial grooves (colpi) oriented such that some or all of them cross meridians. |
…tepalous |
= …tepaled |
architecture |
flower, perianth |
Having the number of tepals indicated by the prefix; as in hexatepalous. |
…sepaled |
= …sepalous |
architecture |
flower, perianth, calyx |
Having the number of sepals indicated by the prefix; as in four-sepaled. |
dorsiventral |
architecture |
Having structurally distinct abaxial (dorsal) and adaxial (ventral) portions or aspects. |
racemiform |
= raceme-like |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a raceme, but not strictly such. |
chaffy 2 |
= paleate |
architecture |
receptacle (torus) |
Bearing paleae (pales, palets); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
glomerulate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more glomerules; esp. in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
…spermous |
= …seeded |
architecture |
fruit |
Having the number of seeds indicated by the prefix; as in oligospermous, polyspermous, tetraspermous. |
irregular 1 |
architecture |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Imperfectly actinomorphic, the constituents disposed symmetrically but unequal in size and/or shape. See also peloric. |
ringent |
= gaping, personate |
architecture |
corolla |
Bilabiate with the upper lip inwardly arcuate, the lower lip prominent and appressed to the upper at the level of the throat or junction of tube and limb, which is thus normally occluded but which gapes, resembling an open mouth, when the whole is compressed laterally. |
heteropolar |
architecture |
pollen grain, spore |
Having morphologically evident polarity, the proximal and distal halves dissimilar. |
…pterous |
= …winged |
architecture |
Having the number of alae (wings) indicated by the prefix; as in dipterous, polypterous, tetrapterous. |
tree-like |
= dendritic |
architecture |
Like the branched axial structure of a tree. |
caryophyllaceous |
= diacytic |
architecture |
stomate |
Having two subsidiary cells that together surround it, their common wall oriented perpendicular to its long axis. |
headed 1 |
= capitate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more capitula. |
pinnate |
> pinnatifid, pinnatisect |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with one order of leaflets inserted at different points along and to either side of the axis, from which those on each side diverge more or less in parallel; or lobed (cleft, divided, parted, segmented), incised or ribbed in a similar, feather-like pattern. Unless qualified to indicate otherwise, this term usually is understood to mean "pinnately once-compound." See also imparipinnate, palmatipinnate, paripinnate, …pinnate, pinnatifid. |
thyrse-like |
= thyrsiform |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a thyrse, but not strictly such. |