fringe |
= fimbria |
A marginal series or cycle of regular, slender, closely adjacent, more or less flexible segments or protrusions, when treated as an aggregate structure. |
sheath (leaf) |
The lower (basal or proximal), fundamentally laminar but strongly involute portion of one of the non-petiolate leaves characteristic of most monocotyledons (Liliidae); distinct from the leaf blade, which, when present, is borne distally upon it; analogous, though not necessarily homologous, with a petiole; usually more or less completely enclosing a portion of the stem above the node from which the leaf is borne. |
disc 1 var. disk |
Any distinct, annular to discoid structure produced from or borne upon a floral receptacle between or basal to any of the sets of floral organs; usually fleshy, often nectariferous. |
perianth tube |
A relatively narrow, fully connate portion of a syntepalous (gamotepalous) perianth proximal to a broader portion (limb) that comprises the distinct or connate distal portions of the tepals. |
tendril |
A slender stem branch, modified leaf, or portion of a leaf that twines about a supporting structure. |
raphides sing. raphis |
Needle-like crystals of calcium oxalate contained within the cells of some plants; esp. in Araceae. |
columella 1 pl. columellae, columellas |
= carpophore; < stalk |
Any pedestal-like prolongation of a floral receptacle extending beyond the distalmost level of perianth insertion and bearing the gynoecium. |
wall (fruit, ovary, pollen, spore) |
The exterior layer of tissue(s) enclosing anatomically distinct interior tissues and sometimes fluid and/or one or more cavities. |
tuber |
An enlarged, basically subterranean stem segment or thallus outgrowth containing a high proportion of storage tissue and functioning as a perennating and often vegetatively propagative structure. |
runner |
= stolon |
A slender stem that grows horizontally upon or just beneath the ground surface, rooting at the nodes and giving rise to erect shoot segments at some nodes and/or at its apex. |
floret |
A very small, structurally specialized flower, especially when occurring in capitulum (head; Asteraceae), or in a spikelet (Poaceae), where it includes the immediately subtending bracts (lemma and palea). |
articulation |
= joint |
A distinct, relatively narrow zone of demarcation between adjacent main portions of an elongate structure, often thicker than the rest of the structure and sometimes a site of eventual abscission. |
midnerve |
= midrib, midvein; < costa, nerve, rib, vein |
A primary vein that runs longitudinally through the center of a leaf or other basically laminar structure. See also lateral vein, secondary vein, tertiary vein, veinlet. |
sperm |
> antherozoid, spermatozoid |
A male gamete. |
bladder |
= ampulla |
A small, membranous, hollow, flask-shaped, insectivorous structure borne on a submerged leaf; esp. in Lentibulariaceae. |
corolla pl. corollae, corollas |
Collectively, the petals of a flower, whether distinct or connate; the inner or distal envelope of a differentiated perianth, whether the other envelope (calyx) is actually present or is deemed to be absent due to evolutionary reduction. |
sterile frond |
= trophophyll |
A frond that does not bear sporangia; in Polypodiophyta. See also fertile frond. |
throat 2 |
The fully connate portion of the limb of a disc floret, proximal to the lobes (distinct distal portions of the petals); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
ovary |
The proximal portion of a pistil (either simple or compound) within which the ovules are borne; usually of somewhat greater diameter and/or volume than the remainder of the pistil. |
macrosporangium pl. macrosporangia (not recommended) |
= megasporangium |
A sporangium that produces megaspores. |
disc 2 var. disk |
Collectively, the disc florets of a capitulum (head), or the surface presented by them. |
pericarp |
The portion of a fruit wall that is derived from the ovary wall; consisting of three more or less distinct tissue layers (exocarp or epicarp, mesocarp, and endocarp) that may or may not differ greatly in structure and/or function; the wall of a fruit, excluding any tissues of extra-ovarian (accessory) origin. |
tepal |
Any member of an undifferentiated perianth; may be green and foliaceous or colored and petaloid, distinct or else connate with one or more others, and/or free or else adnate with one or more other floral structures. |
ray 1 |
< primary axis |
A first-order axis within a compound umbel. |
columella 2 pl. columellae, columellas |
= carpophore; < stalk |
The stalk supporting a mericarp after dehiscence of a schizocarpic fruit, the central axis of the fruit having split longitudinally to yield two or four such stalks; composed of receptacular and (primarily) gynoecial tissues; esp. in Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |