monoclinous |
= synoecious |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having all flowers functionally bisexual; this condition is implied by default if no other is specified. See also diclinous. |
monoecious |
< diclinous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having all flowers or spikelets functionally unisexual, and all plants having both staminate and pistillate types. See also dioecious. |
self-fertilizing |
= autogamous, automictic, idiogamous, selfing; > geitonogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from the same plant. |
wind-pollinated |
= anemophilous |
reproduction |
plant, strobilus, flower |
Having the pollen normally transported between strobili or flowers by air currents. |
hapaxanthic |
= monocarpic |
reproduction |
plant |
Normally reproducing sexually only once, then promptly senescent. |
selfing |
= autogamous, automictic, idiogamous, self-fertilizing; > geitonogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from the same plant. |
homogamous 2 |
reproduction |
plant, inflorescence |
Having flowers that do not differ in sexual constitution. |
asexual |
= apomictic; > agamospermous, apogamous, aposporous, vegetative |
reproduction |
taxon, plant |
Producing new plants by means not involving meiosis or fertilization. |
apogamous |
< apomictic, asexual |
reproduction |
taxon, plant |
Producing new sporophytes from the gametophytes asexually, without intervening fertilization (or gametes). |
apomictic |
= asexual; > agamospermous, apogamous, aposporous, vegetative |
reproduction |
taxon, plant |
Producing new plants by means not involving meiosis or fertilization. |
eusporangiate |
reproduction |
Having relatively large sporangia each of which develops from a group of initial cells that, by periclinal divisions, give rise to an outer layer of primary cells and an inner layer of sporogenous cells; in Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, and some Polypodiophyta. |
homosporous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Producing only one type of spore, each spore giving rise to a gametophyte that bears gametangia of both sexual types. |
vegetative |
< apomictic, asexual |
reproduction |
plant |
Producing new plants asexually by proliferation or fragmentation of sterile tissue, without formation of embryos (or seeds). The logical antecedent of this term is "reproduction," not the taxon in point or "plants," and syntax should be governed accordingly. Whenever this mode of reproduction is noted, the relevant propagative structures should be identified. |
masculine |
= male |
reproduction |
Of the sex that produces microspores and sperm. |
agamospermous |
< apomictic, asexual |
reproduction |
taxon, plant |
Producing viable embryos (in seeds) asexually. |
aposporous |
< apomictic, asexual |
reproduction |
taxon, plant |
Producing new gametophytes from the sporophytes asexually, without intervening meiosis (or spores). |
hermaphroditic |
= bisexual |
reproduction |
Having functional reproductive structures of both sexes. See also perfect. |
thermocleistogamous |
reproduction |
flower |
Normally chasmogamous but facultatively cleistogamous during periods of lower-than-normal temperature. |
cross-fertilizing |
= allogamous, allomictic, exogamous, xenogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from different plants. |
diclinous |
> dioecious, monoecious |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having all flowers functionally unisexual. See also monoclinous (synoecious). |
unisexual |
reproduction |
Having functional reproductive structures of only one sex. See also imperfect, pistillate, staminate. |
idiogamous |
= autogamous, automictic, self-fertilizing, selfing; > geitonogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from the same plant. |
exogamous |
= allogamous, allomictic, cross-fertilizing, xenogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from different plants. |
viviparous |
reproduction |
Producing sexually or asexually generated offspring that begin growth and development while borne upon the parent plant. |
gynecandrous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Monoecious, each inflorescence having a distal sector with only pistillate flowers and a proximal sector with only staminate ones. |