carinate |
= keeled |
solid shape |
Having an elongate median longitudinal ridge that is basically triangular in transverse section, resembling the keel of a boat; esp. a leaf blade or sheath, glume, lemma, palea, sepal or petal. |
dolabrate |
= axehead-shaped |
solid shape |
Like an axehead oriented cutting edge downward. This term is not semantically distinct from dolabriform, but botanically they have had somewhat different applications. |
horseshoe-shaped |
= hippocrepiform |
solid shape |
Relatively slender and strongly compressed, the whole strongly curved over its length in a plane perpendicular to the direction of compression and forming an incomplete circle, the ends somewhat straighter than the rest and parallel or nearly so; like a horseshoe. |
plaited 1 |
= pleated, plicate |
solid shape |
foliaceous structure |
Having alternately adaxial and abaxial lengthwise folds, resembling a fan. |
oblanciform |
= oblanceoloid |
solid shape |
Inversely lanciform (lancehead-shaped, lanceoloid). |
flagelliform |
= whip-like |
solid shape |
Very slender, terete, generally straight, and apparently supple. |
clavate |
= club-shaped |
solid shape |
Elongate and basically round in transverse section, the diameter greatest at or near a blunt apex, thence attenuate toward the base, the degree of taper greatest between the middle and the upper quarter. |
asymmetric(al) 1 |
solid shape |
Not divisible into essentially equal halves along any line or plane. |
knotty |
= knobby, nodose |
solid shape |
Having knot-shaped (gongylodate, gongyloid, knob-shaped, nodiform) protrusions. See also nodulose. |
terete |
solid shape |
Elongate and transversely round, gradually attenuate from base to apex; attenuate-cylindric or attenuate-tubular, broadest at the base. See also obterete. |
cariniform |
= keel-shaped |
solid shape |
Elongate, basically triangular in transverse section, tapering at one or both ends, the outer edge thus somewhat arcuate, the whole resembling the keel of a boat. |
dolabriform |
= axe-shaped |
solid shape |
Elongate, basally terete, becoming strongly compressed toward an abruptly and unilaterally broader apex; like an axe (handle plus head). This term is not semantically distinct from dolabrate, but botanically they have had somewhat different applications. |
mitre-shaped |
= mitriform |
solid shape |
Broadest and transversely round to oval proximally, tapering bilaterally above the middle to a central peak; like a peaked hat or cap. |
vermiculate |
= worm-shaped |
solid shape |
Basically cylindric, elongate, and slender with bluntly rounded ends, variously curved over its length. |
spheric(al) |
= globose, globular, orbicular, rotund, spheroid(al) |
solid shape |
Uniformly convex, circular in any median section and in outline when viewed from any angle; like a sphere or globe. |
barbed 2 |
solid shape |
Having one or more relatively short, stiff, acutely inserted or bent, antrorse or retrorse, terminal and/or lateral hook-like appendages; esp. awns or setae. |
crateriform |
= goblet-shaped |
solid shape |
Having a distal, concave, relatively thin-walled, basically hemispherical portion surmounting a much narrower, transversely round, pedestal-like base. |
umbonate |
= bossed |
solid shape |
Having an umbo. |
tuberculose 2 |
= tubercular |
solid shape |
Comprising small knot-like segments. |
dome-shaped |
= tholiform |
solid shape |
Convex overall, broadest at the base, and transversely more or less circular to elliptical throughout. |
mitriform |
= mitre-shaped |
solid shape |
Broadest and transversely round to oval proximally, tapering bilaterally above the middle to a central peak; like a peaked hat or cap. |
spheroid(al) |
= globose, globular, orbicular, rotund, spheric(al) |
solid shape |
Uniformly convex, circular in any median section and in outline when viewed from any angle; like a sphere or globe. |
oblate |
solid shape |
Symmetrically elongate and broader than long perpendicular to the developmental or polar axis. |
infundibular |
= funnelform, funnel-shaped |
solid shape |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Having a narrowly obconic tube and a spreading limb, the transition between them smooth. |
headed 2 |
= capitate |
solid shape |
Abruptly enlarged distally to a relatively short, terminal portion that is basically round in transverse section. |