vermiculate |
= worm-shaped |
solid shape |
Basically cylindric, elongate, and slender with bluntly rounded ends, variously curved over its length. |
spheric(al) |
= globose, globular, orbicular, rotund, spheroid(al) |
solid shape |
Uniformly convex, circular in any median section and in outline when viewed from any angle; like a sphere or globe. |
cuboid |
solid shape |
Generally but not strictly cubic; more or less equilaterally six-sided, each side basically square. |
acerose |
= acicular, needle-shaped |
solid shape |
Rounded in cross-section and very slenderly elongate, broadest near the middle, and gradually attenuate to an acute apex and a slightly blunter base; like a needle. |
ellipsoid(al) |
solid shape |
Elliptic in any median longitudinal section; elongate, transversely circular, broadest at the middle, and symmetrically convex-attenuate to rounded ends. See also oblong. |
club-shaped |
= clavate |
solid shape |
Elongate and basically round in transverse section, the diameter greatest at or near a blunt apex, thence attenuate toward the base, the degree of taper greatest between the middle and the upper quarter. |
lorate |
= liguliform, strap-shaped |
solid shape |
Elongate and relatively thin with the opposite faces more or less plane and moderately narrow, their edges more or less straight and parallel over most of their length; resembling a strap. |
ovoid |
= egg-shaped |
solid shape |
Transversely circular, broadest near a bluntly rounded base, and convexly attenuate to a narrower rounded apex; like a fowl egg. See also obovoid. |
umbraculiform |
= umbrella-shaped |
solid shape |
Having a slender, elongate proximal axis and a very broad, meniscoid distal portion, the latter oriented with its convex face distal; like an umbrella. |
tuberculose 2 |
= tubercular |
solid shape |
Comprising small knot-like segments. |
spheroid(al) |
= globose, globular, orbicular, rotund, spheric(al) |
solid shape |
Uniformly convex, circular in any median section and in outline when viewed from any angle; like a sphere or globe. |
complanate |
= compressed; < flattened |
solid shape |
Flattened bilaterally, parallel to the longitudinal axis, as though pressed or squeezed from opposing sides, the external surface otherwise basically convex. This term usually implies a strong degree of flattening. See also depressed, obcompressed. |
planoconcave |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite broad faces, one plane and one concave. |
acetabuliform |
solid shape |
Transversely circular, broader than long, widest near or at the middle, relatively thin-walled, the hollow interior open distally; like a shallow bowl with strongly incurved sides. |
galeate |
= galeiform, helmet-shaped |
solid shape |
Convex overall with a more or less smoothly curved apex, relatively thin-walled and essentially hollow with the interior open to one side below the distal portion; resembling a helmet. See also cucullate (cuculliform, hood-shaped), which overlaps conceptually. |
fan-shaped |
= flabellate, flabelliform |
solid shape |
Strongly compressed, broadest near the apex and attenuate to a narrow base, plaited longitudinally, the alternating folds radiating from the base, the whole basically triangular in broad aspect; like a partially expanded folding fan. |
worm-shaped |
= vermiculate |
solid shape |
Basically cylindric, elongate, and slender with bluntly rounded ends, variously curved over its length. |
umbrella-shaped |
= umbraculiform |
solid shape |
Having a slender, elongate proximal axis and a very broad, meniscoid distal portion, the latter oriented with its convex face distal; like an umbrella. |
hood-shaped |
= cucullate, cuculliform |
solid shape |
Convex or compressed-convex overall with a distal peak or ridge, relatively thin-walled and essentially hollow with the interior open to one side below the distal portion; resembling a hood or cowl. See also helmet-shaped (galeate, galeiform), which overlaps conceptually. |
calceolate |
= slipper-shaped |
solid shape |
Relatively thin-walled with an essentially hollow interior that is open on one side at the broader end. |
pear-shaped |
= pyriform |
solid shape |
Basically circular in transverse section, broadest toward one end, attenuate toward and much narrower at the other, both ends rounded; slenderly turbinate or obturbinate; like a pear. |
obcompressed |
< flattened |
solid shape |
Flattened adaxially and abaxially, parallel to the longitudinal axis, as though pressed or squeezed from the upper and lower surfaces, the external surface otherwise basically convex. Used alone, this term usually implies a strong degree of flattening; otherwise, it is often used in combination with some other term that describes the overall shape exclusive of ("before") flattening, e.g., obcompressed-lanceoloid. See also compressed (complanate), depressed. |
lens-shaped 2 |
= biconvex, lenticular |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with two round, convex, opposite broad faces intersecting acutely at the circumferential edge; like a double-convex lens. See also disciform (discoid), meniscoid. |
planoconvex |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite broad faces, one plane and one convex. |
cucullate 2 |
= cuculliform, hood-shaped |
solid shape |
Convex or compressed-convex overall with a distal peak or ridge, relatively thin-walled and essentially hollow with the interior open to one side below the distal portion; resembling a hood or cowl. See also galeate (galeiform, helmet-shaped), which overlaps conceptually. |