lageniform |
= ampulliform, flask-shaped |
solid shape |
Generally circular in cross-section, broadest at or below the middle, approximately globose below that and constricted above to a relatively narrow neck; like a flask. |
salverform |
= hypocrateriform |
solid shape |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Having a relatively long, slender tube and a divaricate, planate limb resembling a round platter. |
beaded |
= moniliform |
solid shape |
Elongate, relatively slender, transversely round, and more or less regularly constricted over its length, the whole straight or variously curved; like a necklace of beads. |
flanged |
solid shape |
Having a relatively broad circumferential rim or ridge that protrudes laterally. |
dimidiate |
solid shape |
Halved, figuratively; bilaterally asymmetric, nearly or wholly lacking one side as implicitly compared with some corresponding bilaterally symmetric structure, real or imagined. |
tapered |
= attenuate |
solid shape |
Gradually diminishing in width or diameter from one end to the other. |
acephalous 2 |
= headless |
solid shape |
Not terminating in a head-like portion, esp. when one might be expected. |
meniscoid |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite, round, broad faces, one convex and one concave (as viewed externally), the circumferential edge angular or rounded; like a meniscus. See also discoid (disciform), lenticular (biconvex, lens-shaped), patelliform (kneecap-shaped). |
urn-shaped |
= urceolate |
solid shape |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Having a truncate-ellipsoid tube and a distinct, erect limb, the whole somewhat constricted between tube and limb. See also cotyliform, cyathiform. |
flask-shaped |
= ampulliform, lageniform |
solid shape |
Generally circular in cross-section, broadest at or below the middle, approximately globose below that and constricted above to a relatively narrow neck; like a flask. |
birettaform |
solid shape |
Approximately square in cross section and shallowly convex at the top; like a biretta (Roman Catholic cleric's hat). |
tapeworm-shaped |
= taeniate |
solid shape |
Slender, elongate, basically cylindric or compressed-cylindric with shallow, narrow, more or less regular constrictions along its length, the whole apparently segmented and straight or variously curved. |
acerose |
= acicular, needle-shaped |
solid shape |
Rounded in cross-section and very slenderly elongate, broadest near the middle, and gradually attenuate to an acute apex and a slightly blunter base; like a needle. |
rotate |
= wheel-shaped |
solid shape |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Having a very short, cupulate tube and a broad, divergent to divaricate limb; Resembling a wheel when viewed from the distal end. |
flexed |
= bent |
solid shape |
Having an abrupt bend at some point along its length. See also declinate (inclinate), geniculate (kneed), inflexed, reflexed. |
capillary |
= capillate, hair-like |
solid shape |
Finely filiform; like a hair. |
furcate |
= forked; > bifurcate |
solid shape |
Having two or more terminal, antrorse branches or divisions arising from a common point or level, like the prongs of a fork. |
circinate 1 |
solid shape |
Terete and rolled downward from the apex in a tight coil. |
dolabrate |
= axehead-shaped |
solid shape |
Like an axehead oriented cutting edge downward. This term is not semantically distinct from dolabriform, but botanically they have had somewhat different applications. |
breast-shaped |
= mammiform |
solid shape |
Rounded conic, like the breast of a mammal. |
penicillate |
= broom-shaped, muscariform |
solid shape |
Having a proximal axis that bears a distal cluster of elongate slender branches or appendages, these variously ascending to erect; like a broom. |
umbilicate |
solid shape |
Having a relatively small, transversely round, central depression in an essentially round broad face. |
plumose |
= feather-shaped |
solid shape |
Having a slender central axis bearing two opposite ranks of numerous, closely proximate, ascending, very slender branches or appendages; resembling the generalized form of a feather. |
acetabuliform |
solid shape |
Transversely circular, broader than long, widest near or at the middle, relatively thin-walled, the hollow interior open distally; like a shallow bowl with strongly incurved sides. |
rotund |
= globose, globular, orbicular, spheric(al), spheroid(al) |
solid shape |
Uniformly convex, circular in any median section and in outline when viewed from any angle; like a sphere or globe. |