stalk |
> androgynophore, carpophore, columella, funicle, funiculus, gynophore, hypogynium, pedicel, peduncle, petiole, petiolule, sporangiophore, stipe (Orchidaceae), stipe (broad sense, not recommended); >< androphore |
A supporting axis or column that bears a structure at its apex; may be ontogenetically distinct from the structure that it bears, or may be the basal portion of an ontogenetic entity that includes both the stalk and the structure that it bears; usually narrower than the structure that it bears. |
mucro pl. mucrones, mucros |
A short, hard, apical point that is a continuation of vascular tissue. See also apiculum. |
bark |
The outermost portion of any shoot or root axis having secondary growth, consisting of all those tissues outside the vascular cambium; sometimes exhibiting zonation into inner, living bark and outer, dead bark; usually described only as to external appearance. |
pollinium pl. pollinia |
A mass of coherent pollen grains disseminated as a unit by adhering to a pollinating insect, representing the entire content of a single theca or of fused thecae; often distally attenuate to a sterile caudicle (translator arm), which may attach to a viscidium, either directly or through an intervening stipe; esp. in Asclepiadaceae, Orchidaceae. |
corolla pl. corollae, corollas |
Collectively, the petals of a flower, whether distinct or connate; the inner or distal envelope of a differentiated perianth, whether the other envelope (calyx) is actually present or is deemed to be absent due to evolutionary reduction. |
androphore |
>< stalk |
A stalk or tube that rises above the level of perianth insertion and bears the distinct portions of the androecium from its summit; as in Malvaceae, where the androphore is a tube formed by connation of the filaments. |
floral cup 1 (broad sense) |
= floral tube, hypanthium (broad sense) |
A complex structure comprising fused portions of the perianth and/or androecium of a flower, sometimes also including receptacular tissue; surrounding and wholly, partly, or not at all adnate to the gynoecium; subdivided morphologically into casing, collar and/or neck; sometimes bearing free distal portions of the constituent structures. |
microspore |
A male spore; a spore of the smaller of the two types produced by the sporophytes of a heterosporous taxon; produced in a microsporangium; giving rise upon germination to a microgametophyte. |
pseudopetiole |
A distinctly constricted, more or less stalk-like, proximal portion of a leaf, evolutionarily derived from the blade, the original petiole reduced to the point of absence or vestigiality; esp. in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
carpophore 1 |
< stalk |
The stalk supporting a sporocarp. |
endocarp |
The innermost tissue layer of a pericarp. |
replum pl. repla |
< dissepiment, septum |
The persistent wall or partition that separates the two locules of a silicle or silique. |
disc 2 var. disk |
Collectively, the disc florets of a capitulum (head), or the surface presented by them. |
phyllode |
= phyllodium |
A leaf deemed to consist entirely or almost entirely of tissues evolutionarily derived from the petiole, all or a distal portion of which has become expanded and blade-like, the original blade reduced to the point of absence or vestigiality. |
phyllodium pl. phyllodia |
= phyllode |
A leaf deemed to consist entirely or almost entirely of tissues evolutionarily derived from the petiole, all or a distal portion of which has become laminar, the original blade reduced to the point of absence or vestigiality. |
column 1 |
= gynandrium, gynostemium |
A central floral structure consisting of the partly to wholly fused (connate and adnate) androecium and gynoecium; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
ear |
= auricle |
A small, rounded, lateral lobe at the base of a laminar structure, lying in more or less the same plane as the remainder of the lamina. |
corolla tube 1 |
A relatively narrow, fully connate portion of a sympetalous (gamopetalous) corolla proximal to a broader portion (limb) that comprises the distinct or connate distal portions of the petals; except in bisexual or staminate disc florets of Asteraceae (Compositae). |
floral cup 2 (strict sense) |
= hypanthium (strict sense) |
A marginal protrusion from or enlargement of the receptacle (torus) of a flower, encircling and wholly, partly or not at all adnate to the gynoecium, bearing the perianth and androecium. |
microsporocarp |
A sporocarp that bears only microsporangia. |
glochid |
= glochidium; < bristle, capillus, hair, seta, trichome |
A capillus (hair) or bristle (seta) that bears one or more barbs; esp. in Cactaceae. |
involucre 1 |
One or more closely proximate whorls, or a compact spiral, of bracts immediately subtending an inflorescence, the bracts sometimes leaf-like, sometimes petaloid. |
bracteole 1 |
= bractlet; < bract |
A diminutive bract, or a bract that is smaller than others present. |
pseudostem |
A structure that resembles a stem but is not part of the axial system of a shoot, lacking anatomical differentiation into nodes and internodes. |
carpophore 2 |
= columella; < stalk |
Any pedestal-like prolongation of a floral receptacle extending beyond the distalmost level of perianth insertion and bearing the gynoecium. |