spinulose |
apex |
Finely spinose. |
obtuse 1 |
= blunt |
apex |
Bluntly angular; having an angular tip whose generalized sides intersect at an angle of 90° or more. |
rounded |
apex |
Convex overall and more or less regularly curved. |
truncate 1 |
= abrupt |
apex |
Having a distal boundary that is generally straight or plane and approximately perpendicular to the central axis. |
hooked |
= hamate, uncinate |
apex |
Having a recurved terminal portion that resembles a hook. |
mucronate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, hard point that is a continuation of vascular tissue. See also apiculate, mucronulate. |
mucronulate |
apex |
Finely mucronate. See also apiculate. |
apiculate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, slender, angular tip that is not notably harder or stiffer than the main body of the structure. See also mucronate, mucronulate. |
sharp |
= acute |
apex |
Acutely angular; regularly and more or less straightly attenuate to an angular tip, the sides intersecting at an angle of less than 90°. |
acrid 1 |
= pungent |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a rigid, relatively short, sharp point composed of both vascular and laminar tissues. |
aristate 2 |
apex |
pappus scale |
Terminating in one or more awn- or bristle-like appendages. |
piliferous |
apex |
Having a distinct, fine, weak, hair-like portion or protrusion. |
bifurcate |
< forked, furcate |
apex |
Having two terminal, antrorse branches or divisions arising from a common point or level, like the prongs of a fork. |
horned |
= corniculate |
apex |
Bearing one or more horns (cornicula). |
awned |
= aristate, bristled |
apex |
Bearing one or more awns (aristae, bristles, setae). |
aristate 1 |
= awned, bristled |
apex |
Bearing one or more aristae (awns, bristles, setae). |
cirrhous |
apex |
Having a narrow spiral tip that is a continuation of the central primary vein. |
small-beaked |
= rostellate |
apex |
Diminutively beaked (rostrate). |
concave-tapered 1 |
= acuminate |
apex |
Gradually diminishing in width or diameter to a slender tip, the sides longitudinally concave. Corresponds with attenuate for base shape. |
oblique 1 |
apex |
Asymmetric about its longitudinal axis. |
retuse |
apex |
Round overall with an obtuse terminal sinus. |
muticous |
apex |
Lacking a distinct terminal point (when one might be expected). |
uncinate |
= hamate, hooked |
apex |
Having a recurved terminal portion that resembles a hook. |
beaked |
= rostrate |
apex |
Terminating in a relatively long, tapering, more or less rigid point. See also small-beaked (rostellate). |
bristled |
= aristate, awned |
apex |
Bearing one or more bristles (aristae, awns, setae). |