stemmed |
= caulescent |
architecture |
plant |
Having at maturity an evident, elongate, aboveground stem or stems from which branches, leaves, and/or reproductive axes arise at one or more levels along its length. |
apostemonous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having two or more distinct stamens; having the stamens unfused. |
continuous 1 |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Having the flowers or branch units distributed evenly along the axis, with no significant interruption. |
wiry |
architecture |
axis |
Relatively very narrow and elongate, tough, and resiliently flexible. |
…cephalous |
= …headed |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Having the number of heads (capitula) indicated by the prefix; as in monocephalous, tricephalous, polycephalous. |
two-lipped |
= bilabiate; < labiate, lipped |
architecture |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Strongly zygomorphic with connate and/or coherent members whose distal portions form two unequal, opposing, lip-like structures, one adaxial, one abaxial. See also gaping (personate, ringent). |
perfect |
architecture |
flower |
Having functional pistil(s) and functional stamen(s) both present, thus bisexual (hermaphroditic). |
complete |
architecture |
flower |
Having all sets of basic floral structures (calyx and corolla, or else undifferentiated perianth; androecium; and gynoecium) present and functionally normal. |
exindusiate |
architecture |
sorus |
Lacking an indusium. |
amplexicaul |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
See amplexicaulous. |
dichlamydeous |
architecture |
flower |
Having a perianth differentiated into a distinct calyx (sepals) and corolla (petals). |
hooded |
= cucullate |
architecture |
Bearing, incorporating, or surmounted by a hood-shaped structure. |
calyptrate |
architecture |
Having or constituting a calyptra. |
spathaceous 2 |
= spathe-like |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Resembling a spathe. |
symmetric(al) 1 |
architecture |
Divisible into essentially equal halves along one or more lines or planes. |
heteroblastic |
< heteromorphic |
architecture |
plant |
Having juvenile and mature leaves that differ distinctly in size and/or shape. |
stephanocolpate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Having more than three surficial grooves (colpi) oriented meridionally. |
pseudopetiolate |
architecture |
leaf |
Having a distinctly constricted, more or less stalk-like, proximal portion that is evolutionarily derived from the blade, the original petiole reduced to the point of absence or vestigiality; esp. in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
deliquescent 1 |
architecture |
axis, laminar vein |
Branching laterally and repeatedly such that the initial axis loses its prominence over the length of the structure and seems to dissolve into the succesive orders of branches. See also excurrent. |
palmatipinnate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with two orders of leaflets, the first order palmate, the second pinnate. |
continuous 2 |
= solid |
architecture |
pith |
Uninterrupted by cavities and essentially homogeneous in texture at axis maturity. |
drupaceous |
architecture |
fruit |
Having the structure and texture of a drupe. |
unstalked |
= exstipitate, sessile, stalkless |
architecture |
structure |
Lacking a stalk, thus inserted ("sitting") directly upon the bearing structure. |
even-pinnate |
= paripinnate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with each order pinnate and comprising an even number of members, none truly terminal. |
perfoliate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Having a sessile lamina (blade) that uninterruptedly encircles the bearing axis, which thus passes through it at some point within the margin. See also amplexicaulous, connate-perfoliate. |