seed leaf |
= cotyledon |
Any of the one or more primary foliar structures of an embryonic seed plant, proximal to all succeeding leaf primordia; sometimes serving as a storage organ for food reserves in the seed, as in peas and beans. |
apiculum 1 pl. apicula |
A short, slender, angular tip that is not notably harder or stiffer than the main body of the bearing structure. See also mucro. |
node |
One of the evident sectors of a stem that occur sequentially along its length and from which leaves (megaphylls) and lateral branches arise exogenously. The anatomy of nodes differs from, but is not abruptly distinct longitudinally from, that of the intervening sectors (internodes), with which it is smoothly confluent and from which is distinguished by the lateral transit and egress of vascular traces interconnecting the stem and the leaves and branches that it bears. |
bractlet 1 |
= bracteole; < bract |
A diminutive bract, or a bract that is smaller than others present. |
pinnule |
< leaflet |
A second- or higher-order division or leaflet of a pinnate frond; a division of a pinna; in Polypodiophyta. |
male cone |
= microstrobilus |
A cone (strobilus) whose fertile organs are all microsporophylls. |
calyculus 1 pl. calyculi |
= epicalyx |
A whorl of bracts immediately subtending (beneath or outside) a calyx; literally, a little calyx. |
tuft |
> coma |
A distinct, compact, relatively dense, homogeneous aggregation of plants or constituent structures such as stems, branches, leaves, bracts or trichomes. |
style |
A narrow, usually elongate, ontogenetically distal portion of a simple or compound pistil, overtopping the ovary and bearing one or more stigmas; arising from the summit of the ovary, but sometimes apparently from its base at maturity to ontogenetic displacement from its primordial distal position. In a compound pistil the various simple (carpellary) components of the style(s) may not be connate over their entire lengths; the pistil is then regarded as having a branched style or styles. |
vesicle |
A small bladder-like part consisting of an enclosing wall or covering and an empty or fluid-filled interior, sometimes turgid; esp. in citrus fruits (hesperidia). |
arista pl. aristae |
= awn, bristle, seta |
A slender, more or less straight and stiff, fine-pointed, terminal or subterminal appendage or prolongation, sometimes a continuation of the bearing structure's central primary vein, as on a glume, lemma, or palea in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
stipel |
A stipular analogue subtending a leaflet. |
megaspore |
= macrospore (not recommended) |
A female spore; a spore of the larger of two types produced by the sporophytes of a heterosporous taxon; produced in a megasporangium; giving rise upon germination to a megagametophyte. |
gemma pl. gemmae |
A vegetative propagule by which a gametophyte reproduces asexually; produced by a process analogous to budding, from a more or less cupulate specialized area (gemmae cup) on the surface of the plant body (thallus); in Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta. |
apiculum 2 pl. apicula |
The apex of a connective, when prolonged above the union of the anthers. |
epicalyx pl. epicalyces |
= calyculus |
A whorl of bracts immediately subtending (beneath or outside) a calyx. |
rhachilla |
See rachilla. |
xylem |
= wood |
The water-conducting and usually main supporting tissue of a plant or portion thereof, characterized by the presence of tracheary elements (tracheids and sometimes vessel elements); the lignified tissue of a plant or component structure, composed almost entirely of secondary tissue, i.e., that derived by secondary or lateral growth from a cambium in structures a season or more old. See also sapwood, heartwood. |
heartwood |
The senescent inner or central portion of the wood (xylem) of an older stem or root, its cells no longer living, in which conduction has ceased and primary reserve materials are no longer stored; often containing terminal metabolic products; usually darker in color than the living, conducting sapwood that encircles it. |
bractlet 2 |
= bracteole, prophyll(um); < bract |
A second- or higher-order bract within, and subtending some portion of, an aggregate branching structure, especially when subtending a flower. |
pistil |
> carpel |
Any simple or compound, discrete or histologically distinct, female (ovule-producing) floral structure, or any putatively homologous sterile structure; comprising an ovary and one or more stigmas borne either directly upon the ovary or upon one or more intervening styles. See also gynoecium. |
leaf 1 pl. leaves |
= frond, macrophyll (not recommended), megaphyll; > frond, needle |
A principal, vegetative shoot organ borne laterally from a stem node; its vascular tissues, if any, continuous with those of the stem; undergoing no significant secondary growth; usually more or less bilaterally symmetrical; comprising a distal, usually laminar blade and/or a proximal stalk (petiole) or sheath; usually a primary site of photosynthesis. |
mamilla pl. mamillae |
A nipple- or teat-shaped protrusion. |
calyculus 2 pl. calyculi |
Collectively the bractlets (bracteoles) sometimes subtending (beneath or outside) the involucre in a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
funicle |
= funiculus; < stalk |
A stalk that attaches an ovule to a placenta of the ovary wall. |