involute 2 |
vernation |
Each rolled adaxially from the lateral margins. |
plaited 2 |
= pleated, plicate |
vernation |
Having alternately adaxial and abaxial lengthwise folds, resembling a closed fan. |
supervolute |
vernation |
Each with one side rolled adaxially inward from the margin and enveloped by the abaxially rolled opposite side. |
revolute 2 |
vernation |
Each rolled abaxially inward from the lateral margins. |
circinate 2 |
vernation |
Having each leaf (frond) rolled adaxially from the sides and downward from the apex, forming a tight, flat coil; esp. in Polypodiophyta. |
pleated 2 |
= plaited, plicate |
vernation |
Having alternately adaxial and abaxial lengthwise folds, resembling a closed fan. |
contortuplicate 2 |
vernation |
Folded and twisted. |
duplicate 2 |
= conduplicate |
vernation |
Each leaf folded sharply inward along its longitudinal axis, the adaxial surfaces of each side facing one another. |
reclinate |
vernation |
Each with its blade oriented downward and parallel to the proximal portion of its distally recurved petiole. |
convolute 3 |
vernation |
Each rolled laterally and wholly surrounded by and/or surrounding the one(s) next adjacent. |
plicate 3 |
= plaited, pleated |
vernation |
Having alternately adaxial and abaxial lengthwise folds, resembling a closed fan. |
conduplicate 2 |
= duplicate |
vernation |
Each leaf folded sharply inward along its longitudinal axis, the adaxial surfaces of each side facing one another. |
obvolute 2 |
vernation |
Conduplicate with the lateral edges of each leaf alternately overlapping those of the oppositely oriented, distally next adjacent one. |
replicate |
vernation |
Each with the distal portion of its blade recurved, paralleling and contiguous with the proximal portion. |
acrodromous |
venation |
Having two or more primary and/or strongly developed secondary veins that diverge at or above the laminar base and are thence convergently arcuate toward the apex, reaching it or not. |
campylodromous |
venation |
Having several primary and/or strongly developed secondary veins that diverge from a point or small area near the base of the blade and run thence ultimately toward the apex, recurving proximally, arcuate and converging distally, reaching the apex or not. |
actinodromous |
venation |
Having three or more primary veins that diverge radially from a point at or above the base of the blade and run toward the margin, reaching it or not. |
reticulodromous |
venation |
Having a single median primary vein that branches to either side along the length of the lamina, the secondary veins running thence toward the margin, branching repeatedly, becoming less distinct, and yielding a dense higher-order reticulum near the margin. |
mixed-craspedodromous |
venation |
Having a midvein that branches to either side along the length of the lamina, the secondary veins running thence toward the margin, some becoming indistinct before reaching it, others terminating there. |
catadromous |
venation |
Having the first lateral vein in each pinna or primary segment of the frond arise from its midvein on the side toward the base of the frond, the pinnule or secondary segment that it leads to often disproportionately larger than the next distal ones. |
hyphodromous |
= one-veined, single-veined |
venation |
Having one median, primary vein and no other venation externally evident. |
eucamptodromous |
venation |
Having a single median primary vein that branches to either side along the length of the lamina, the secondary veins upwardly arcuate, gradually becoming indistinct interior to the margin, and serially interconnected by cross-branches without formation of marginal loops. |
parallelodromous |
venation |
Having two or more primary veins that run more or less parallel to one another over most of the laminar length and converge near the apex. |
cladodromous |
venation |
Having a single median primary vein that branches to either side along its length, the secondary veins running thence toward the margin, but freely ramifying and becoming indistinct before reaching it. |
one-veined |
= hyphodromous, single-veined |
venation |
Having one median, primary vein and no other venation externally evident. |