bud |
A rudimentary, unexpanded stem, stem branch, inflorescence, inflorescence branch, or flower, or a combination thereof, in a resting state; enveloped or not by subtending protective scales. |
throat 1 |
The far distal portion of a perianth, calyx, or corolla tube, or of a leaf sheath, surrounding the orifice of the tube or sheath, sometimes constricted relative to the diameter of the main body of the tube or sheath; except in disc florets of Asteraceae (Compositae). |
first glume |
The lower (proximal) or sometimes solitary small bract inserted at the base of a grass (Poaceae) spikelet, the second glume, when present, inserted immediately above (distal to) it. |
collar 1 |
The free portion (if any) of a floral tube, distal to its casing and/or neck when one or both is/are present. |
sheath (leaf) |
The lower (basal or proximal), fundamentally laminar but strongly involute portion of one of the non-petiolate leaves characteristic of most monocotyledons (Liliidae); distinct from the leaf blade, which, when present, is borne distally upon it; analogous, though not necessarily homologous, with a petiole; usually more or less completely enclosing a portion of the stem above the node from which the leaf is borne. |
embryotega pl. embryotegae, embryotegas |
A small, hardened, lid-like portion of the testa (seed coat) at the micropyle of some seeds, detaching at germination. |
bole |
= trunk; < main stem, primary stem |
The relatively stout, columnar, main stem of a distinct aboveground portion of a tree. |
massula pl. massulae |
A body of coherent pollen grains, dispersed as a unit; esp. in Asclepiadaceae, Orchidaceae. |
tendril |
A slender stem branch, modified leaf, or portion of a leaf that twines about a supporting structure. |
wall (fruit, ovary, pollen, spore) |
The exterior layer of tissue(s) enclosing anatomically distinct interior tissues and sometimes fluid and/or one or more cavities. |
sporangiophore |
< stalk |
A stalk that bears one or more sporangia. |
carina 2 pl. carinae |
= keel |
Collectively, the two relatively small, connate or coherent, abaxial (lower) petals that form the keel-like portion of a papilionaceous corolla. |
cladophyll |
= cladode, phylloclade |
A stem segment that functions as a leaf; often more or less compressed. |
sepal |
One of the one or more constituent members of a calyx; usually green and leaf-like, but sometimes with color and/or texture otherwise, sometimes petaloid; may be distinct or else connate with one or more others and/or may be free or else adnate to one or more other floral structures. |
primary root |
> taproot |
The one, central root directly basal to a shoot, developing directly from the embryonic radicle; the first-formed root of a plant, being the only one truly central in nature (i.e., belonging to the original central axis of the plant). All other roots of a plant develop subsequently and are lateral in nature. The primary root may be permanently dominant, developing into a taproot; otherwise it may be transitory or become functionally subordinate, with secondary and/or adventitious roots becoming dominant. |
knee 1 |
An abrupt bend in an axial or other elongate structure. |
sperm |
> antherozoid, spermatozoid |
A male gamete. |
pollen |
Collectively, the spores or grains produced within the thecae of anthers, each containing a very small microgametophyte (or its evolutionary homologue); serving as disseminules from which microgametes are released after transport to a receptive micropylar pollen droplet (in Pinophyta) or stigma (in Magnoliophyta) by a variety of vectors, notably wind, water, insects, bats, and birds. |
limb 2 |
The portion of the corolla of a bisexual or staminate disc floret distal to the level of filament insertion; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
sterile frond |
= trophophyll |
A frond that does not bear sporangia; in Polypodiophyta. See also fertile frond. |
hood |
= cucullus |
A hood-shaped structure or component, esp. in an inflorescence or flower. |
barb 2 |
A trichome terminated by one or two small, relatively short, stiff, sharp, acutely reflexed appendages. |
microphyll |
A small, lateral, leaf-like enation that, evolutionarily, is not a true leaf, i.e., whose vasculature, if any, consists of only a single median strand not ontogenetically integral with the vasculature of the bearing stem and not associated with leaf gaps in the stele of the stem; in Bryophyta, Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta. |
androphore |
>< stalk |
A stalk or tube that rises above the level of perianth insertion and bears the distinct portions of the androecium from its summit; as in Malvaceae, where the androphore is a tube formed by connation of the filaments. |
involucel |
One or more closely proximate whorls of bractlets (bracteoles, prophylls) immediately subtending (below or outside) a subordinate portion of an inflorescence that is subtended as a whole by an involucre, the bractlets often leaf-like, sometimes petaloid. |