corniculum pl. cornicula |
= horn |
A straight or curved, slenderly conic or conoidal protrusion or terminal portion that resembles an animal horn. |
megaspore |
= macrospore (not recommended) |
A female spore; a spore of the larger of two types produced by the sporophytes of a heterosporous taxon; produced in a megasporangium; giving rise upon germination to a megagametophyte. |
gemma pl. gemmae |
A vegetative propagule by which a gametophyte reproduces asexually; produced by a process analogous to budding, from a more or less cupulate specialized area (gemmae cup) on the surface of the plant body (thallus); in Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta. |
epicalyx pl. epicalyces |
= calyculus |
A whorl of bracts immediately subtending (beneath or outside) a calyx. |
rhachilla |
See rachilla. |
xylem |
= wood |
The water-conducting and usually main supporting tissue of a plant or portion thereof, characterized by the presence of tracheary elements (tracheids and sometimes vessel elements); the lignified tissue of a plant or component structure, composed almost entirely of secondary tissue, i.e., that derived by secondary or lateral growth from a cambium in structures a season or more old. See also sapwood, heartwood. |
heartwood |
The senescent inner or central portion of the wood (xylem) of an older stem or root, its cells no longer living, in which conduction has ceased and primary reserve materials are no longer stored; often containing terminal metabolic products; usually darker in color than the living, conducting sapwood that encircles it. |
pistil |
> carpel |
Any simple or compound, discrete or histologically distinct, female (ovule-producing) floral structure, or any putatively homologous sterile structure; comprising an ovary and one or more stigmas borne either directly upon the ovary or upon one or more intervening styles. See also gynoecium. |
leaf 1 pl. leaves |
= frond, macrophyll (not recommended), megaphyll; > frond, needle |
A principal, vegetative shoot organ borne laterally from a stem node; its vascular tissues, if any, continuous with those of the stem; undergoing no significant secondary growth; usually more or less bilaterally symmetrical; comprising a distal, usually laminar blade and/or a proximal stalk (petiole) or sheath; usually a primary site of photosynthesis. |
coma pl. comae, comas |
< tuft |
A prominent single tuft of relatively long and slender, flexible, capillate trichomes; esp. from a seed, as in Asclepias (Asclepiadaceae). |
carina 2 pl. carinae |
= keel |
Collectively, the two relatively small, connate or coherent, abaxial (lower) petals that form the keel-like portion of a papilionaceous corolla. |
mamilla pl. mamillae |
A nipple- or teat-shaped protrusion. |
funicle |
= funiculus; < stalk |
A stalk that attaches an ovule to a placenta of the ovary wall. |
tertiary vein |
A strand belonging to the third order of vasculature in a leaf or other basically laminar structure, except when that is the ultimate order (consisting of veinlets); branching from a primary or secondary vein. See also costa, lateral vein, primary vein, rib, secondary vein, veinlet. |
septum pl. septa |
> dissepiment, replum, trabecula |
A topologically and/or texturally distinct wall or partition that separates chambers or locules within an ovary, fruit or sporangium. |
peduncle |
<stalk, stipe (broad sense, not recommended) |
The common stalk, when present, of a compound inflorescence or first-order subunit thereof, or of a solitary flower that is deemed to represent an evolutionarily reduced compound inflorescence. |
hypochilium |
The proximal portion of a labellum (lip) that has distinct proximal, distal, and sometimes also central parts; in Orchidaceae. See also epichilium, mesochilium. |
androgynophore |
< stalk |
A stalk that rises above the level of perianth insertion and bears the free portions of both androecium and gynoecium from its summit; as in Passifloraceae. |
lid |
= operculum |
A distal, cover-like portion of a structure whose main body is otherwise closed, transversely discontinuous with the main body around most of the circumference, or becoming partially or wholly separate by transverse dehiscence; as of a pitcher (ascidium), pollen grain, pyxis, or spore case (sporangium). |
megasporocarp |
= macrosporocarp (not recommended) |
A sporocarp that bears only megasporangia. |
pappus pl. pappi |
A set of one or more awns (aristae, bristles, setae) or scales at the summit of an inferior ovary just beneath or outside the free portion of the corolla; persisting in the fruit (cypsela) and often aiding wind or animal dispersal; in Asteraceae (Compositae). Considered by some to be an evolutionarily modified upper calyx portion, the lower portion having been incorporated into the floral tube casing adnate to the ovary wall; considered by others to be an outgrowth from the ovary wall. |
epicarp |
= exocarp |
The outermost tissue layer of a pericarp. |
rhachis |
See rachis. |
branchlet |
A branch of the highest or ultimate order. |
leaf 2 pl. leaves |
= microphyll |
A small, lateral, leaf-like enation that, evolutionarily, is not a true leaf, i.e., whose vasculature, if any, consists of only a single median strand not ontogenetically integral with the vasculature of the bearing stem and not associated with leaf gaps in the stele of the stem; in Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta. |