testa pl. testae |
= seed coat |
The outer protective layer of a seed, developed from the ovular integument(s). |
barbellule |
= barbellula |
A small barbel (barbella); a very diminutive barb. |
spur 2 |
= short-shoot |
A first- or higher-order woody stem branch having relatively unelongated internodes, thus proximate nodes, and limited duration of growth, usually branching little if at all; often a main locus of flower production; usually more or less perpendicular to the axis that bears it and resembling a spur projecting from it; sometimes becoming more or less spinose after elongation ceases; esp. in Rosaceae. |
stolon |
= runner |
A slender stem that grows horizontally upon or just beneath the ground surface, rooting at the nodes and giving rise to erect shoot segments at some nodes and/or at its apex. |
internode |
Any portion of a stem between two successive nodes. |
rhizoid |
Any structure that is similar to a root in appearance and function but that is not a true root ontogenetically and anatomically, especially one produced from a gametophyte thallus. |
staminode |
= staminodium |
Any sterile structure deemed to represent a modified stamen, homology being inferred on the basis of structural similarity, ontogeny, and/or position; sometimes petaloid, sometimes nectariferous, sometimes connate with others or adnate to other floral structures. |
pistillode |
= pistillodium |
Any sterile structure deemed to represent a modified pistil, homology being inferred on the basis of structural similarity, ontogeny, and/or position; sometimes nectariferous, sometimes connate with others or adnate to other floral structures. |
corniculum pl. cornicula |
= horn |
A straight or curved, slenderly conic or conoidal protrusion or terminal portion that resembles an animal horn. |
filament |
The stalk, when present, of a stamen, clearly differentiated from and bearing at its summit an anther. |
scape |
A leafless, essentially naked, inflorescence-bearing stem (or peduncle) arising directly from a caudex or rhizome, its point of insertion slightly beneath, at, or slightly above the substrate surface. |
pale 2 |
= palea, palet |
The upper or distal of the (usually) two distinctive bracts immediately subtending the flower in a grass (Poaceae) spikelet. |
petal |
One of the one or more constituent members of a corolla; colored and showy in many taxa, inconspicuous in size and/or color in others; may be distinct or else connate with one or more others, and/or may be free or else adnate to one or more other floral structures. |
whorl |
= cycle, series, verticil |
A set of three or more lateral structures that are inserted around an axis at the same level. |
bark |
The outermost portion of any shoot or root axis having secondary growth, consisting of all those tissues outside the vascular cambium; sometimes exhibiting zonation into inner, living bark and outer, dead bark; usually described only as to external appearance. |
tunic |
A membranous covering outside the epidermis, especially around bulbs and corms, often becoming loose, sometimes scarious. |
isthmus |
A narrower portion connecting two wider or broader portions of an inclusive structure. |
columella 1 pl. columellae, columellas |
= carpophore; < stalk |
Any pedestal-like prolongation of a floral receptacle extending beyond the distalmost level of perianth insertion and bearing the gynoecium. |
rostrum 1 pl. rostra |
= beak |
A relatively long, tapering, more or less rigid and pointed enation or termination. |
flesh |
Tissue that is fairly firm and dense, juicy or at least moist, and easily cut. |
membrane |
A relatively thin layer of tissue that covers or separates other, different tissue(s) and/or empty space(s). |
pistillodium pl. pistillodia |
= pistillode |
Any sterile structure deemed to represent a modified pistil, homology being inferred on the basis of structural similarity, ontogeny, and/or position; sometimes nectariferous, sometimes connate with others or adnate to other floral structures. |
toothlet |
A diminutive tooth (dens). See also sawtooth, sawtoothlet, scallop (crena), scalloplet (crenule). |
palea 1 pl. paleae, paleas |
= pale, palet, receptacular bract |
A small papery (chartaceous) to membranous bract borne on the compound receptacle (torus) of a capitulum (head) in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
cell 1 |
Any of the basic structural/functional units that collectively or individually make up the various tissues of a plant; comprising, at least while physiologically active, a nucleus with included genetic material (chromosomes), a surrounding cytoplasm with included organelles (e.g., ribosomes, mitochondria, plastids), an enclosing membrane, and an exterior cellulosic wall. |