banner |
= standard, vexillum |
The relatively large, erect adaxial (upper) petal in a papilionaceous corolla. |
cladode |
= cladophyll, phylloclade |
A stem segment that functions as a leaf; often more or less compressed. |
nodule |
A small nodiform (gongylodate, gongyloid, knob-shaped, knot-shaped) segment or protrusion; esp. in roots of Fabaceae (Leguminosae) and harboring nitrogen-fixing bacteria. |
fiddlehead |
= crozier |
A circinate leaf (frond) prior to full expansion, while still wholly or distally coiled; esp. in Polypodiophyta. |
palate |
The lower, prominent labium (lip) of a personate (gaping, ringent) corolla. |
prothallus pl. prothalli |
A very diminutive thallus that is reproductively mature and undergoes no further growth; in Polypodiophyta, Pinophyta. |
mamma pl. mammae |
A rounded-conoidal protrusion, resembling the breast of a mammal. |
spur 1 |
A hollow protrusion from a calyx or corolla, often nectariferous. |
hypocotyl |
That portion of an embryo axis between the level of cotyledon insertion above and the root meristem (or radicle, if present) below. |
stylopodium pl. stylopodia |
A discoid enlargement at the base of the styles; esp. in Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
dens pl. dentes |
= tooth |
One of a series of regularly spaced, angular, marginal convexities oriented more or less perpendicular to the generalized perimeter of a laminar structure. See also crena (scallop), crenule (scalloplet), sawtooth, sawtoothlet, toothlet. |
rostellum 1 pl. rostella |
= beaklet |
A small rostrum (beak). |
areole 2 |
= areola |
foliaceous structure |
Any distinguishable laminar portion bounded on all sides by anastomosing veins and not traversed or dissected by any vasculature other than veinlets. |
coleorhiza |
A sheath-like structure enclosing the radicle (embryonic root) in an embryo; esp. in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
stipule |
Any distinct, relatively diminutive, more or less foliaceous structure inserted on a stem alongside a petiole, or on a petiole near its base, and ontogenetically closely associated with the leaf; usually occurring as one of a pair disposed one to either side of the petiole. |
megasporophyll |
= macrosporophyll (not recommended); > carpel, cone scale, ovuliferous scale |
A sporophyll that bears only megasporangia and, in Pinophyta, naked ovules that develop subsequently. |
segment |
? division, lobe |
Any generally convex, major peripheral protrusion or component sector that is delimited by concavities in the surface or margin and that is not proximally distinct from the remainder of the whole. |
cycle |
= series, verticil, whorl |
A set of three or more lateral structures that are inserted around an axis at the same level. |
megastrobilus pl. megastrobili |
= female cone, macrostrobilus (not recommended) |
A strobilus (cone) whose fertile organs are all megasporophylls. |
barb 1 |
Any relatively short, stiff, sharp, acutely inserted or bent, antrorse or retrorse, terminal or lateral appendage. |
bud |
A rudimentary, unexpanded stem, stem branch, inflorescence, inflorescence branch, or flower, or a combination thereof, in a resting state; enveloped or not by subtending protective scales. |
cross-vein |
A relatively short, secondary or higher-order vein that runs directly between two veins of the next lower order, intersecting them more or less perpendicularly. |
pale 1 |
= palea, palet, receptacular bract |
A small papery (chartaceous) to membranous bract borne on the compound receptacle of a capitulum (head) in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
diffuse root |
> fibrous root |
Any member of a dense system of adventitious, slender roots that arise from the base of a main stem and functionally replace an evanescent primary root. |
funiculus pl. funiculi |
= funicle; < stalk |
A stalk that attaches an ovule to a placenta of the ovary wall. |