viscidium pl. viscidia |
A small, viscid, glandular body of rostellar origin that becomes connected with a pollinium caudicle, either directly or through an intervening stipe, by which the pollinium attaches to a pollinating insect; in Orchidaceae. |
sporangiophore |
< stalk |
A stalk that bears one or more sporangia. |
sporangium pl. sporangia |
= spore case |
A spore-producing organ; basically capsular, often supported by a slender stalk (sporangiophore), often operculate (lidded). In Bryophyta and Polypodiophyta, a distinct portion of the sporangial wall effects regular dehiscence at maturity. Sporangia or their equivalents are also present, but of little or no descriptive significance, in seed plants. |
lip |
= labium; > labellum |
Any substructure that resembles a lip, especially a portion of a perianth, calyx or corolla. |
velum pl. vela |
A membranous adaxial flap or fold of vegetative tissue wholly or partly covering the sporangial cavity of a sporophyll; in Isoëtaceae. |
midrib |
= midnerve, midvein; < costa, nerve, rib, vein |
A primary vein that runs longitudinally through the center of a leaf or other basically laminar structure. See also lateral vein, secondary vein, tertiary vein, veinlet. |
spermatozoid |
= antherozoid; < sperm |
A motile male gamete, produced within an antheridium. |
adventitious root |
A root that arises laterally from some part of a shoot, often from the lower portion of a main stem. |
cell 1 |
Any of the basic structural/functional units that collectively or individually make up the various tissues of a plant; comprising, at least while physiologically active, a nucleus with included genetic material (chromosomes), a surrounding cytoplasm with included organelles (e.g., ribosomes, mitochondria, plastids), an enclosing membrane, and an exterior cellulosic wall. |
beaklet 2 |
= rostellum |
A sterile excrescent stigma lobe protruding between the anther and the functional stigma lobes of a column; sometimes forming one or more viscidia at pollinium maturity; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
second glume |
The upper (distal) member of a pair of small bracts inserted at the base of a grass (Poaceae) spikelet. |
fimbria pl. fimbriae |
= fringe |
A marginal series or cycle of regular, slender, closely adjacent, more or less flexible divisions or protrusions, when treated as an aggregate structure. |
thorn |
= spine |
Any sharp, stiff, simple or branched, woody appendage having vascular tissues confluent with those of the bearing structure. "Spine" is often preferred when the appendage is homologous with a leaf or stipule, and "thorn" when it is homologous with a branch. See also prickle. |
wood |
= xylem |
The water-conducting and usually main supporting tissue of a plant or portion thereof, characterized by the presence of tracheary elements (tracheids and sometimes vessel elements); the lignified tissue of a plant or component structure, composed almost entirely of secondary tissue, i.e., that derived by secondary or lateral growth from a cambium in structures a season or more old. As commonly used, the term wood generally refers only to secondary xylem, which constitutes the bulk of a mature woody stem, but it properly refers also to primary xylem, wherever found. See also sapwood, heartwood. |
androgynophore |
< stalk |
A stalk that rises above the level of perianth insertion and bears the free portions of both androecium and gynoecium from its summit; as in Passifloraceae. |
macrospore (not recommended) |
= megaspore |
A female spore; a spore of the larger of two types produced by the sporophytes of a heterosporous taxon; produced in a megasporangium; giving rise upon germination to a megagametophyte. |
ray 2 |
= lamina |
The distal, relatively flat portion of the corolla of a ray floret, terminating in 0--4 teeth or lobes; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
spore |
A simple, usually unicellular, sometimes oligocellular propagule derived by meiotic division of a diploid (2n chromosomes) sporocyte within a sporangium, thus of haploid (n chromosomes) genetic constitution. A spore constitutes the first ontogenetic stage of a gametophytic generation and gives rise to a usually multicellular gametophyte upon germination. Though technically present in seed-bearing plants, by itself it is descriptively significant only in those taxa that do not produce seeds. |
ampulla pl. ampullae |
= bladder |
A small, membranous, hollow, flask-shaped, insectivorous structure borne on a submerged leaf; esp. in Lentibulariaceae. |
lip cell |
Either of a pair of adjacent, narrow, transversely oriented, thick-walled cells bordering the pore (stomium) of a sporangium. |
coleorhiza |
A sheath-like structure enclosing the radicle (embryonic root) in an embryo; esp. in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
midvein |
= midnerve, midrib; < costa, nerve, rib, vein |
A primary vein that runs longitudinally through the center of a leaf or other basically laminar structure. See also lateral vein, secondary vein, tertiary vein, veinlet. |
cotyledon |
= seed leaf |
Any of the one or more primary foliar structures of an embryonic seed plant, proximal to all succeeding leaf primordia; sometimes serving as a storage organ for food reserves in the seed, as in peas and beans. |
cladode |
= cladophyll, phylloclade |
A stem segment that functions as a leaf; often more or less compressed. |
beard |
A growth of relatively long, erect, flexible, capillary trichomes from one or more limited sectors of a structure's surface. |