disc 1 var. disk |
Any distinct, annular to discoid structure produced from or borne upon a floral receptacle between or basal to any of the sets of floral organs; usually fleshy, often nectariferous. |
caruncle |
= strophiole |
An outgrowth from the seed coat (testa) around or near the hilum and micropyle, or from the raphe. |
second glume |
The upper (distal) member of a pair of small bracts inserted at the base of a grass (Poaceae) spikelet. |
columella 1 pl. columellae, columellas |
= carpophore; < stalk |
Any pedestal-like prolongation of a floral receptacle extending beyond the distalmost level of perianth insertion and bearing the gynoecium. |
pinna pl. pinnae |
< leaflet |
One of the first-order divisions or leaflets of a pinnate frond; in Polypodiophyta. See also pinnule. |
macrosporocarp (not recommended) |
= megasporocarp |
A sporocarp that bears only macrosporangia (megasporangia). |
fruit |
Any unitary seed-bearing structure of a flowering plant, consisting of the matured or ripened pistil(s) of one or more flowers along with any other floral or vegetative tissue(s) persisting adnate to them; characteristic of and unique to Magnoliophyta (Angiospermae). |
corolla pl. corollae, corollas |
Collectively, the petals of a flower, whether distinct or connate; the inner or distal envelope of a differentiated perianth, whether the other envelope (calyx) is actually present or is deemed to be absent due to evolutionary reduction. |
ray floret |
A floret that has a zygomorphic corolla, is pistillate (either fertile or sterile) or neuter, and is borne in a radiate capitulum (head) peripheral (proximal) to the disc florets; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
gynophore |
= hypogynium; < stalk, stipe (broad sense, not recommended) |
The basal portion of an ovary when constricted and stalk-like above the level of perianth insertion, bearing the main body of the pistil at its summit. |
spore |
A simple, usually unicellular, sometimes oligocellular propagule derived by meiotic division of a diploid (2n chromosomes) sporocyte within a sporangium, thus of haploid (n chromosomes) genetic constitution. A spore constitutes the first ontogenetic stage of a gametophytic generation and gives rise to a usually multicellular gametophyte upon germination. Though technically present in seed-bearing plants, by itself it is descriptively significant only in those taxa that do not produce seeds. |
lip cell |
Either of a pair of adjacent, narrow, transversely oriented, thick-walled cells bordering the pore (stomium) of a sporangium. |
flower |
A functionally integrated, complex structure comprising sets of sporophytic and/or associated sterile structures disposed in standard sequence along a common axis; consisting of one or more constituent members each of, in ascending (proximal to distal) order of insertion, perianth (tepals, or else sepals and/or petals), androecium (stamens, staminodes and/or other associated structures), and/or gynoecium (pistils and/or other associated structures), the foregoing all borne laterally from the distal portion (receptacle) of the axis; depending upon the combination of structures present, may be bisexual, staminate only, pistillate only, or sterile; characteristic of and unique to the Magnoliophyta (Angiospermae). When a fertile androecium and gynoecium are both present a flower is termed perfect. When perfect and also with calyx and corolla both present, a flower is termed complete. Both terms are somewhat archaic and of limited descriptive value. |
awn |
= arista, bristle, seta |
A slender, more or less straight and stiff, fine-pointed, terminal or subterminal appendage or prolongation, sometimes a continuation of the bearing structure's central primary vein, as on a glume, lemma, or palea in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
midvein |
= midnerve, midrib; < costa, nerve, rib, vein |
A primary vein that runs longitudinally through the center of a leaf or other basically laminar structure. See also lateral vein, secondary vein, tertiary vein, veinlet. |
branch |
Any higher-order division of or outgrowth from an axis, vein or veinlet when such division or outgrowth is equivalent in nature to the structure of origin. |
disc 2 var. disk |
Collectively, the disc florets of a capitulum (head), or the surface presented by them. |
secondary root |
Any root branch that originates directly or indirectly from a primary root. |
columella 2 pl. columellae, columellas |
= carpophore; < stalk |
The stalk supporting a mericarp after dehiscence of a schizocarpic fruit, the central axis of the fruit having split longitudinally to yield two or four such stalks; composed of receptacular and (primarily) gynoecial tissues; esp. in Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
infructescence 1 |
A mature (fruiting) inflorescence (static sense). |
fertile frond |
< spore leaf, sporophyll |
A frond that bears sporangia; in Polypodiophyta. See also sterile frond (trophophyll). |
cane |
< culm, stem |
A woody, aboveground culm. Use of this term or culm instead of stem is a matter of tradition and preference, not of descriptive precision or necessity. |
macrosporophyll (not recommended) |
= megasporophyll; > carpel, cone scale, ovuliferous scale |
A sporophyll that bears only megasporangia and, in Pinophyta, naked ovules that develop subsequently. |
corolla tube 1 |
A relatively narrow, fully connate portion of a sympetalous (gamopetalous) corolla proximal to a broader portion (limb) that comprises the distinct or connate distal portions of the petals; except in bisexual or staminate disc florets of Asteraceae (Compositae). |
labellum pl. labella |
< labium, lip |
The third petal of a tripetalous flower when distinctively different from the other two, usually enlarged relative to them and/or differently shaped or colored, usually apparently the abaxial (lower) petal of the three due to resupination during ontogenesis; esp. in Orchidaceae. |