sinuous |
course |
Regularly wavy in one plane, curved alternately and more or less regularly to either side. |
strict |
course |
Lacking any curve or bend. |
extrorse |
dehiscence |
anther |
Opening outwardly, on the abaxial side. See also introrse, latrorse. |
latrorse |
dehiscence |
anther |
Opening laterally, on the tangential sides. See also extrorse, introrse. |
septicidal |
dehiscence |
fruit |
Splitting longitudinally into or through the suture(s) in the outer wall and, if present, through the septum(-a) between locules, the latter thus opened indirectly to the outside. |
poricidal |
dehiscence |
Forming one or more apertures in the exterior wall, usually apically or sub-apically, through which the contents pass to the outside. |
septifragal |
dehiscence |
fruit |
Splitting through the exterior wall suture(s) but not the septum(-a), the valves of the wall then separating from the septum(-a) and the locules thus opened directly to the outside. |
dehiscent |
dehiscence |
Splitting or forming one or more apertures at maturity, the contents thereby released for dispersal. |
indehiscent |
dehiscence |
Not splitting or forming an aperture at maturity, the contents being released for dispersal only after decay, digestion, or erosion of the structure. |
circumscissile |
dehiscence |
Splitting transversely through the exterior wall about its entire circumference, the resulting upper cap-like portion falling away. |
valvate 3 |
dehiscence |
anther |
Poricidal with the pores formed by the raising of small flaps (valves) in the exterior wall. |
valvate 4 |
dehiscence |
fruit |
With longitudinal segments of the wall (valves) separating partly or wholly from one another, spreading outward from the base or apex, and sometimes falling away. |
subvalvate |
dehiscence |
Incompletely or partly valvate. |
loculicidal |
dehiscence |
fruit |
Splitting longitudinally through the outer wall(s) and directly into the locule(s), between the sutures, if any. |
longitudinal 1 |
dehiscence |
Parallel to the central axis. |
introrse |
dehiscence |
anther |
Opening inwardly, on the adaxial side. See also extrorse, latrorse. |
transverse 1 |
dehiscence |
More or less perpendicular to the central axis. |
explosive |
dehiscence |
Opening abruptly with almost instantaneous aperture formation and release of accumulated structural tensions, the contents thus forcibly expelled. |
integumentary |
derivation |
aril |
Produced from or a modification of one or both seed integuments. |
funicular |
derivation |
aril |
Produced from or a modification of the funiculus (funicle). |
andropetalous 2 |
derivation |
flower, perianth, corolla |
Having some or all petals derived from stamens. |
false |
derivation |
indusium |
Constituting a marginal fold of the lamina as a whole and not a distinct enation from the epidermis. |
adenopetalous 2 |
derivation |
flower, perianth, corolla |
Having petals derived from glandular structures. |
adventitious |
derivation |
Arising more or less unpredictably from an organ, tissue, or site that is an unusual, abnormal, or atypical origin for structures of its type. |
true |
derivation |
indusium |
Constituting a distinct enation from the epidermis, not simply a marginal fold of the lamina as a whole. |