sagittate 1 |
= arrowhead-shaped |
base |
laminar structure |
Having two retrorse, generally triangular lobes, one to either side. |
spurred |
= calcarate |
base |
Having a relatively slender protrusion resembling a spur. |
attenuate 1 |
= concave-tapered |
base |
Gradually diminishing in width or diameter toward the proximal end, the sides longitudinally concave. Corresponds with acuminate for apex shape. |
tailed 2 |
= caudate |
base |
With one or more relatively slender, retrorse basal enations or appendages. |
obtriangular 1 |
= cuneate, wedge-shaped |
base |
laminar structure |
Attenuate with the sides more or less straight and intersecting at an acute angle. |
cuneate 1 |
= obtriangular, wedge-shaped |
base |
laminar structure |
Attenuate with the sides more or less straight and intersecting at an acute angle. |
decurrent |
base |
laminar structure |
Having the lamina prolonged and adherent to the supporting axis beneath the point of vascular insertion, the prolonged portion termed a sterigma. |
auriculate |
= eared |
base |
laminar structure |
Having two small, rounded, lateral lobes, one to either side, that lie in more or less the same plane as the remainder of the lamina. |
obtuse 2 |
= blunt |
base |
Bluntly angular; having an angular proximal portion whose generalized sides intersect at an angle of 90° or more. |
hastate 1 |
= halberd-head-shaped |
base |
laminar structure |
Having two generally triangular lobes, one to either side, oriented more or less perpendicular to the central axis. |
rounded |
base |
Convex overall and more or less regularly curved. |
fixation |
Mode of attachment to a supporting structure. |
sculpture |
= relief |
General topographic aspect of a surface. Overlaps conceptually with solid shape. |
duration |
Extent of lifetime, or persistence and physical state after maturation. |
reproduction |
Type, morphology, disposition, function and/or dissemination of reproductive structures. |
maturation |
Timing of the attainment of functional maturity, sometimes relative to other structures, sometimes as to constituent structures relative to each other. |
odor |
Olfactory stimulation. |
venation |
Configuration of laminar vasculature as to its hierarchical organization and the dispositions of component orders. For descriptive purposes, the orders of vasculature are ranked with reference only to the lamina in point, irrespective of rank within any larger vascular context. |
aestivation |
Disposition of perianth (undifferentiated), calyx, or corolla members in the bud. |
size |
Nature as to absolute or comparative extent in any one dimension or in area or volume. |
placentation |
Disposition of the placenta(e) within an ovary. |
prominence |
Elevation or depression of a discrete feature relative to the surrounding surface. |
extent |
Reach of the septum or septa within the ovary or fruit, relative to the ovary wall or pericarp and its center. |
derivation |
Ontogenetic origin. |
course |
Linear pattern of the centerline through the length of an axis or vein. |