…cellular |
= …celled |
architecture |
Having the number of cells indicated by the prefix; as in bicellular, multicellular, oligocellular. |
naked 2 |
architecture |
bud |
Lacking enclosing protective scales, the outermost embryonic components exposed and not differing significantly from those within. See also perulate. |
dichlamydeous |
architecture |
flower |
Having a perianth differentiated into a distinct calyx (sepals) and corolla (petals). |
foliate |
= leaf-bearing |
architecture |
plant, stem |
Bearing leaves. |
pedicellate |
< stalked |
architecture |
flower |
Having a pedicel. |
climbing-rooted |
< aerial-rooted |
architecture |
plant, structure |
Bearing climbing roots. |
monochasiate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more simple or compound monochasia. See also cincinnate, cymose, cymulose, dichasiate, helicoid-cymose, scorpioid-cymose. |
spike-like |
= spiciform |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a spike, but not strictly such. |
calyculate 1 |
architecture |
capitulum (head) |
With the involucre subtended by a calyculus; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
synstemonous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having two or more stamens, some or all of them connate. |
deliquescent 1 |
architecture |
axis, laminar vein |
Branching laterally and repeatedly such that the initial axis loses its prominence over the length of the structure and seems to dissolve into the succesive orders of branches. See also excurrent. |
asymmetric(al) 2 |
architecture |
flower |
Having the perianth members in whorls that are irregular and/or unequal in number of members. |
stipitate |
< stalked |
architecture |
structure |
Having a stipe. |
chorisepalous |
= aposepalous, dialysepalous, polysepalous |
architecture |
flower, perianth, calyx |
Having two or more distinct sepals; having the sepals unfused. |
trilete |
architecture |
spore |
Having a triradiate tetrad scar. |
continuous 2 |
= solid |
architecture |
pith |
Uninterrupted by cavities and essentially homogeneous in texture at axis maturity. |
drupaceous |
architecture |
fruit |
Having the structure and texture of a drupe. |
…pistillate |
= …gynous, …pistilled |
architecture |
flower, gynoecium |
Having the number of pistils indicated by the prefix; as in tripistillate. |
palaceous |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Having the petiole attached to the abaxial face of the blade at some point within the margin and adnate to it from there to the margin, thus peltate but with the distal portion of the petiole adnate to the blade, the whole shovel- or spade-like. |
naked 3 |
= achlamydeous |
architecture |
flower |
Lacking a perianth. |
weeping |
architecture |
plant |
Having elongate, flexible, pendent branches. |
aphyllous |
= leafless |
architecture |
plant, axis |
Not bearing leaves. |
…foliate |
= …leaved |
architecture |
plant, stem |
Having (only) the number of leaves indicated by the prefix; as in hexafoliate, trifoliate. |
…styled |
= …stylous |
architecture |
flower, pistil |
Having the number of styles indicated by the prefix; as in five-styled. |
radiate 1 |
architecture |
capitulum (head) |
Bearing one or more peripheral series of florets that are pistillate (either fertile or sterile) or neuter and that have zygomorphic corollas, and one or more central series of bisexual or functionally staminate florets that have actinomorphic corollas; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |