acrid 1 |
= pungent |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a rigid, relatively short, sharp point composed of both vascular and laminar tissues. |
retuse |
apex |
Round overall with an obtuse terminal sinus. |
muticous |
apex |
Lacking a distinct terminal point (when one might be expected). |
uncinate |
= hamate, hooked |
apex |
Having a recurved terminal portion that resembles a hook. |
rostellate |
= small-beaked |
apex |
Diminutively rostrate (beaked). |
corniculate |
= horned |
apex |
Bearing one or more cornicula (horns). |
cone-shaped |
= conic(al) |
apex |
Transversely round, essentially triangular in median longitudinal section, and broadest proximally. See also obconic(al). |
…-toothed 1 |
= …dentate |
apex |
Generally truncate but with the number of antrorse, attenuate, distal lobes indicated by the prefix; as in three-toothed. |
tailed 1 |
= caudate |
apex |
laminar structure |
Terminating in a relatively long, flexible, narrowly acuminate tip composed of laminar tissue. |
rostrate |
= beaked |
apex |
Terminating in a relatively long, tapering, more or less rigid point. See also rostellate (small-beaked). |
hamate |
= hooked, uncinate |
apex |
Having a recurved terminal portion that resembles a hook. |
furcate |
= forked; > bifurcate |
apex |
Having two or more terminal, antrorse branches or divisions arising from a common point or level, like the prongs of a fork. |
conic(al) |
= cone-shaped |
apex |
Transversely round, essentially triangular in median longitudinal section, and broadest proximally. See also obconic(al). |
praemorse |
apex |
Truncate with the distal margin irregular or ragged, as if chewed. |
forked |
= furcate; > bifurcate |
apex |
Having two or more terminal, antrorse branches or divisions arising from a common point or level, like the prongs of a fork. |
spinose 1 |
apex |
Terminating in a rigid, tapering, sharp continuation of the central primary vein. See also spinulose. |
andropetalous 1 |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having petaloid, sterile stamens. |
unifacial |
architecture |
Having two opposite broad surfaces that are essentially similar in appearance. |
…petalous |
= …petaled |
architecture |
flower, perianth, corolla |
Having the number of petals indicated by the prefix; as in pentapetalous. |
haplocheilic |
= simple-lipped |
architecture |
stomate |
Having subsidiary cells not derived from the primary stoma mother cell and thus not immediately related ontogenetically to the guard cells. |
monopodial |
architecture |
axes |
Branching laterally, each axis of each order of branches produced by a single, persistently dominant, apical meristem. See also sympodial. |
spinose 2 |
= echinate, spiny |
architecture |
Bearing spines. See also spinulose. |
bifacial |
architecture |
Having two opposite broad surfaces that differ distinctly in appearance. |
interrupted 2 |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Having one or more gaps in an otherwise uniform distribution of flowers or branch units along the main axis. |
eradicate |
= rootless |
architecture |
plant |
Lacking a root. |