ligulate 1 |
= liguliferous |
architecture |
structure |
Having a ligule. |
paracytic |
= rubiaceous |
architecture |
stomate |
Having one or more subsidiary cells to either side, all oriented parallel to its long axis. |
calyculate 2 |
architecture |
flower |
Subtended by a calyculus (epicalyx). |
cincinnate |
< helicoid-cymose |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more cincinni. |
solid |
= continuous |
architecture |
pith |
Uninterrupted by cavities and essentially homogeneous in texture at axis maturity. |
leaf-like |
= foliaceous |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a leaf in shape, texture and color. |
continuous 1 |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Having the flowers or branch units distributed evenly along the axis, with no significant interruption. |
drupaceous |
architecture |
fruit |
Having the structure and texture of a drupe. |
even-pinnate |
= paripinnate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with each order pinnate and comprising an even number of members, none truly terminal. |
petal-like |
= petaloid |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a petal in shape, texture and color. |
complex |
architecture |
Comprising two or more basic structural entities, at least two of which are dissimilar. |
tunicate |
architecture |
structure |
Having a tunic. |
peltate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Petiolate with the petiole attached to the abaxial face of the blade at some point within the margin and otherwise free from the blade. |
radicant |
= rooting |
architecture |
structure |
Developing adventitious roots; esp. stems or leaves. |
aphyllous |
= leafless |
architecture |
plant, axis |
Not bearing leaves. |
ligulate 2 |
architecture |
floret |
Bisexual with a zygomorphic corolla; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
hollow |
= excavate(d) |
architecture |
axis |
Having pith tissue absent or disintegrating prior to axial maturity, resulting in an uninterrupted cavity running the length of the axis. Semantically, this term and its synonym refer to the axis, not to the pith itself, although the latter application has been traditional. |
stoloniferous |
= runnering, sarmentose |
architecture |
plant |
Producing stolons (runners), by means of which it propagates vegetatively. |
corymb-like |
= corymbiform |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a corymb, but not strictly such. |
rhizomatous |
architecture |
plant |
Having rhizomes. |
deliquescent 1 |
architecture |
axis, laminar vein |
Branching laterally and repeatedly such that the initial axis loses its prominence over the length of the structure and seems to dissolve into the succesive orders of branches. See also excurrent. |
non-septate |
architecture |
trichome |
Lacking transverse inter- or intracellular septa or partitions. |
helicoid-cymose |
> cincinnate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more helicoid cymes. See also scorpioid-cymose. |
asymmetric(al) 2 |
architecture |
flower |
Having the perianth members in whorls that are irregular and/or unequal in number of members. |
continuous 2 |
= solid |
architecture |
pith |
Uninterrupted by cavities and essentially homogeneous in texture at axis maturity. |