imperfect |
architecture |
flower |
Having either stamens or pistils absent or non-functional, thus unisexual. |
involucrate 2 |
architecture |
capitulum (head) |
Having an involucre. |
branched 2 |
architecture |
laminar veinlet |
Dividing within the areole, each branch ending blindly. |
alternate 2 |
arrangement |
structures in multiple whorls |
Having those of each whorl staggered radially in relation to those of the adjacent whorl(s). |
infrapetiolar |
position |
bud |
Axillary and surrounded by the petiole base at maturity. |
septate 2 |
architecture |
trichome |
Unicellular to multicellular with transverse partitions (septa) that are common cell walls (intercellular) and/or intrusions from longitudinal cell walls (intracellular). |
antisepalous |
position |
equivalent floral structures |
Each inserted directly above or below a sepal. In place of this term, the phrase "opposite the sepals" is often used, but that contradicts the sense of opposite as otherwise employed (arrangement of lateral structures along an axis) and should be avoided. |
loose 2 |
texture |
Soft overall, discontinuously and only weakly cohesive. |
actinodromous |
venation |
Having three or more primary veins that diverge radially from a point at or above the base of the blade and run toward the margin, reaching it or not. |
lineate 1 |
coloration |
Having very narrow, straight, clear or colored lines that contrast with the ground color. |
chaff 1 |
Collectively, the paleae (pales, palets) sometimes borne on the receptacle of a capitulum (head) in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
sterigma pl. sterigmata |
A portion of a lamina that is prolonged and adherent to the supporting axis beneath the point of vascular insertion. |
convolute 2 |
arrangement |
cotyledons |
Each rolled or folded inward longitudinally, one enveloping the other. |
microgametophyte |
A gametophyte whose fertile organs (gametangia) are all antheridia. |
casing |
The portion (if any) of a floral tube that is adnate to the gynoecium. See also collar, neck. |
cyathiate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more cyathia. |
massula pl. massulae |
A body of coherent pollen grains, dispersed as a unit; esp. in Asclepiadaceae, Orchidaceae. |
subopposite |
arrangement |
Alternate but verging on opposite. |
basicaulous |
insertion |
At or very near the stem base. |
nectar |
An aqueous exudate of high sugar content. |
axile |
placentation |
Upon the central axis of a compound, plurilocular ovary. |
mucilage |
substance |
A slimy exudate. |
symbiotic |
nutrition |
plant |
Partially dependent for essential nourishment upon other living organisms that derive some reciprocal benefit from the relationship. |
symmetric(al) 1 |
architecture |
Divisible into essentially equal halves along one or more lines or planes. |
obtrulloid |
solid shape |
Inversely trulloid. |