aestivation |
Disposition of perianth (undifferentiated), calyx, or corolla members in the bud. |
vallecular |
position |
In or otherwise directly associated with the valleculae; esp. in fruits of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
sickle-shaped 1 |
= falcate |
plane shape |
Elongate and laterally arcuate with the lateral edges more or less concentric, the degree of curvature decreasing distally or not; like the outline of the face of a sickle blade. |
worm-shaped |
= vermiculate |
solid shape |
Basically cylindric, elongate, and slender with bluntly rounded ends, variously curved over its length. |
lacunate |
relief |
Having relatively large and deep depressions overall. |
bisexual |
= hermaphroditic |
reproduction |
Having functional reproductive structures of both sexes. See also perfect. |
tiered |
arrangement |
In two or more rows that are arrayed one above another. |
faceted |
solid shape |
Having numerous, relatively small, flat or shallowly curved portions of the external surface that are bounded by more or less distinct angular discontinuities in that surface. |
saddle-shaped |
= selliform |
solid shape |
Relatively thin, broad and long, strongly compound-curved, concavely from end to end and convexly from side to side; like the generalized shape of a saddle. |
coloration |
Hue(s), intensity(ies), and/or pattern (if any) of coloring. When more than one hue and/or intensity is involved, a term describing the pattern of contrast will be applicable, and the description as a whole should be phrased to indicate the particular role of each in the pattern; e.g., "ovaries striate, yellow on green"; "petals pink, spotted yellow basally"; "sepals green, suffused with red". |
halberd-head-shaped 2 |
= hastate |
plane shape |
Basically triangular with an acute apex and two large, widely divergent basal lobes, each generally triangular and distally acute; like the stylized outline of the broad lateral face of a halberd head. |
dehiscence |
Mode of opening (splitting or forming apertures). |
porosity |
Presence and disposition of vessels (pores) in wood (xylem). |
lobed |
? cleft, dissected, divided, lobate, parted, partite, segmented |
solid shape |
Having one or more component sectors or peripheral protrusions that is/are delimited by concavities in the surface or margin and that is/are not proximally distinct from the remainder of the whole. The meanings of this term and its approximate synonyms sometimes have been supposed to differ according to the depth of the delimiting concavities relative to the midline or midpoint of the overall structure, and/or to the shape or proportions of the protusions or sectors; however, there has been little consistency in the applications of the various terms according to such distinctions, which are ones only of degree and are necessarily arbitrary in any case. In general usage, these terms differ only indistinctly and connotatively: cleft, lobed (or lobate), parted (or partite) and segmented tend to connote fewer protrusions or sectors; lobate usually connotes as well a generally rounded shape; dissected tends to connote more numerous sectors that are elongate and angular. See also cut (incised, lacerate, torn), laciniate (slashed). |
capillate |
= capillary, hair-like |
solid shape |
Finely filiform; like a hair. |
acicular 2 |
= acerose, needle-shaped |
solid shape |
Rounded in cross-section and very slenderly elongate, broadest near the middle, and gradually attenuate to an acute apex and a slightly blunter base; like a needle. |
umbrella-shaped |
= umbraculiform |
solid shape |
Having a slender, elongate proximal axis and a very broad, meniscoid distal portion, the latter oriented with its convex face distal; like an umbrella. |
septum pl. septa |
> dissepiment, replum, trabecula |
A topologically and/or texturally distinct wall or partition that separates chambers or locules within an ovary, fruit or sporangium. |
seriate |
= cyclic, verticillate, whorled |
arrangement |
Disposed along the axis in groups of three or more, the members of each group (cycle, series, verticil, whorl) inserted around the axis at the same level. |
crassate |
architecture |
Relatively thick for the type of structure or in the taxonomic context. |
hypocotyl |
That portion of an embryo axis between the level of cotyledon insertion above and the root meristem (or radicle, if present) below. |
dropper |
= tuberoid |
An axial outgrowth that descends from a bulb and eventually forms a new bulb; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
radiate 2 |
= radial, radiant, stellate |
arrangement |
Disposed about and mutually divergent from a common geometric center in two or three dimensions, thus collectively actinomorphic. |
terminal |
position |
Apical and with the same developmental axis as the whole, of which it is the distalmost portion or appendage. |
clavate |
= club-shaped |
solid shape |
Elongate and basically round in transverse section, the diameter greatest at or near a blunt apex, thence attenuate toward the base, the degree of taper greatest between the middle and the upper quarter. |