gummy |
texture |
Highly viscous and sticky, liquid or more or less deformably solid, sometimes more or less elastic. |
gynaecium |
See gynoecium. |
gynandrium pl. gynandria |
= column, gynostemium |
A central floral structure consisting of the partly to wholly fused (connate and adnate) androecium and gynoecium; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
gynandrous |
architecture |
flower |
Having the androecium adnate to the gynoecium. |
gynecandrous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Monoecious, each inflorescence having a distal sector with only pistillate flowers and a proximal sector with only staminate ones. |
gynobasic |
insertion |
style |
Apparently arising from the ovary base. |
gynodioecious |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having some plants with only bisexual flowers and some with only pistillate ones. |
gynoecium pl. gynoecia var. gynaecium |
The pistil(s) of a single flower together with any ontogenetically equivalent or subordinate structures present, taken collectively; the total female (ovule-producing) structural complement of a single flower. It may include one to many pistils, each simple or compound. |
gynomonoecious |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having all plants with both bisexual flowers and pistillate ones. |
gynophore |
= hypogynium; < stalk, stipe (broad sense, not recommended) |
The basal portion of an ovary when constricted and stalk-like above the level of perianth insertion, bearing the main body of the pistil at its summit. |
gynostegium pl. gynostegia |
< corona |
An androecial corona, typically consisting of distinct hood- and/or horn-shaped enations that rise above the anthers; esp. in Asclepiadaceae. |
gynostemium pl. gynostemia |
= column, gynandrium |
A central floral structure consisting of the partly to wholly fused (connate and adnate) androecium and gynoecium; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
…gynous |
= …pistillate, …pistilled |
architecture |
flower, gynoecium |
Having the number of pistils indicated by the prefix; as in monogynous, pentagynous, polygynous. |
habit |
General appearance and/or function, usually including explicit or implicit reference to one or more aspects of habitat or other features of the external environment; a logically imprecise traditional category of terms that overlaps conceptually with architecture, arrangement, duration, insertion, location, orientation, position, shape, and texture. |
haft |
The narrow portion of a structure that is notably constricted. |
hair |
= capillus; > glochid, glochidium; < cilium, trichome |
A hair-like trichome. |
hair-like |
= capillary, capillate |
solid shape |
Finely filiform; resembling a hair. |
halberd-head-shaped 1 |
= hastate |
base |
laminar structure |
Having two generally triangular lobes, one to either side, oriented more or less perpendicular to the central axis. |
halberd-head-shaped 2 |
= hastate |
plane shape |
Basically triangular with an acute apex and two large, widely divergent basal lobes, each generally triangular and distally acute; like the stylized outline of the broad lateral face of a halberd head. |
half-inferior |
= subinferior |
position |
ovary |
Having its proximal portion enclosed by a floral tube casing, the more distal portions of the perianth and/or androecium thus arising between its base and apex. |
half-obterete |
= semiobterete |
solid shape |
Inversely half-terete; obterete but flattened on one side. |
half-terete |
= semiterete |
solid shape |
Terete but flattened on one side. |
hamate |
= hooked, uncinate |
apex |
Having a recurved terminal portion that resembles a hook. |
hanging |
= pendent, pendulous |
orientation |
stalked structure |
Having the stalk strongly recurved from its base, the main body oriented downward. See also nodding (cernuous, nutant). |
hapaxanthic |
= monocarpic |
reproduction |
plant |
Normally reproducing sexually only once, then promptly senescent. |