flesh |
Tissue that is fairly firm and dense, juicy or at least moist, and easily cut. |
dissepiment |
< septum; > replum |
A wall or partition between adjacent locules of an ovary or fruit. |
punctate 2 |
= dotted |
relief |
Having small, round, shallow depressions or low protrusions. See also puncticulate (small-dotted). |
beak 1 |
= rostrum |
A relatively long, tapering, more or less rigid and pointed enation or termination. |
trochlear |
= pulley-wheel-shaped |
solid shape |
Discoid (disciform) but with the circumferential surface concave between faces. |
membrane |
A relatively thin layer of tissue that covers or separates other, different tissue(s) and/or empty space(s). |
segmented |
? cleft, dissected, divided, lobed, lobate, parted, partite |
solid shape |
Having two or more major component sectors or peripheral protrusions that are delimited by concavities in the surface or margin and that are not proximally distinct from the remainder of the whole. The meanings of this term and its approximate synonyms sometimes have been supposed to differ according to the depth of the delimiting concavities relative to the midline or midpoint of the overall structure, and/or to the shape or proportions of the protusions or sectors; however, there has been little consistency in the applications of the various terms according to such distinctions, which are ones only of degree and are necessarily arbitrary in any case. In general usage, these terms differ only indistinctly and connotatively: cleft, lobed (or lobate), parted (or partite) and segmented tend to connote fewer protrusions or sectors; lobate usually connotes as well a generally rounded shape; dissected tends to connote more numerous sectors that are elongate and angular. See also cut (incised, lacerate, torn), laciniate (slashed). |
parallelodromous |
venation |
Having two or more primary veins that run more or less parallel to one another over most of the laminar length and converge near the apex. |
cristate |
= crested |
apex |
Having a laterally elongate, relatively thin, irregular or notched protrusion. |
antheridium pl. antheridia |
A male gametangium; a multicellular fertile organ of a mature gametophyte within which male gametes (antherozoids, spermatozoids) are produced and from which they are discharged, in some taxa forcibly, through a pore. Technically present but highly reduced and of no descriptive significance in Magnoliophyta and part of Pinophyta. |
interpetiolar |
< nodal |
insertion |
Upon the stem between the bases of opposite leaves. |
supramedial |
insertion |
Just above the middle of the structure in point. |
epidermis pl. epidermides, epidermises |
The anatomically distinct, outermost, living tissue that encloses and protects the other tissues of a plant organ or part, usually overlaid by an exuded waxy cuticle; resulting from primary growth, disrupted and shed as a consequence of secondary growth if that occurs; consisting mainly of cells not further specialized, otherwise including various types of more specialized cells associated with trichomes and stomates. |
calceolate |
= slipper-shaped |
solid shape |
Relatively thin-walled with an essentially hollow interior that is open on one side at the broader end. |
acuminate |
= concave-tapered |
apex |
Gradually diminishing in width or diameter to a slender tip, the sides longitudinally concave. Corresponds with attenuate for base shape. |
scabrellous |
= scabrellate, scabridulous |
relief |
Minutely scabrous (rough, scabrate, scabrid, scabridous). See also spiculate, which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
solid shape |
Overall three-dimensional form or aspect(s) thereof. Overlaps conceptually with architecture, arrangement, habit, insertion, orientation, position, relief, and texture (as to thickness). |
staminodial |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the staminodes. |
pistillodium pl. pistillodia |
= pistillode |
Any sterile structure deemed to represent a modified pistil, homology being inferred on the basis of structural similarity, ontogeny, and/or position; sometimes nectariferous, sometimes connate with others or adnate to other floral structures. |
axillary |
position |
Within the axil; nodal and at or very close to the vertex of the distal angle between a lateral structure, especially a leaf, and the axis that bears it. |
leaf-opposed |
insertion |
Nodal and directly opposite the leaf. |
toothlet |
A diminutive tooth (dens). See also sawtooth, sawtoothlet, scallop (crena), scalloplet (crenule). |
axis pl. axes |
Any unitary and longitudinally continuous structure that bears laterally the subordinate portion(s), if any, of a plant root or shoot or any subdivision thereof and that represents the main line of structural development and/or symmetry distal to its origin, irrespective of the particular ontogenetic growth pattern involved. See also primary axis. |
leaf-opposed |
position |
Nodal and directly opposite the leaf. |
top-shaped |
= turbinate |
solid shape |
Broadly obovoid-obconic; like a spinning top. See also pear-shaped (pyriform), obturbinate. |