botuliform |
= sausage-shaped |
solid shape |
Arcuately cylindric with rounded ends. |
brachiate |
architecture |
axis |
Having alternate, divaricate branches. |
bract 1 (broad sense) |
> bracteole, bractlet, phyllary, prophyll(um); >< scale |
Any lateral structure ontogenetically and anatomically analogous with, and therefore presumably homologous with, but relatively smaller than, a leaf, especially when subtending an inflorescence, other reproductive structure, or portion thereof; putatively, an evolutionarily reduced leaf. |
bract 2 (strict sense) |
Any primary or first-order lateral structure ontogenetically and anatomically analogous with, and therefore presumably homologous with, but relatively smaller than, a leaf, especially when subtending an inflorescence, other reproductive structure, or portion thereof; putatively, an evolutionarily reduced leaf. |
bracteate |
= bracted |
architecture |
Bearing or subtended by one or more bracts. |
bracted |
= bracteate |
architecture |
Bearing or subtended by one or more bracts. |
bracteolate |
= bractleted |
architecture |
Bearing or subtended by one or more bracteoles (bractlets, prophylls). |
bracteole 1 |
= bractlet; < bract |
A diminutive bract, or a bract that is smaller than others present. |
bracteole 2 |
= bractlet, prophyll(um); < bract |
A second- or higher-order bract within, and subtending some portion of, an aggregate branching structure, especially when subtending a flower. |
bractlet 1 |
= bracteole; < bract |
A diminutive bract, or a bract that is smaller than others present. |
bractlet 2 |
= bracteole, prophyll(um); < bract |
A second- or higher-order bract within, and subtending some portion of, an aggregate branching structure, especially when subtending a flower. |
bractleted |
= bracteolate |
architecture |
Bearing or subtended by one or more bractlets (bracteoles, prophylls). |
branch |
Any higher-order division of or outgrowth from an axis, vein or veinlet when such division or outgrowth is equivalent in nature to the structure of origin. |
branched 1 |
= ramiform, ramose, ramous |
architecture |
axis, vein |
Dividing into or bearing branches. |
branched 2 |
architecture |
laminar veinlet |
Dividing within the areole, each branch ending blindly. |
branchlet |
A branch of the highest or ultimate order. |
breast-shaped |
= mammiform |
solid shape |
Rounded conic, like the breast of a mammal. |
brickwork-like |
= muriform |
arrangement |
cells |
Disposed like bricks in a wall; in parallel rows, the members in each row overlapping the boundaries between members of the adjacent rows. |
bristle 1 |
= arista, awn, seta |
A slender, more or less straight and stiff, fine-pointed, terminal or subterminal appendage or prolongation, sometimes a continuation of the bearing structure's central primary vein, as on a glume, lemma, or palea in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
bristle 2 |
= seta; > glochid, glochidium; < trichome |
A trichome that is elongate, more or less straight, terete, fine-pointed, and stiff. |
bristle-shaped |
= setaceous, setiform |
solid shape |
Elongate, slender, terete, straight, terminating in a fine point, and apparently stiff. |
bristled |
= aristate, awned |
apex |
Bearing one or more bristles (aristae, awns, setae). |
bristly |
> hispid, setose |
pubescence |
Of or bearing relatively long and slender, more or less straight, terete, fine-pointed, stiff trichomes. |
brittle |
= friable |
texture |
Dry, firm and easily broken. |
brochidodromous |
venation |
Having a single median primary vein that branches to either side along its length, the secondary veins incurving strongly near but short of the margin, interconnecting serially, and forming a succession of marginal loops. |