clambering |
habit |
plant, axis |
Reclining upon and spreading across other plants or objects without the aid of special holding structures or growth patterns. |
replicate |
vernation |
Each with the distal portion of its blade recurved, paralleling and contiguous with the proximal portion. |
intercostal |
insertion |
Between the costae. |
chambered |
architecture |
pith |
Interrupted by cavities that are more or less regularly spaced along the axis and that result from disintegration of tissue prior to axis maturity. |
lacuna pl. lacunae |
A hole or cavity; an empty space surrounded by tissue in two or three dimensions. |
collateral |
insertion |
buds |
In pairs within or immediately straddling the leaf axils, the members of a pair lateral to one another. |
jacket cell |
Any of the cells forming the portion of an antheridial wall between the basal cells and the cap cell(s). |
soboliferous |
architecture |
plant |
Having several, loosely clumped, principal stems that arise from a common underground stem system, each distinct above ground level. |
silique |
nominative |
fruit |
Dry, septifragal, two-loculed and derived from a single, superior, compound ovary; much longer than broad; dehiscing along two sutures, one adaxial, one abaxial, leaving a single persistent septum (replum) after the two valves of the pericarp have fallen away; esp. in Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), Capparaceae. See also silicle. |
spur 1 |
A hollow protrusion from a calyx or corolla, often nectariferous. |
spinose 1 |
apex |
Terminating in a rigid, tapering, sharp continuation of the central primary vein. See also spinulose. |
stipule |
Any distinct, relatively diminutive, more or less foliaceous structure inserted on a stem alongside a petiole, or on a petiole near its base, and ontogenetically closely associated with the leaf; usually occurring as one of a pair disposed one to either side of the petiole. |
corolla tube 1 |
A relatively narrow, fully connate portion of a sympetalous (gamopetalous) corolla proximal to a broader portion (limb) that comprises the distinct or connate distal portions of the petals; except in bisexual or staminate disc florets of Asteraceae (Compositae). |
mixed-craspedodromous |
venation |
Having a midvein that branches to either side along the length of the lamina, the secondary veins running thence toward the margin, some becoming indistinct before reaching it, others terminating there. |
barbellate |
architecture |
Bearing one or more barbels. |
corolla tube 2 |
The portion of the corolla of a bisexual or staminate disc floret proximal to the level of filament insertion; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
monadal |
arrangement |
pollen |
Shed singly, or essentially so, only loosely and irregularly, if at all, coherent, each original tetrad having separated fully. |
absent |
presence |
Not occurring within the context in point. |
bract 2 (strict sense) |
Any primary or first-order lateral structure ontogenetically and anatomically analogous with, and therefore presumably homologous with, but relatively smaller than, a leaf, especially when subtending an inflorescence, other reproductive structure, or portion thereof; putatively, an evolutionarily reduced leaf. |
diplotegium pl. diplotegia |
nominative |
fruit |
A pyxis with accessory tissue adnate to the pericarp; derived from an inferior ovary. |
syngenesious |
fusion |
flower, androecium |
Having the anthers connate or coherent and forming a ring. |
biennial 1 |
duration |
plant, stem |
Normally living two years; germinating or forming and growing vegetatively during one cycle of seasons, then reproducing sexually and dying during the following one. |
enation |
A relatively small outgrowth from an otherwise regular boundary or surface of a larger structure. |
suprafoliar |
insertion |
Upon the stems, each directly above (distal to) and very near a point of leaf insertion. |
tomentose |
pubescence |
Bearing dense, short, stiff, capillate trichomes. See also tomentulose. |