Catalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute: Digital Public Domain Images

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Accession Number: 5290.12
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Mesogloia divaricata, Aegira zosterae, Aegira virescens, Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus, Leathesia difformis, Chordaria flagelliformis''
Taxon: Aegira, Phaeophyta, Chordariaceae Chordaria, Phaeophyta, Chordariaceae Dictyosiphon, Phaeophyta, Dictyosiphonaceae Leathesia, Phaeophyta, Corynophlaeceae Mesogloia, Phaeophyta, Chordariaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 12.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.13
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Acrothrix novae-angliae, Arthrocladia villosa, Desmarestia viridis, D. aculeata, Stilophora rhizoides''
Taxon: Acrothrix, Phaeophyta, Acrotrichaceae Arthrocladia, Phaeophyta, Desmarestiaceae Desmarestia, Phaeophyta, Desmarestiaceae Stilophora, Phaeophyta, Striariaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 13.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.14
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Mesogloia divaricata, Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus, Chorda filum, Chordaria flagelliformis, Petalonia fascia, Stilophora rhizoides, Desmarestia aculeata, Leathesia difformis''
Taxon: Chorda, Phaeophyta, Chordaceae Chordaria, Phaeophyta, Chordariaceae Desmarestia, Phaeophyta, Desmarestiaceae Dictyosiphon, Phaeophyta, Dictyosiphonaceae Leathesia, Phaeophyta, Corynophlaeceae Mesogloia, Phaeophyta, Chordariaceae Petalonia, Phaeophyta, Asperococcaceae Stilophora, Phaeophyta, Striariaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 14.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.15
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Chorda filum, Scytosiphon lomentaria, Petalonia fascia, Punctaria plantaginea, P. latifolia, Desmotrichum undulatum, Asperococcus echinatus''
Taxon: Asperococcus, Phaeophyta, Punctariaceae Chorda, Phaeophyta, Chordaceae Desmotrichum, Phaeophyta, Asperococcaceae Petalonia, Phaeophyta, Punctariaceae Punctaria, Phaeophyta, Punctariaceae Scytosiphon, Phaeophyta, Scytosiphonaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 15.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.16
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Desmotrichum undulatum, Scytosiphon lomentaria, Punctaria plantaginea, Asperococcus echinatus''
Taxon: Asperococcus, Phaeophyta, Punctariaceae Desmotrichum, Phaeophyta, Asperococcaceae Punctaria, Phaeophyta, Punctariaceae Scytosiphon, Phaeophyta, Scytosiphonaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 16.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.17
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Sphacelaria cirrhosa, Arthrocladia villosa, Cladostephus verticillatus''
Taxon: Arthrocladia, Phaeophyta, Desmarestiaceae Cladostephus, Phaeophyta, Sphacelariaceae Sphacelaria, Phaeophyta, Sphacelariaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 17.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.18
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Laminaria digitata, L. agardhii''
Taxon: Laminaria, Phaeophyta, Laminariaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 18.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.19
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Laminaria stenophylla, L. intermedia''
Taxon: Laminaria, Phaeophyta, Laminariaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 19.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.20
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Laminaria faeroensis, L. longicruris''
Taxon: Laminaria, Phaeophyta, Laminariaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 20.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.21
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Laminaria platymeris, Alaria esculenta''
Taxon: Alaria, Phaeophyta, Laminariaceae Laminaria, Phaeophyta, Laminariaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 21.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.22
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Agarum cribrosum, Phyllaria dermatodea''
Taxon: Agarum, Phaeophyta, Laminariaceae Phyllaria, Phaeophyta, Laminariaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 22.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.23
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Fucus edentatus f. angustior, F. filiformis, F. edentatus, F. evanescens''
Taxon: Fucus, Phaeophyta, Fucaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 23.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.24
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Fucus spiralis, F. evanescens''
Taxon: Fucus, Phaeophyta, Fucaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 24.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.25
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Fucus vesiculosus, F. vesiculosus v. spiralis, F. vesiculosus v. sphaerocarpus''
Taxon: Fucus, Phaeophyta, Fucaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 25.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.26
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Fucus serratus, Ascophyllum mackaii''
Taxon: Ascophyllum, Phaeophyta, Fucaceae Fucus, Phaeophyta, Fucaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 26.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.27
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Ascophyllum nodosum, A. nodosum f. scorpioides, Sargassum filipendula''
Taxon: Ascophyllum, Phaeophyta, Fucaceae Sargassum, Phaeophyta, Sargassaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 27.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.28
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Goniotrichum alsidii, Bangia ciliaris, B. fuscopurpurea, Erythrotrichia carnea''
Taxon: Bangia, Rhodophyta, Bangiaceae Erythrotrichia, Rhodophyta, Bangiaceae Goniotrichum, Rhodophyta, Bangiaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 28.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.29
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Erythropeltis discigera v. flustrae, Cruoriopsis ensis, Conchocelis rosea, Colaconema americana''
Taxon: Colaconema, Rhodophyta, Bangiaceae Conchocelis, Rhodophyta, Chantransiaceae Cruoriopsis, Rhodophyta, Squamgriaceae Erythropeltis, Rhodophyta, Bangiaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 29.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.30
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Porphyra umbilicalis, Grinnellia americana, Phycodrys rubens, Plumaria sericea''
Taxon: Grinnellia, Rhodophyta, Delesseriaceae Phycodrys, Rhodophyta, Delesseriaceae Plumaria, Rhodophyta, Ceramiaceae Porphyra, Rhodophyta, Bangiaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 30.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.31
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Acrochaetium secundatum, A. virgatulum, A. daviesii, Rhodochorton membranaceum''
Taxon: Acrochaetium, Rhodophyta, Chantransiaceae Rhodochorton, Rhodophyta, Acrochaetiaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 31.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.32
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Acrochaetium microfilum, A. compactum, A. moniliforme v. mesogloiae, A. radiatum, A. unifilum''
Taxon: Acrochaetium, Rhodophyta, Chantransiaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 32.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.33
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Acrochaetium intermedium, A. subseriatum''
Taxon: Acrochaetium, Rhodophyta, Chantransiaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 33.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.34
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Acrochaetium attenuatum, A. alcyonidii, A. alcyonidii v. cylindricum''
Taxon: Acrochaetium, Rhodophyta, Chantransiaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 34.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.35
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Gelidium crinale, Gigartina stellata, Asparagopsis hamifera, Nemalion multifidum, Dumontia incrassata, Polyides rotundus, Gymnogongrus norvegicus, Lomentaria baileyana''
Taxon: Asparagopsis, Rhodophyta, Bonnemaisoniaceae Dumontia, Rhodophyta, Dumontiaceae Gelidium, Rhodophyta, Gelidiaceae Gigartina, Rhodophyta, Gigartinaceae Gymnogongrus, Rhodophyta, Phyllophoraceae Lomentaria, Rhodophyta, Champiaceae Nemalion, Rhodophyta, Helminthocladiaceae Polyides, Rhodophyta, Rhizophyllidaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 35.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5290.36
Artist Name: Jao, Chin-Chih
Life Span: (1900-1998)
Nationality: China
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Corallina officinalis, Fosliella lejolisii, Hildebrandia prototypus''
Taxon: Corallina, Rhodophyta, Corallinaceae Fosliella, Rhodophyta, Corallinaceae Hildebrandia, Rhodophyta, Squamariaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 30
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for William Randolph Taylor, Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1937. Pl. 36.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
