Catalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute: Digital Public Domain Images

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Accession Number: 4983
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: Tauchia [sic]?, Arracacia mariana Wats.''
Taxon: Tauschia, Apiaceae alt. Umbelliferae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 28.5 x 23
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: ''Fig. 14'' (t.r.)
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4984
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Claytonia arenicola Henderson''
Taxon: Claytonia, Portulacaceae
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 22.5 x 15.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4985
Artist Name: Walpole, Frederick Andrews
Life Span: (1861-1904)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Lathyrus bijugatus White & L.b. sandburgii White''
Taxon: Lathyrus, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae
Medium: pencil
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 22.5 x 15.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4986
Artist Name: Booth, T. D.
Life Span:
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [not yet photographed]. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Taxon: Alstonia, Apocynaceae
Medium: etching and engraving
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 50.5 x 31.5
Image Size: 43 x 28.5
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4987
Artist Name: Booth, T. D.
Life Span:
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [not yet photographed]. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Taxon: Lauraceae ? Loranthaceae ? Olacaceae ?[[Rhamnaceae ? Santalaceae ? Sapotaceae ? Theophrastaceae ? Thymelaeaceae ?
Medium: etching and engraving
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 44.5 x 34.5
Image Size: 43.5 x 27
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: T. D. Booth (b.r.)
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4988
Artist Name: Booth, T. D.
Life Span:
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [not yet photographed]. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Taxon: Euphorbiaceae
Medium: etching and engraving
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 47 x 33
Image Size: 42.5 x 29
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: Booth (b.r.)
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4989
Artist Name: Cameron, M.
Life Span:
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database [item yet to be photographed]. When using it, please include the following credit statement: courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Taxon: Sagittaria ?, Alismaceae ?
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 38 x 21.5
Image Size: 34.5 x 18
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: M. Cameron (b.r.)
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4990
Artist Name: Dillon, Gordon Winston
Life Span: (1912-)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Drimys confertifolia Phil., D. winteri J. R. et G. Forst. var. andina Reiche''
Taxon: Drimys confertifolia Phil., Magnoliaceae Drimys winteri J. R. et G. Forst. var. andina Reiche, Magnoliaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 24.5
Image Size: 15 x 22.5
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: Gordon W. Dillon (b.l.)
Published: for A. C. Smith, ''American species of Drimys.'' J. Arnold Arbor. 24: 13. 1943. Fig. 2.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4991
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Taxon: Cucurbitaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 36 x 27
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4992
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Leibergia orogenioides C. et R.''
Taxon: Leibergia, Apiaceae alt. Umbelliferae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 36 x 27
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for John M. Coulter and J. N. Rose, "Monograph of the North American Umbelliferae." Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 7(1): 9-256. 1900. Pl. 3 (opposite p. 109).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4993
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Esenbeckia acapulcensis Rose and Esenbeckia berlandieri Baillon''
Taxon: Esenbeckia, Rutaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 21
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for J. N. Rose, "Studies of Mexican and Central American plants. - no. 1." Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 5(3): 1897. Pl. 3 (opposite p. 111).
Notes: Also two proofs, one without legend. Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4994
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Esenbeckia macrantha Rose''
Taxon: Esenbeckia, Rutaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 21
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for J. N. Rose, "Studies of Mexican and Central American plants. - no. 1." Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 5(3): 1897. Pl. 2 (opposite p. 111).
Notes: Also two proofs, one without legend. Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4995
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Echinopepon pringlei Rose''
Taxon: Echinopepon, Cucurbitaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 21
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for J. N. Rose, "Studies of Mexican and Central American plants. - no. 1." Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 5(3): 1897. Pl. 4 (opposite p. 117).
Notes: Also two proofs, one without legend. Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4996
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Pittiera pavifolia Rose''
Taxon: Pittiera, Cucurbitaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 21
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for J. N. Rose, "Studies of Mexican and Central American plants. - no. 1." Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 5(3): 1897. Pl. 5 (opposite p. 123).
Notes: Also two proofs, one without legend. Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4997
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Schizocarpum attenuatum Rose''
Taxon: Schizocarpum, Curcurbitaceae
Medium: lithograph
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 20.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for J. N. Rose, "Studies of Mexican and Central American plants. - no. 1." Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 5(3): 1897. Pl. 6 (opposite p. 124).
Notes: Also two proofs, one without legend. Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4998
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Abutilon bakerianum Rose''
Taxon: Abutilon, Malvaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 20.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for J. N. Rose, "Studies of Mexican and Central American plants - no. 1." Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 5(3): 1897. Pl. 11 (opposite p. 133).
Notes: Also two proofs, one without legend. Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 4999
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Brongniartia suberea Rose''
Taxon: Brongniartia, Fabaceae alt. Leguminosae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 20.5
Image Size: 24.5 x 16.5
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for J. N. Rose, "Studies of Mexican and Central American plants - no. 1." Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 5(3): 1897. Pl. 13.
Notes: Also two proofs, one without legend. Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5000
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Cuphea nelsoni Rose''
Taxon: Cuphea, Lythraceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 20.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for J. N. Rose, "Studies of Mexican and Central American plants - no. 1." Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 5(3): 1897 Pl. 15 (opposite p. 137).
Notes: Also two proofs, one without legend. Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5001
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Gymnogramme subcordata Eaton and Davenport''
Taxon: Eriosorus, Pteridophyta, Pteridaceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 20.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for J. N. Rose, "Studies of Mexcian and Central American plants. - no. 1." Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 5(3). 1897. Pl. 16 (opposite p. 138).
Notes: Also two proofs, one without legend. Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5002
Artist Name: Faxon, Charles Edward
Life Span: (1846-1918)
Nationality: United States
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Passiflora nelsoni Rose''
Taxon: Passiflora, Passifloraceae
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 20.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: for J. N. Rose, "Studies of Mexican and Central American plants. - no. 1. "Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 5(3): 1897. Pl. 17 (opposite p. 142).
Notes: Also two proofs, one without legend. Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5003
Artist Name: Gallandelt
Life Span:
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Taxon: Myrtus, Myrtaceae Rosaceae
Medium: etching, engraving
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 43 x 27
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5004
Artist Name: Graham
Life Span:
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Taxon: Myristica, Myristicaceae
Medium: etching, engraving
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 44.5 x 30.5
Image Size: 43.5 x 28.5
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5005
Artist Name: Graham
Life Span:
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Taxon: Rosaceae
Medium: etching, engraving
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 44.5 x 30.5
Image Size: 43.5 x 28.5
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5006
Artist Name: Hochstein
Life Span:
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Pachypodium brachycarpum''
Taxon: Pachypodium, Apocynaceae
Medium: engraving
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 45.5 x 30
Image Size:
Edition: artist's proof
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: United States exploring expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842 under the command of Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. Atlas. Lower cryptogamia. Phanerogamia of the Pacific Coast of North America. Vol. 17. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1862. Pl. 1.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 5007
Artist Name: Hochstein
Life Span:
Image (click image to view full size):
Credit: This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the database. When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Title: ''Kelloggia galioides''
Taxon: Kelloggia, Rubiaceae
Medium: engraving
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 45.5 x 30
Image Size:
Edition: artist's proof
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Published: United States exploring expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842 under the command of Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. Atlas. Lower cryptogamia. Phanerogamia of the Pacific Coast of North America. Vol. 17. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1862. Pl. 6.
Printmaker: Sherman
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
