Accession Number: 8154.001
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Gentiana catesbaeii
Taxon: Gentiana catesbaeii Walter, Gentianaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 13.5 [attached to 28 x 22 cm paper]
Notes: B & B; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.002
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Sabatia campanulata
Taxon: Sabatia campanulata (Linnaeus) Torrey, Gentianaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 14.5 [attached to 28 x 21.5 cm paper]
Notes: B & B; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.003
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Asclepias syriaca Linnaeus, Asclepiadaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21 x 20 [attached to 28 x 21.5 cm paper]
Notes: day 11/25 10:30 ; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.004
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Convolvulus arvensis
Taxon: Convolvulus arvensis Linnaeus, Convolvulaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Notes: XI-um#34889; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.005
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Cuscuta polygonorum
Taxon: Cuscuta polygonorum Engelmann, Convolvulaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 8.5 [attached to 28 x 22 cm paper]
Notes: B & B; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.006
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Phlox drummondii, Hooker, Polemoniaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 15.5 [attached to 28 x 21.5 cm paper]
Notes: x1, um 35542 in B & B; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.007
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Hydrophyllum macrophyllum
Taxon: Hydrophyllum macrophyllum Nuttall, Hydrophyllaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x1, R. Hellman #28; 8/21-1:45 likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.008
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Mertensia virginica
Taxon: Mertensia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon ex Link, Boraginaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: redrawn from Wild Flowers of N. Y.; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.009
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Myosotis micrantha
Taxon: Myosotis micrantha Pallas ex Lehmann, Boraginaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 12.5 [attached to 28 x 21.5 cm paper]
Notes: um #15728; all hairy; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.010
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Boraginaceae, Heliotropium
Taxon: Heliotropium Linnaeus, Boraginaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: live, greenhouse; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.011
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Verbena hastata Linnaeus, Verbenaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x1 Live; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.012
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Lamium purpureum Linnaeus, Lamiaceae alt. Labiatae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x1 Live; hairs-lf. margins; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.013
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Plantago lanceolata
Taxon: Plantago lanceolata Linnaeus, Plantaginaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: live; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.014
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Forsythia, Oleaceae
Taxon: Forsythia Vahl, Oleaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x1, live; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.014a
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Chionanthus, Oleaceae
Taxon: Chionanthus D. Royen, Oleaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 28 [taped to board 21.25 x 29 cm]
Notes: x1, live (details x10, x 2); likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.015
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Veronica persica Poiret, Scrophulariaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x1, live. details x4, um #41294; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.016
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Penstemon calycosus
Taxon: Penstemon calycosus Small, Scrophulariaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: B & B; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.017
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Pachystachys lutea, Acanthaceae
Taxon: Pachystachys lutea Nees, Acanthaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x2/3, live; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.018
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Catalpa Scopoli, Bignoniaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 28
Notes: x 1/2, live; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.019
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Campanulaceae, Platycodon
Taxon: Platycodon de Candolle, Campanulaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: Live x1; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.020
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Houstonia caerulea, Rubiaceae
Taxon: Houstonia caerulea Linnaeus, Rubiaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x1, live; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.021
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Galium aparine Linnaeus, Rubiaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 12 [taped to paper 28 x 21.5 cm]
Notes: Krochnal pg. 127; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.022
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Dipsacus Linnaeus, Dipsacaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: Live; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.023
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Rudbeckia hirta Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 15.5 [taped to paper 28 x 21.5 cm]
Notes: from Brown & Brown; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.024
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Aster Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 16 [taped to paper 28 x 21.5 cm]
Notes: B & B; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.