Accession Number: 0852.051
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Symphoria racemosa''
Taxon: Symphonia Linnaeus fil., Clusiaceae alt. Guttiferae
Dimensions (cm): 23.5 x 16.5
Notes: "N[ew] J[ersey] / unk[nown?] / 5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.052
Image (click image to view):
Taxon: Viburnum Linnaeus, Caprifoliaceae
Notes: "5-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.053
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Cephalant[h]us occidentalis''
Taxon: Cephalanthus Linnaeus, Rubiaceae
Dimensions (cm): 29.5 x 20.5
Notes: "4-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.054
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Gardenia dumetorum''
Taxon: Gardenia J. Ellis, Rubiaceae
Dimensions (cm): 28.5 x 21.5
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.055
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Hamelia [Hamamelis] grandiflora''
Taxon: Hamelia N. J. Jacquin, Rubiaceae
Dimensions (cm): 23.5 x 16.5
Notes: "5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.056
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Hedyotis campanulaflora [sic, campanuliflora intended]''
Taxon: Hedyotis Linnaeus, Rubiaceae
Notes: "Brazil 1826 / {Brasils Miller 1826} / H-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.057
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Image (click image to view):
Taxon: Ixora Linnaeus, Rubiaceae
Dimensions (cm): 25 x 19.5
Notes: "Brooks / 4-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.058
Artist Name: Unknown (Clarke)
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Image (click image to view):
Taxon: Mussaenda Linnaeus, Rubiaceae
Notes: "Nepaul {Nepal?] Clarke 1824 / 5-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.059
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Taxon: Nauclea Linnaeus, Rubiaceae
Notes: "China plant / 1823 / 4-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.060
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Pavet[t]a indica''
Taxon: Pavetta Linnaeus, Rubiaceae
Dimensions (cm): 27.5 x 24
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.061
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Rondeletia hirta''
Taxon: Rondeletia Linnaeus, Rubiaceae
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 18.5
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.062
Artist Name: Unknown (probably by EK)
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Scabiosa prolifera''
Taxon: Scabiosa Linnaeus, Dipsacaceae
Notes: "P. 1829 / 4-1 / [illegible] / August 1829"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76). Probably by EK when compared to monogrammed works by EK.
Accession Number: 0852.063
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Scabiosa caucasica''
Taxon: Scabiosa Linnaeus, Dipsacaceae
Dimensions (cm): 26 x 19.5
Notes: "4-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.064
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Achillea gerbesii [sic]''
Taxon: Achillea Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Notes: "Dr. Fischer [Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer (1782-1854), Director of the Imperial Garden at St. Petersburg (1823-1850)] / 1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.065
Artist Name: Duncombe, E.
Image (click image to view):
Taxon: Achillea Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Dimensions (cm): 24 x 17.5
Notes: "E.H. / 19-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.066
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Achillea biserrata''
Taxon: Achillea Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Dimensions (cm): 30.5 x 17.5
Notes: "H[amburgh?] / 1829"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.067
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Actinomeris aluta [sic]''
Taxon: Actinomeris Nuttall, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Dimensions (cm): 34.5 x 24
Notes: "Manning [Robert Manning (fl. 1824-1850), British, agent sent to Mexico in 1824 by Baraclay and Co. to negotiate loans with the Mexican government] / Mexico 1828 / 19-3"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.068
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Taxon: Ageratum Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Notes: "Murryat [Mrs. Joseph Marryat, member Horticultural Society of London, private collector of plants, developed extensive gardens at their estate Wimbledon House, Surrey] [18]29"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.069
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Ammobium alatum''
Taxon: Ammobium R. Brown ex Sims, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Dimensions (cm): 30.5 x 24.5
Notes: "New Zeyl[an]d / C.T. [Charles Telfair (1778-1838) in Mauritius—retired surgeon for Royal Navy, established Royal Gardens on the island of Mauritius in 1826; honorary supervisor of the Botanic Garden of Pamplemousses from 1826 to 1829] 1823 / 19-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.070
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Anthemis grandiflora''
Taxon: Anthemis Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Dimensions (cm): 26 x 19.5
Notes: "1826 / 19-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.071
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Aster amygdalina''
Taxon: Aster Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Dimensions (cm): 24.5 x 17
Notes: N[orth]. Am[erica]1824 / 19-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.072
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Aster fruticosa''
Taxon: Aster Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Dimensions (cm): 24.5 x 18
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.073
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Aster grandiflorus''
Taxon: Aster Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Notes: "19-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.074
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Senecio lilacina''
Taxon: Senecio Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Notes: "H[amburgh?] / 1829 / 19-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
Accession Number: 0852.075
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Taxon: Aster Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Dimensions (cm): 27.5 x 20
Notes: "Altai / H[oare?] 1828 / 19-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).