Catalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute

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Accession Number: 0851.020
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Argemone albiflora''

Argemone Linnaeus, Papaveraceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26 x 32.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1827
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.021
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Corydalis cucularia? var. erubescens''

Corydalis A. P. de Candolle, Papaveraceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 16
Image Size: 15.5 x 13
Date of Execution: 1829
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "N[orth] Am[erica] / 1827"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.022
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Escholtzia [sic] californica''

Eschscholzia Chamisso, Papaveraceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 23
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1829
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "HS [Horticultural Society of London] / 1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.023
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Fumaria fungosa''

Fumaria Linnaeus, Papaveraceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26 x 18.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1824
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "Nutt [Nuttall] / 1823 / 17-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.024
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Fumaria noblis''

Fumaria Linnaeus, Papaveraceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 18.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1824
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.c.)
Notes: "16-1 / 17-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.025
Artist Name: Unknown (DB)
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Nationality: England
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Hunnemannia fumarifolia''

Hunnemannia Sweet, Papaveraceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 22
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1828
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "Mexico / DB / 1827 / 13-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.026
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Glaucium phoeniceum''

Glaucium P. Miller, Papaveraceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 25 x 30.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1827
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.027
Artist Name: Duncombe, E. (attr. to)
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: "Papaver nudicaule [y?]"

Papaver Linnaeus, Papaveraceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26 x 19
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: "13-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.028
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Papaver alpinum''

Papaver Linnaeus, Papaveraceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26 x 19
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1828
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "H[oare?] / [18]28"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.029
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward (attr. to)
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Papaver bracteatum''

Papaver Linnaeus, Papaveraceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 23.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: "from Bot. Garden Chelsea [Chelsea Physic Garden] by Mr Graves / 13-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.030
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Anethonema sp.''

Brassicaceae alt. Cruciferae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 23 x 30.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1830
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "Persia / Dr Fischer [Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer (1782-1854), Director of the Imperial Garden at St. Petersburg (1823-1850)] / 1829"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.031
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Biscutella hispida''

Biscutella Linnaeus, Brassicaceae alt. Cruciferae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26 x 18
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1827
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "Fischer / Got[tingen] [Christian Abraham Fischer (1785-1836), inspector of the Botanic Garden at Georg-August-University in Göttingen (ca. 1821-1836)] / 1827"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.032
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Cheiranthus ochrolaucus''

Cheiranthus Linnaeus, Brassicaceae alt. Cruciferae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 26
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1829
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "[Young?]"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.033
Artist Name: Unknown (Carr)
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Nationality: England
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Dentaria laciniata''

Dentaria Linnaeus, Brassicaceae alt. Cruciferae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 24.5 x 18
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1828
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "Can. / 1828 / 15-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.034
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Iberis {scapilifolia?} tenoreana''

Iberis Linnaeus, Brassicaceae alt. Cruciferae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 19.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1830
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "Ho[r?]t / Palermo / [H?} / 1829"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.035
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Mathiola [sic] odoratissima''

Matthiola W. T. Aiton, Brassicaceae alt. Cruciferae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 18.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1828
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "Siberia / [K?] / 1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.036
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Sterigma torulosa''

Sterigma A. P. de Candolle, Brassicaceae alt. Cruciferae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 27 x 19
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1830
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: Dr F[ischer?] [Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer (1782-1854), Director of the Imperial Garden at St. Petersburg (1823-1850)] / Persia / 1829"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.037
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Sevenia? cheiranthifolia?''

Brassicaceae alt. Cruciferae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: "Dr Fischer [Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer (1782-1854), Director of the Imperial Garden at St. Petersburg (1823-1850)] / Siberia / 1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.038
Artist Name: Florence, A. B.
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Nationality: England
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Capparis spinosa''

Capparis Linnaeus, Capparidaceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 34 x 23.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1824
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.c.)
Notes: "A.B. Florence / 13-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.039
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Cleome sp.''

Cleome Linnaeus, Capparidaceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 32 x 26.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1826
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "Mexico / Mr / 1826 / 15-2"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.040
Artist Name: Unknown
Life Span: (active 1820-1840)
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Cistus formosus''

Cistus Linnaeus, Cistaceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 18
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: "13-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.041
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Hudsonia ericoides''

Hudsonia Linnaeus, Cistaceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 25 x 17
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1829
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "N[orth] America"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.042
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward (attr. to)
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA


Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26 x 18.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Notes: "13-1"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.043
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Polygala stipulacea''

Polygala Linnaeus, Polygalaceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26 x 18
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1829
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 0851.044
Artist Name: Donovan, Edward
Life Span: 1768–1837
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Courtesy, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: ''Dianthus giganteus''

Dianthus Linnaeus, Caryophyllaceae

Medium: watercolor
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 26.5 x 16.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: 1829
Place of Execution:
Signature: E. D. (b.l.)
Notes: "Webb [Philip Barker Webb (1793-1854) self-sponsored plant collector, botanized in Portugal/Spain, author] / 1828"; 5 volumes of 119, 150, 162, 128, and 150 paintings (nearly all by Donovan with some by other hands including E. Duncombe, M. Fox, WH, EK, JK, and LR) accessioned with prefix 0851., 0852., 0853., 0854., and 0855. The monogram E. D. (in block letters) indicates Edward Donovan and ED (in script) indicates E. Duncombe (see accession 0853.76).
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
