Accession Number: 2496.0109
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc.''
Taxon: Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 38.5 x 27.5
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 100 (p. 90).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0110
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Gymnopogon ambiguus (Michx.) B.S.P.''
Taxon: Gymnopogon ambiguus (Michx.) B.S.P., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 39 x 26.5
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 752 (p. 517).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0111
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Holcus lanatus L.''
Taxon: Holcus lanatus L., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 38.5 x 25
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 413 (p. 306).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0112
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Hordeum vulgare L.''
Taxon: Hordeum vulgare L., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 21.5
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 369 (p. 273).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0113
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Hystrix patula Moench''
Taxon: Hystrix patula Moench, Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 33 x 21.5
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 359 (p. 266).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0114
Artist Name: HITCHCOCK-CHASE COLLECTION: Lamson-Scribner, Frank
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Homalocenchrus hexandrus (Sw.) Britton''
Taxon: Leersia hexandra Swartz, Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 40.5 x 24
Published: for Lamson-Scribner, ''American grasses (illustrated).'' Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 7: 93. 1897. Fig. 75.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0115
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Leersia lenticularis Michx.''
Taxon: Leersia lenticularis Michx., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 808 (p. 558).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0116
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Leersia oryzoides (L.) Swartz''
Taxon: Leersia oryzoides (L.) Swartz, Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 809 (p. 559).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0117
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Leersia virginica Willd.''
Taxon: Leersia virginica Willd., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 13.5 x 9.5
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 810 (p. 560).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0118
Artist Name: HITCHCOCK-CHASE COLLECTION: Whitehorn, Edna May
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Leptochloa univervia (Presl) Hitchc. et Chase''
Taxon: Leptochloa uninervia (Presl) Hitchc. et Chase, Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 10.5 x 6.5
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 728 (p. 496).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0119
Artist Name: HITCHCOCK-CHASE COLLECTION: Gill, Mary Wright
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Leptoloma cognatum (Schult.) Chase''
Taxon: Leptoloma cognatum (Schult.) Chase, Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 34 x 21.5
Signature: M. W. G. (b.l.)
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 844 (p. 586).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0120
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Lolium multiflorum Lam.''
Taxon: Lolium multiflorum Lam., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 20
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 370 (p. 276).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0121
Artist Name: HITCHCOCK-CHASE COLLECTION: Lamson-Scribner, Frank
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Lolium perenne L.''
Taxon: Lolium perenne L., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 39 x 27.5
Published: for Lamson-Scribner, ''American grasses (illustrated).'' Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 7: 313. 1897. Fig. 295.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0122
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Lolium temulentum L. Darnel''
Taxon: Lolium temulentum L., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 22 x 6.5
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 371 (p. 277).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0123
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Melica mutica Walt.''
Taxon: Melica mutica Walt., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 38.5 x 28
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 266 (p. 200).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0124
Artist Name: HITCHCOCK-CHASE COLLECTION: Weintraub, Frances Carnes
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus''
Taxon: Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus, Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 9.5 x 12
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 1137 (p. 748).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0125
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Miscanthus sinensis Anderss.''
Taxon: Miscanthus sinensis Anderss., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 39 x 26.5
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 1127 (p. 741).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0126
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Muhlenbergia frondosa (Poir.) Fernald''
Taxon: Muhlenbergia frondosa (Poir.) Fern., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 18.5 x 12.5
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 557 (p. 395).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0127
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin.''
Taxon: Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 6.5 x 23
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 560 (p. 397).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0128
Artist Name: HITCHCOCK-CHASE COLLECTION: Lamson-Scribner, Frank
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Muhlenbergia diffusa Screb.''
Taxon: Muhlenbergia schreberi Gmel., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 39.5 x 23
Published: for Lamson-Scribner, ''American grasses (illustrated).'' Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 7: 117. 1897. Fig. 99.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0129
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhl.) Trin.''
Taxon: Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhl.) Trin., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 19.5 x 13.5
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0130
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhl.) Trin.''
Taxon: Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhl.) Trin., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 554 (p. 393).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0131
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Muhlenbergia sylvatica (Torr.) Torr''
Taxon: Muhlenbergia sylvatica (Torr.) Torr., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 19.5 x 10
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 559 (p. 396).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0132
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Muhlenbergia tenuiflora (Willd.) B.S.P.''
Taxon: Muhlenbergia tenuiflora (Willd.) B.S.P., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 555 (p. 394).
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.
Accession Number: 2496.0133
Image (click image to view):
Credit: Hitchcock-Chase images are in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE. When using these images, please include the following credit statement: Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings, on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution, courtesy of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Title: ''Oryza sativa L.''
Taxon: Oryza sativa L., Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Dimensions (cm): 33.5 x 21
Published: for Albert S. Hitchcock, Manual of the grasses of the United States. Ed. 2, rev. by Agnes Chase. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1950. Fig. 807 (p. 557); Jason R. Swallen, ''Flora of Guatemala. Part II: Grasses of Guatemala.'' Fieldiana, Bot. 24(2): 232. 1955. Fig. 74.
Notes: Indefinite loan from Smithsonian Institution.