Accession Number: 8087.07
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Title: Fig. 8 Cladocolea coyucae
Taxon: Cladocolea coyucae Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 8. Cladocolea coyuace: a, pistillate flower, longitudinal section; b, staminate or hermaphroditic flower, longitudinal section; c, stamen and subtending petal; d, style of same collection; e, mature infructescence; f, fruit and embryo.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 284.
Accession Number: 8087.08
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Title: Fig. 9 Cladocolea cupulata
Taxon: Cladocolea cupulata Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 9. Cladocolea cupulata: a, habit, pistillate plant in fruit; b, infructescemce, three fruits removed; c, same, all fruits removed and lowest cupule cut away (broken line); d, gynoecium; e, petal and aborted anther; f, mature embryo.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 285.
Accession Number: 8087.09
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Title: Fig. 12 Cladocolea gracilis
Taxon: Cladocolea gracilis Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 12. Cladocolea gracilis: a, habit, pistillate plant; b, pistillate inflorescence; c, pistillate flower, longitudinal section, same collection; d, staminate inflorescence, same collection; e, staminate flower, same collection; f, fruit.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 291.
Accession Number: 8087.10
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Title: Fig. 13 Cladocolea grahamii
Taxon: Cladocolea grahamii Tieghem, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 13. Cladocolea grahami: a, habit, staminate plant; b, fruit and embryo; c, pollen grain.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 293.
Accession Number: 8087.11
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Title: Fig. 14 Cladocolea grahamii
Taxon: Cladocolea grahamii Tieghem, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 14. Cladocolea grahami: a, staminate inflorescence; b, terminal flower of another inflorescence, same collection; c, pistillate inflorescence; d, pistillate flower, longitudinal section, same collection; e, staminate flower and style, longitudinal section; f, petal and stamen, showing tuft of hairs above anther.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 295.
Accession Number: 8087.12
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Title: Fig. 16 Cladocolea hintonii
Taxon: Cladocolea hintonii Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 16. Cladocolea hintonii, pistillate plant: habit, inflorescence, and sectioned flower.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 299.
Accession Number: 8087.13
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Title: Fig. 17 Cladocolea hondurensis
Taxon: Cladocolea hondurensis Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 17. Cladocolea hondurensis: a, habit; b, very young fruit on nearly sessile inflorescence, same collection; c, same, showing circumsessile calyculus; d, staminate flower and bud; e, inflorescence axis, same collection.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 300.
Accession Number: 8087.14
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Title: Fig. 19 Cladocolea inconspicua
Taxon: Cladocolea inconspicua (Bentham) Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 19. Cladocolea inconspicua: a, flower with two lateral flower buds; b, mature fruit; c, embryo, same collection.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 304.
Accession Number: 8087.15
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Title: Fig. 20 Cladocolea inorna
Taxon: Cladocolea inorna (B.L. Robinson & Greenman) Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 20. Cladocolea inorna: a, habit; b, flower with two petals removed; c, axillary flower bud; d, fruit and embryo.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 305.
Also published as fig 5 in “Pulling the skeleton out of the closet”, acc. np. 8112
Accession Number: 8087.16
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Title: Fig. 21 Cladocolea loniceroides
Taxon: Cladocolea loniceroides Tieghem, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 21. Cladocolea loniceroides: a, pistillate inflorescences and leaf; b, pistillate inflorescence, large-bracted type; c, pistillate inflorescence, small-bracted type; d, diagrammatic representation of a complex flowering branch, staminate, black dots = flowers, small circles = young inflorescences; e, fruit and embryo; f, staminate inflorescence, small-bracted type.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 307.
Accession Number: 8087.17
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Title: Fig. 25 Cladocolea microphylla
Taxon: Cladocolea microphylla (Kunth) Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 25. Cladocolea microphylla: a & b, diagrammitc representation of branching pattern of pistillate and staminate plants respectively; c, gynoecium, pistillate flower with highly convoluted style; d-f, stages in embryo development.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 315.
Accession Number: 8087.18
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Title: Fig. 26 Cladocolea oligantha
Taxon: Cladocolea oligantha (Standley & Steyermark) Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 26. Cladocolea oligantha: a, habit, showing primary inflorescences (erect portion) and secondary inflorescences (lower, oblique portion); b, staminate flower, same colelction; c, pistillate flower; d, fruit and embryo.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 318.
Accession Number: 8087.19
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Title: Fig. 27 Cladocolea pedicellata
Taxon: Cladocolea pedicellata Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 27. Cladocolea pedicellata: a, habit, probably staminate plant, primary leaves persisting; b, habit, staminate plant, primary leaves deciduous; c-e, same collection, inflorescence, bud, and longitudinal section of flower; f, fruit and embryo.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 320.
Accession Number: 8087.20
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Title: Fig. 29 Cladocolea pringlei
Taxon: Cladocolea pringlei Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 29. Cladocolea pringlei, staminate plant: a, habit; b, flower, with three petals removed; c, inflorescence, with all flowers removed to show terminal wedge; d, tip of a second inflorescence showing scar of terminal flower (arrow).
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 323.
Accession Number: 8087.21
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Title: Fig. 30 Cladocolea pringlei
Taxon: Cladocolea pringlei Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 30. Cladocolea pringlei: inflorescence with nearly mature fruit.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 325.
Accession Number: 8087.22
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Title: Fig. 31 Cladocolea roraimensis
Taxon: Cladocolea roraimensis (Steyermark) Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 31. Cladocolea roraimensis: a, habit, reconstructed; b, immature inflorescence, leaf scar below; c, mature flower, one petal removed to show central cushion and absence of style.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 326.
Accession Number: 8087.23
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Title: Fig. 32 Cladocolea stricta
Taxon: Cladocolea stricta Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 32. Cladocolea stricta, staminate plant: habit and inflorescence.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 328.
Accession Number: 8087.24
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Title: Fig. 33 Cladocolea tehuacanansis
Taxon: Cladocolea tehuacanensis Tieghem, Loranthaceae
Description: Figure 33. Cladocolea tehuacanensis, pistillate plant: a, habit; b, inflorescence, same collection; c, pistillate flower, longitudinal section, same collection; d, infructescence; e, embryo, same collection; f, roots growing from stem.
Dimensions (cm): 35.5 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1975. The genus Cladocolea (Loranthaceae). J. Arnold Arb. 56: 330.
Accession Number: 8088.1
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Title: Fig 2-18 Dendrophthora, 3 species
Taxon: Dendrophthora ternata Urban, Viscaceae; Dendrophthora mesembryanthemifolia Urban, Viscaceae; Dendrophthora ferruginea Patschovsky, Viscaceae
Description: Figure 2-18, Upper Figure: Dendrophthora ternata; Lower left: Dendrophthora mesembryanthemifolia; Lower right: Dendrophthora ferruginea
Dimensions (cm): 42 x 22.5
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1969. The Biology of Parasitic Flower Plants. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of Calif. Press.; These figures were first published in Wentia 6: 1–30. 1961, as Fig. 51, 37 and 24, respectively.
Accession Number: 8088.2
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Title: Fig. 6–5, Cuscuta salina
Taxon: Cuscuta salina Engelmann, Convolvulaceae
Description: Fig. 6–5, Cuscuta salina
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1969. The Biology of Parasitic Flower Plants. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of Calif. Press.
Accession Number: 8089
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Title: Figs. 8-9 Maracanthus pedunculatus
Taxon: Maracanthus pedunculatus Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Maracanthus pedunculatus, holotype. Fig. 8, habit. Fig. 9, petals with aborted stamen and style.
Date of Execution: ca.1976
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1976. Maracanthus, a new genus of Loranthaceae. Brittonia 28: 231--238. (vol 28, no 2, p. 235)
Accession Number: 8090.1
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Title: Figs. 1-6 Cladocolea biflora
Taxon: Cladocolea biflora Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Cladocolea biflora. 1. Habit. 2, 3. Two-flowered inflorescences with and without flowers, respectively. 4. Three-flowered inflorescences without flowers. 5. Inner view of two petals and anthers. 6. Nectary, style, and stigma.
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 21.5
Date of Execution: ca.1980
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1980. Miscellaneous mistletoe notes, 1-9. Brittonia 32: 518-529, p. 520
Accession Number: 8090.2
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Title: Figs. 16-21 Struthanthus condensatus
Taxon: Struthanthus condensatus Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Struthanthus condensatus. 16. Habit, female. 17. Inflorescence, female. 18. Floral details, female. 19. Young fruit with style still attached. 20. Fruit. 21. Embryo.
Dimensions (cm): 29 x 21.5
Date of Execution: ca.1980
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1980. Miscellaneous mistletoe notes, 1-9. Brittonia 32: 518-529, p. 527
Accession Number: 8091.01
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Title: Fig. 1. Cladocolea
Taxon: Cladocolea harlingii Kuijt; C. pedicellata Kuijt; C. loniceroides (Tieghem) Kuijt; C. coyucae Kuijt; C. stricta Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Cladocolea. 1. C. harlingii. 2. C. pedicellata, entire inflorescence. 3. Same, triad at base of inflorescence. 4. C. loniceroides. 5. C. coyucae. 6. C. stricta
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Date of Execution: ca.1981
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1981. Inflorescence morphology of Loranthaceae – an evolutionary synthesis. Blumea 27: 1-73 (p. 47).
Accession Number: 8091.02
Image (click image to view):
Title: Fig. 2. Cladocolea
Taxon: Cladocolea biflora Kuijt; C. dimorpha Kuijt; C. clandestina (Martius) Kuijt; C. grahamii Tieghem; C. inconspicua (Bentham) Kuijt, Loranthaceae
Description: Cladocolea. 1. C. biflora. 2, 3. C. dimorpha, primary and secondary inflorescences, respectively. 4. C. clandestina. 5. C. grahamii. 6. C. inconspicua.
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Date of Execution: ca.1981
Published: Kuijt, Job. 1981. Inflorescence morphology of Loranthaceae – an evolutionary synthesis. Blumea 27: 1-73 (p. 48).