Catalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute

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Accession Number: 7798.009
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Suillus grevillei (Larch Bolete)

Suillus grevillei (Klotzsch) Singer, Suillaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 34–35. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87799
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.010
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Chroogomphus rutilus (Pine Spike-cap)

Chroogomphus rutilus (Schaeffer) O.K. Miller, Gomphidiaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 37. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87855
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.011
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Amanita phalloides (Death Cap), (Deadly poisonous)

Amanita phalloides (Fries) Link, Amanitaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 39. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87986
HIBD Exhibitions: What We Collect: Recent Art Acquisitions, 2007–2012 (2013); The Mysterious Nature of Fungi, 2015
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.012
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Amanita excelsa; Right: Amanita citrina (False Death Cap)

Amanita excelsa (Fries) Bertillon, A. citrine (Schaeffer) Persoon, Amanitaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 40–41. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87841
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.013
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Amanita virosa (Destroying Angel) (Deadly poisonous)

Amanita virosa (Fries) Bertillon, Amanitaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 42–43. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 94514
HIBD Exhibitions: What We Collect: Recent Art Acquisitions, 2007–2012 (2013)
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.014
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric) (Very poisonous), Right: Amanita rubescens (The Blusher)

Amanita muscaria (Linnaeus) Lamarck, A. rubescens Persoon, Amanitaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 44–45. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87976
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.015
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Amanita caesarea (Caesar’s Mushroom)

Amanita caesarea (Scopoli) Persoon, Amanitaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 46–47. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87979
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.016
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Top: Amanita fulva (Tawny Grisette), Bottom: A. vaginata (Grisette)

Amanita fulva Persoon, A. vaginata (Bulliard) Lamarck, Amanitaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 49. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87797
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.017
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Lepiota rhacodes (Shaggy Parasol), Right: L. procera (Parasol Mushroom)

Lepiota rhacodes (VIttadini) Quélet, L. procera (Scopoli) Gray, Agaricaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 51. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87796
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.018
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Lepiota cristata (Stinking Parasol), Right: Cystoderma amianthinum

Lepiota cristata (Bolton) P. Kummer, Cystoderma amianthinum (Scopoli) Fayod, Agaricaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 52¬–53. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87794
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.019
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Armillariella mellea (Honey Fungus)

Armillariella mellea (Vahl) P. Karsten, Marasmiaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 54–55. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87980
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.020
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Oudemansiella mucida (Slimy Beech Tuft), Right: O. radicata (Rooting Shank)

Oudemansiella mucida (Schrader) Höhnel, O. radicata (Relhan) Singer, Physalacriaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 56–57. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87843
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.021
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Credit: .
Title: Top: Tricholoma argyraceum, Center: T. pardinum (Very poisonous), Bottom: T. virgatum

Tricholoma argyraceum (Bulliard) Gillet, T. pardinum (Persoon) Quélet, T. virgatum (Fries) P. Kummer, Tricholomataceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 59. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87985
HIBD Exhibitions: What We Collect: Recent Art Acquisitions, 2007–2012 (2013)
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.022
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Tricholoma gambosum (St. George’s Mushroom), Center: T. fulvum, Right: T. sulphureum

Tricholoma gambosum (Fries) P. Kummer, T. fulvum (Fries) Bigeard & H. Guillemin, T. sulphureum (Bulliard) P. Kummer, Tricholomataceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 60–61. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87798
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.023
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Tricholomopsis rutilans, Right: T. platyphylla

Tricholomopsis rutilans (Schaeffer) Singer, T. platyphylla (Persoon) Singer, Tricholomataceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 62–63. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87844
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.024
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Lyophyllum decastes, Right: Melanoleuca melaleuca

Lyophyllum decastes (Fries) Singer, Lyophyllaceae; Melanoleuca melaleuca (Persoon) Murrill, Tricholomataceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 64–65. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87795
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.025
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (False Chanterelle), Right: Clitocybe infundibuliformis

Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Wulfen) Maire, Hygrophoropsidaceae; Clitocybe infundibuliformis Quélet, Tricholomataceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 66–67. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87842(?)
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.026
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Clitocybe odora, Right: C. clavipes

Clitocybe odora (Bulliard) P. Kummer, C. clavipes (Persoon) P. Kummer, Tricholomataceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 18.5 x 25 cm.
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 68–69. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. No number
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.027
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Clitocybe flaccida, Center: Laccaria laccata (The Deceiver), Right: L. amethystea (Amethyst Deceiver)

Clitocybe flaccida (Sowerby) P. Kummer, Tricholomataceae; Laccaria laccata (Scopoli) Cooke, L. amethystea (Bulliard) Murrill, Hydnangiaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 70–71. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87851
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.028
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Collybia dryophila (Russet Shank), Right: C. maculata

Collybia dryophila (Bulliard) P. Kummer, Rhodocollybia maculata (Albertini & Schweinitz) Singer, Tricholomataceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 72–73. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87852
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.029
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Top: Collybia peronata, Bottom: C. confluens

Collybia peronata (Bolton) P. Kummer, C. confluens (Persoon) P. Kummer, Tricholomataceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 74–75. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87857
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.030
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Flammulina velutipes (Velvet Shank), Right: Marasmius oreades (Fairy Ring Mushroom)

Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer, Physalacriaceae; Marasmius oreades, (Bolton) Fries, Marasmiaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 76–77. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 087849
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.031
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Top: Marasmius androsaceus Horsehair Toadstool), Center: M. rotula (Little Wheel Toadstool), Bottom: M. ramealis

Marasmius androsaceus (Linnaeus) Fries, M. rotula (Scopoli) Fries, M. ramealis (Bulliard) Fries, Marasmiaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 78–79. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87981
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.032
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Mycena galericulata, Right: M. inclinata

Mycena galericulata (Scopoli) Gray, M. inclinata (Fries) Quélet, Mycenaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 80–81. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87846
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7798.033
Artist Name: Wilkinson, John
Life Span: (1934–)
Nationality: England
Gender: Male
Image (click image to view):
Title: Left: Mycena haematopus, Center: M. sanguinolenta, Right: M. epipterygia

Mycena haematopus (Persoon) P. Kummer, M. sanguinolenta (Albertini & Schweinitz) P. Kummer, M. epipterygia (Scopoli) Gray, Mycenaceae, Fungi

Medium: Watercolor
Support: Paper
Dimensions (cm): 20.25 x 25.5 cm
Image Size:
Date of Execution:
Place of Execution:
Signature: John Wilkinson (b.r.)
Published: Wilkinson, John and Stefan Buczacki. 1982. Collins Gem Guides, Mushrooms and Toadstools. London and Glasgow: Collins. P. 82–83. Also published at: Svampar (Norsetdts Pan, Sweden, 1982)
Notes: The artist’s catalogue number is on the back of each painting and refers to the artists’ record of the order in which it was completed, the details of date and size, and their provenance. 87853
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
