Accession Number: 7141
Artist Name: Russo, Angela Marie
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Copyright: Rights held by the artist.
Title: ''Ophrys tenthredinifera''
Taxon: Ophrys, Orchidaceae
Dimensions (cm): 36.5 x 29
Signature: Angela M. Russo (b.l.)
Accession Number: 7142
Artist Name: Koritar, Margit
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by the artist.
Taxon: Paphiopedilum, Orchidaceae
Dimensions (cm): 56.5 x 38
Signature: Margit Koritar (b.r.)
Accession Number: 7143
Artist Name: Sowerby, James
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: To publish this image, please contact the Hunt Institute Art Department.
Title: ''Rudbeckia amplexicaulis''
Taxon: Rudbeckia, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Medium: watercolor, pencil
Accession Number: 7144.01
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate III. Fig. 30. Longitudinal section of Pteris rhizome; Fig. 31. Portion of two scalariform vessels; Fig. 32. Two views of the cut edge of an end plate between two scalariform vessels; Fig. 33. Cross-section of Adiantum pedatum''
Taxon: Adiantum, Pteridophyta, Pteridaceae
Pteris, Pteridophyta, Pteridaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.02
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate IV. Fig.34 and 35. Cross section of bundle of Woodwardia virginica; Fig. 36 and 37. Stem of Osmunda claytoniana; Fig. 38. Triarch root of Botrychium in section''
Taxon: Botrychium, Pteridophyta, Ophioglossaceae
Osmunda, Pteridophyta, Osmundaceae
Woodwardia, Pteridophyta, Blechnaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.03
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate V. Fig. 40. Botrychium virginianum. Noteworthy for the large band of secondary wood with medullary rays. Layer of cortical meristem; Fig. 41. Cross section of Gleichenia dichotoma; Fig. 42. Cross section of Botrychium lunaria [rhizome](?); Fig. 43. Cross section of stem (aerial) of Botrychium virginianum; Fig. 44. Root of Botrychium - protostelic and triarch''
Taxon: Botrychium, Pteridophyta, Ophioglossaceae
Gleichenia, Pteridophyta, Gleicheniaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.04
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate VI. Fig. 45. Plant of Phylloglossum with tuberous protocorms and stalked strobilus; Fig. 46. Plant of Ophioglossum vulgatum; Fig. 47. Rootstock (rhizome) of Helminthostachys zeylanica; Fig. 48. Habit sketch of leaf and strobilus; Fig.49. Portion of strobilus x5 to show sporangia; Fig. 50. A very poor sketch of Azolla; Fig. 51. Cross section of stem of Equisetum; Fig. 52. Here are evident the great cortical canals; Fig. 52a. Habit sketch and one bilocular sporangium of [illegible]''
Taxon: Azolla, Pteridophyta, Salviniaceae
Equisetum, Pteridophyta, Equisetaceae
Helminthostachys, Pteridophyta, Ophioglossaceae
Ophioglossum, Pteridophyta, Ophioglossaceae
Phylloglossum, Pteridophyta, Lycopodiaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.05
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate VII. Fig. 53. Root of Equisetum; Fig. 54. Same magnified; Fig. 55. Cross section of young stem of Lycopodium; Fig. 56. Portion of same young stem; Fig. 57. Protostele of Tmesipteris''
Taxon: Equisetum, Pteridophyta, Equisetacea
Lycopodium, Pteridophyta, Lycopodiaceae
Tmesipteris, Pteridophyta, Tmesipteridaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.06
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate VIII Fig. 58. Diagram of stem of Stigmaria ficoides; Fig. 59. Section of stem of Lepidodendron harcourti; Fig. 60. Protestelic structure; Fig. 61. Shows a sector of this same Stigmarian root''
Taxon: Lepidodendron, Pteridophyta, Lycopsida
Stigmaria, Pteridophyta, Lycopsida
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.07
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate IX. Fig. 62. Lepidodendron selaginoides which in addition to primary wood has also a band of secondary; Fig. 63. Portion of cross section of strobilus of Lepidostrobus oldhamnia; Fig. 64. Isoetes. Don't know just what to call the stele for the xylem is almost negligible; Fig. 65. Tip of the protostele of a Selaginella''
Taxon: Isoetes, Pteridophyta, Isoetaceae
Lepidostrobus, Pteridophyta, Lycopsida
Lepidodendron, Pteridophyta, Lycopsida
Selaginella, Pteridophyta, Selaginellaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.08
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate X. Fig. 66. Cross section of Sphenophyllum insigne; Fig. 67. Cross section of Sphenophyllostachys dawsoni; Fig. 68. Single sporangium; Fig. 69. Single spore with echinate surface; Fig. 70. Longitudinal section of Sphenophyllostachys dawsoni strobilus; Fig. 71. Section of Calamitean stem; Fig. 72. Poor sketch of same magnified more highly; Fig. 73. Calamostachys binneyana. Portion of the peltate extremity of the sporangiophore with two pendent sporangia''
Taxon: Calamostachys, Pteridophyta, Sphenophyllaceae
Equisetum, Pteridophyta, Equisetaceae
Sphenophyllostachys, Gymnospermae
Sphenophyllum, Pteridophyta, Sphenophyllaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.09
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate XI. Fig. 73b. Bit of a longitudinal section thru a Calamite wood, with semi-scalariform pits and rays longer vertically than radially; Fig. 74. Nodal wood of Equisetum sp.; Fig. 75. Sutcliffia insignis cross section; Fig. 76. Single bundle of Sutcliffia; Fig. 77. Lyginodendron oldhamium with megarch siphonostele and secondary wood; Fig. 78. Leaf trace and its point of exit from the woody cylinder''
Taxon: Equisetum, Pteridophyta, Equisetaceae
Lyginodendron, Pteridophyta, Lycopsida ?
Sutcliffia, Medulloseae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.10
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate XII. Fig. 80. Lagenostoma ovoides: seed of Lyginodendron; Fig. 81. Same seed showing micropyle and the peculiar stalked glands on the sarcoteat; Fig. 82 (above). Cross section of a Lagenostoma seed thru the micropylar region; Fig. 82 (below). Bit of Trigonocarpus wall highly magnified; Fig. 83. Low power sketch of a bit of Cordaitean in tangential section; Fig. 84. Same under high power and in radial view''
Taxon: Cordaitales
Lagenostoma, Pteridophyta, Pteridospermae
Trigonocarpum, Phanerogamae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.11
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate XIII. Fig. 85. Cross section of the same wood [Cordaitean] with its conifer like endarch; Fig. 86. Cross section of Amyelon - the root of a Cordaitean; Fig. 87. Cross section thru a Ginkgo cotyledon; Fig. 88. Cross section thru Ginkgo leaf; Fig. 89. Ginkgo root''
Taxon: Amyelon, Cordaitales
Ginkgo, Ginkgoaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.12
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate IV. Fig. 1-6. Wood anatomy of Pinus contorta; Fig. 7-9. Wood anatomy of Tsuga canadensis; Fig. 10. Elements from macerated wood of Abies balsamea; Fig. 11. Macerated wood of Quercus; Fig. 12. Transverse, radial and tangential sections of Quercus wood; Fig. 13. Bit of cross section of oak wood''
Taxon: Abies, Pinaceae
Pinus, Pinaceae
Quercus, Fagaceae
Tsuga, Pinaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.13
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate V. Fig. 14. Tangential section of oak wood; Fig. 15. Quercus wood in tangential view; Fig. 16. Fusion of several tracheids to form a vessel; Fig. 17. Cross section thru three annual rings of oak wood; Fig. 18. Cross section thru phloem of Pinus; Fig. 19. Radial section of Pinus phloem; Fig. 20. Continuation of Fig. 19 down into the wood; Fig. 21. Tangential section of Pinus passing from phloem on left to wood on right''
Taxon: Pinus, Pinaceae
Quercus, Fagaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.14
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate VI. Fig. 1. Cross section of Tilia sp.; Fig. 2. Radial section of Tilia sp.; Fig. 3. Wood and phloem of Vitis sp.; Fig. 4. Stem of woody Potentilla palustris; Fig. 5. Herbaceous stem of Potentilla intermedia; Fig. 6. Tracheids of leaf bundle not as wide radially as are many of those in stem bundle''
Taxon: Potentilla, Ranunculaceae
Tilia, Tiliaceae[[Vitis, Vitaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.15
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate VII. Fig. 7. Herbaceous stem of Potentilla intermedia; Fig. 8. Cross section of one year's wood and a bit of another year's of Solanum dulcamara; Fig. 9. Part of the stele of Lycopersicon esculentum; Fig. 10. Zea mays''
Taxon: Lycopersicon, Solanaceae
Potentilla, Ranunculaceae
Solanum, Solanaceae
Zea, Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.16
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate IX. Fig. 16-22''
Taxon: Dicotyledoneae ?
Monocotyledoneae ?
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.17
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate XII. Fig. 44-54''
Taxon: Dicotyledoneae ?
Monocotyledoneae ?
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x 19.5
Accession Number: 7144.18
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Plate XIII. Fig. 55-60''
Taxon: Dicotyledoneae ?
Monocotyledoneae ?
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x19.5
Accession Number: 7144.19
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Birch bark, Salix, Pyrus americana, Oak bark, Old bark of Pine, X sect. of Alnus showing aggregate rays and sclerenchyma plug, Longit. sect. of Alnus showing aggregate ray, wood fibers, tracheae, X sect. Picea canadensis, Casaurina [sic] showing transition from simple to aggregate ray''
Taxon: Alnus, Betulaceae
Betula, Betulaceae
Casuarina, Casuarinaceae
Picea, Pinaceae
Pinus, Pinaceae
Pyrus, Rosaceae
Quercus, Fagaceae
Salix, Salicaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x19.5
Accession Number: 7144.20
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Aspid[ium ?] coriaceum, Acrost[ichum ?] brevipes, Davallia disecta, Polypod[ium ?] paradisea, Aneimia [Anemia intended ?] just below node, Anemia phyllitidis''
Taxon: Acrostichum, Pteridophyta, Pteridaceae
Anemia, Pteridophyta, Schizaeaceae
Aspidium, Pteridophyta, Aspidiaceae
Davallia, Pteridophyta, Davalliaceae
Polypodium ?, Pteridophyta, Polypodiaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x19.5
Accession Number: 7144.21
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Thuja plicata, Microcachrys tetragonica, Podocarpus alata, Phyllocladus alpinus, Phyllocladus rhomboideus, Podocarpus vitiensis, Cephalotaxus drupacea, Taxus baccata, Podocarpus nagaea, Taxus stem, Podocarpus wood, Taxus root, Taxus cuspidata, Cephalotaxus twig, Podocarp. leaf''
Taxon: Cephalotaxus, Taxaceae
Microcachrys, Taxaceae
Phyllocladus, Taxaceae
Podocarpus, Taxaceae
Taxus, Taxaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 31.5 x19.5
Accession Number: 7144.22
Artist Name: Torrey, Ray Ethan
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Title: ''Lycopodium: x section of stem modified protostele''
Taxon: Lycopodium, Pteridophyta, Lycopodiaceae
Description: plant anatomy
Dimensions (cm): 26.5x20.5