Accession Number: 8154.025
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Solidago altissima
Taxon: Solidago altissima Linnaeus, Asteraceae alt. Compositae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 14.5 [taped to paper 28 x 21.5 cm]
Notes: B & B; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.026
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Diagram Heterostyly
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 10 x 21.5
Notes: likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.027
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Bougainvillea Commerson ex Jussieu, Nyctaginaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x1, live; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.028
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Chenopodium album, lamb’s quarters
Taxon: Chenopodium album Linnaeus, Chenopodiaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x1, live; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.029
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Celosia Linnaeus, Amaranthaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 15 x 16 [taped to paper 28 x 21.5 cm]
Notes: from B & B; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.030
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Portulaca Linnaeus, Portulacaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 16.5 [taped to paper 28 x 21.5 cm]
Notes: from B & B; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.031
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Opuntia (Linnaeus) Miller, Cactaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 28
Notes: photo-herbarium; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.032
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Stellaria flower, Stellaria pubera
Taxon: Stellaria Linnaeus; Stellaria pubera Michaux, Caryophyllaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 12 x 16 and 15 x 12/5 [2 drawings taped to paper 21.5 x 28 cm]
Signature: P. Duke (br) on drawing to right
Notes: Stellaria flower: Kessler Pg. 31; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.033
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Claytonia virginica, Spring Beauty
Taxon: Claytonia virginica Linnaeus, Portulacaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: live x1; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.034
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Dianthus plumarius
Taxon: Dianthus plumarius Linnaeus, Caryophyllaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 28
Notes: x1, um#03984; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.035
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Saponaria officinalis
Taxon: Saponaria officinalis Linnaues, Caryophyllaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: Live-x1; 7/16-1 ½ hr; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.036
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Rumex hastatulus Baldwin, Polygonaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: B & B; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.037
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Title: Polygonum achrea[sic]
Taxon: Polygonum acre Kunth, Polygonaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 17 x 11, taped to paper 28 x 21.5 cm
Notes: likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.038
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Hypericum Linnaeus, Clusiaceae alt. Guttiferae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: Wild Flowers of N. Y.; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.039
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Tilia americana Linnaeus, Tiliaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x1 live; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.040
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Taxon: Peperomia Ruiz & Pavon, Piperaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.041
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Dr. Hollis G. Bedell
Taxon: Hibiscus Linnaeus, Malvaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: Conley’s slide; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.042
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Dr. Hollis G. Bedell
Title: Drosera intermedia
Taxon: Drosera intermedia Hayne, Droseraceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 15 x 13.5, attached to paper 28 x 21.5 cm
Notes: Conley’s slide; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.043
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Dr. Hollis G. Bedell
Taxon: Dionaea muscipula J. Ellis, Droseraceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: pg. 155; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.044
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Dr. Hollis G. Bedell
Title: Sarracenia purpurea
Taxon: Sarracenia purpurea Linnaeus, Sarraceniaceae
Description: habit and detail
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: pg. 55, pg. 26; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.045
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Dr. Hollis G. Bedell
Taxon: Darlingtonia Torrey, Sarraceniaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: pg. 70; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.046
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Dr. Hollis G. Bedell
Taxon: Viola rostrata Pursh, Violaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: um #048869; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.047
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Dr. Hollis G. Bedell
Title: Passiflora incarnata
Taxon: Passiflora incarnata Linnaeus, Passifloraceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: x1; um #032912; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.048
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Dr. Hollis G. Bedell
Taxon: Populus Linnaeus, Salicaceae
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 21.5
Notes: likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.
Accession Number: 8154.049
Artist Name: Duke, Peggy-Ann Kessler
Nationality: United States
Image (click image to view):
Copyright: Rights held by Dr. Hollis G. Bedell
Title: Capsella bursa-pastoris
Taxon: Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus, Brassicaceae alt. Cruciferae]
Support: Clearprint paper
Dimensions (cm): 21.5 x 15.5, attached to paper 28 x 21.5 cm
Notes: x1, um# 42296; likely for Bedell, H. G. 1985. Vascular Plant Taxonomy: Laboratory Manual. College Park: University of Maryland.