Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names

Abbr Familysort ascending
MORI Morinaceae
MOR+ Moraceae
MONN Montiniaceae
MONT Montiaceae
MONS Monsteraceae
MONP Monotropaceae
MONO Monotaceae
MOND Monodoraceae
MONI Monimiaceae
MONA Monachosoraceae
MOLL Molluginaceae
MOHR Mohriaceae
MODE Modeccaceae
MIYO Miyoshiaceae
MITR Mitrastemonaceae
MISO Misodendraceae
MIRA Mirabilidaceae
MINU Minuartiaceae
MIMO Mimosaceae
MILU Milulaceae
MILI Miliaceae
MICR Microcycadaceae
MICC Microcachrydaceae
MICB Microbiotaceae
MICN Micrantheaceae
