Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names

Abbr Familysort ascending
PAUL Paulowniaceae
PAUN Paulliniaceae
PAST Pastinacaceae
PASS Passifloraceae
PASP Paspalaceae
PART Partheniaceae
PARR Parrotiaceae
PARP Paropsiaceae
PARO Paronychiaceae
PARN Parnassiaceae
PARK Parkeriaceae
PARE Parietariaceae
PARD Paridaceae
PARI Parianaceae
PARS Parasitaxaceae
PARA Paracryphiaceae
PAPY Papyraceae
PAPP Pappophoraceae
PAPI Papilionaceae
PAPA Papaveraceae
PANI Panicaceae
PANG Pangiaceae
PANN Pandanaceae
PAND Pandaceae
PANC Pancratiaceae
