Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names

Abbr Familysort ascending
PLAN Plantaginaceae
PLAP Plagiopteraceae
PLAG Plagiogyriaceae
PLAA Plagianthaceae
PITT Pittosporaceae
PIST Pistiaceae
PISC Pistaciaceae
PISO Pisoniaceae
PIRI Piriquetaceae
PIPE Piperaceae
PING Pinguiculaceae
PIN+ Pinaceae
PIMP Pimpinellaceae
PILU Pilulariaceae
PILO Pilocarpaceae
PILG Pilgerodendraceae
PICR Picrodendraceae
PICD Picridaceae
PICM Picramniaceae
PICE Piceaceae
PHYT Phytolaccaceae
PHYR Phytocrenaceae
PHYE Phytelephantaceae
PHYS Physenaceae
PHYN Phyllonomaceae
