Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names - browse

Abbr Familysort ascending
CITR Citraceae
CIST Cistaceae
CISS Cissaceae
CIRC Circaeasteraceae
CIRA Circaeaceae
CINC Cinchonaceae
CIMI Cimicifugaceae
CICH Cichoriaceae
CICE Ciceraceae
CHRS Chrysospleniaceae
CHRY Chrysobalanaceae
CHRI Christenseniaceae
CHON Chondrosaceae
CHLD Chloridaceae
CHLO Chloranthaceae
CHLN Chloanthaceae
CHIR Chironiaceae
CHIT Chiranthodendraceae
CHIO Chionographidaceae
CHIN Chingithamnaceae
CHIM Chimonanthaceae
CHEN Chenopodiaceae
CHEO Chelonaceae
CHEL Chelidoniaceae
CHEI Cheiropleuriaceae
