Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names - browse

Abbr Familysort ascending
SPAT Spatheliaceae
SPAN Spartinaceae
SPAM Sparmanniaceae
SPAR Sparganiaceae
SOUL Soulameaceae
SORB Sorbaceae
SORA Soramiaceae
SOPH Sophoraceae
SONN Sonneratiaceae
SOLA Solanaceae
SMYR Smyrniaceae
SMIL Smilacaceae
SMEA Smeathmanniaceae
SLAD Sladeniaceae
SISY Sisymbriaceae
SIPH Siphonodontaceae
SIPT Siphonanthaceae
SIPA Siparunaceae
SINO Sinopteridaceae
SINF Sinofranchetiaceae
SIMM Simmondsiaceae
SIMA Simaroubaceae
SIMB Simabaceae
SILR Sileraceae
SILE Silenaceae
