Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Taenia Cynogr. 054 20 View this dissertation
Triticum repens Cynogr. 054 10 View this dissertation
Vulpes alba Cynogr. 054 3 View this dissertation
Vulpes campestris Cynogr. 054 3 View this dissertation
Acarus Cynogr. 054 21 View this dissertation
Vulpes vulgaris Cynogr. 054 3 View this dissertation
Accipiter Cynogr. 054 9 View this dissertation
Canis Cynogr. 054 [1]ff. View this dissertation
Canis aegyptius Cynogr. 054 5 View this dissertation
Canis aquaticus Cynogr. 054 4 View this dissertation
Canis aquaticus Cynogr. 054 9 View this dissertation
Canis avicularius Cynogr. 054 5 View this dissertation
Canis domesticus Cynogr. 054 3 View this dissertation
Canis domesticus Cynogr. 054 4 View this dissertation
Canis extrarius seu hispanicus Cynogr. 054 5 View this dissertation
Canis fricator Cynogr. 054 5 as fricatrix View this dissertation
Canis grajus Cynogr. 054 4 View this dissertation
Canis hispanicus Cynogr. 054 5 View this dissertation
Canis mastivus seu molossus Cynogr. 054 4 View this dissertation
Canis meliteus Cynogr. 054 5 as melitaeus View this dissertation
Canis molossus Cynogr. 054 4 View this dissertation
Canis sagax Cynogr. 054 4 View this dissertation
Canis vertagus Cynogr. 054 5 View this dissertation
Colymbus arcticus Cynogr. 054 9 View this dissertation
Cornix Cynogr. 054 9 View this dissertation
