Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Bos Generat. calc. 022 7 View this dissertation
Canis Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Capra gazella Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Cochlea Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Concha Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Cypraea Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Equus Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Homo Generat. calc. 022 02ff. View this dissertation
Hystrix Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Mazama Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Ovis Generat. calc. 022 17 View this dissertation
Patella Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Rheno Generat. calc. 022 5 View this dissertation
Rupicapra Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Rupicapra Generat. calc. 022 5 View this dissertation
Saccharum Generat. calc. 022 14 View this dissertation
Sus Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Absinthium Generat. calc. 022 17 View this dissertation
Bos Generat. calc. 022 2 View this dissertation
Bos Generat. calc. 022 5 View this dissertation