Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Populus Spons. pl. 012 41 View this dissertation
Palma Spons. pl. 012 42 View this dissertation
Vallisnerioides Spons. pl. 012 44 View this dissertation
Coix Spons. pl. 012 39 View this dissertation
Mucor Spons. pl. 012 19 View this dissertation
Betula Spons. pl. 012 41 View this dissertation
Stratiotes Spons. pl. 012 44 View this dissertation
Hydra Spons. pl. 012 17 View this dissertation
Populus Spons. pl. 012 49 View this dissertation
Papaver Spons. pl. 012 35 View this dissertation
Veratrum Spons. pl. 012 39 View this dissertation
Colchicum Spons. pl. 012 28 View this dissertation
Musa Spons. pl. 012 39 View this dissertation
Blitum Spons. pl. 012 48 View this dissertation
Symphytum Spons. pl. 012 33 View this dissertation
Hydra Spons. pl. 012 18 View this dissertation
Potamogeton Spons. pl. 012 44 View this dissertation
Papaver Spons. pl. 012 59 View this dissertation
Veratrum Spons. pl. 012 58 View this dissertation
Corona imperialis Spons. pl. 012 44 View this dissertation
Musa Spons. pl. 012 40 View this dissertation
Bombylius Spons. pl. 012 50 View this dissertation
Tagetes Spons. pl. 012 59 View this dissertation
Hydrocharis Spons. pl. 012 44 View this dissertation
Potamogeton foliis oblongo-ovatis petiolatis Spons. pl. 012 44 View this dissertation
