Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Tussilago Anandria 009 12ff. View this dissertation
Helleborus Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Tussilago scapo unifloro calyce clauso Anandria 009 14 View this dissertation
Helxine Anandria 009 5 View this dissertation
Urtica Anandria 009 5 View this dissertation
Heracleum Anandria 009 5 View this dissertation
Valeriana floribus tetrandris Anandria 009 4 as tetrandis View this dissertation
Jacobaeastrum Anandria 009 5 View this dissertation
Vicia Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Lactuca Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Lathyroides Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Leonurus Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Lilium Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Limnia Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Lophanthus Anandria 009 5 View this dissertation
Absinthium Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Lupinaster Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Amethystina Anandria 009 5 View this dissertation
Moldavica Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Anacampseros Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Nepeta floribus obliquis Anandria 009 5 View this dissertation
Anandria Anandria 009 05ff. View this dissertation
Othonna Anandria 009 5 View this dissertation
Androsace Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
Papaver Anandria 009 4 View this dissertation
