Catalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute

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Accession Number: 7999.07
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Didymella fucicola (G.K. Sutherland) Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. b Nectriella laminariae O.E. Eriksson, Bionectriaceae; Fig. c Mycosphaerella salicorniae (Rabenhorst) Lindau, Mycosphaerellaceae; Fig. d Didymella magnei Feldmann, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. e Paraliomyces lentiferus [Paraliomyces lentifer Kohlmeyer, Incertae sedis]; Fig. f Halosphaeria cucullata [Okeanomyces cucullatus (Kohlmeyer) K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Halosphaeriaceae]; Fig. g Keissleriella blepharospora [Etheirophora blepharospora (Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer) Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, Incertae sedis]; Fig. h Crinigera maritima I. Schmidt, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. i Herpotrichiella ciliomaris [Capronia ciliomaris (Kohlmeyer) E. Müller, Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman, Herpotrichiellaceae]; Fig. j Banhegyia setispora L. Zeller & Tóth, Patellariaceae.

Description: 64(63) Ascospores usually longer than 28 µm, wider than 10 µm; centrum of ascocarp containing persistent, wide filaments, similar to pseudoparaphyses or catenophyses, Ceriosporopsis cambrensis, Fig. a; 64’(63) Ascospores usually shorter than 28 µm; diameter 6–12 µm; centrum of ascocarp without persistent filaments, Ceriosporopsis halima, Fig. a; 66(65) 2 subterminal appendages at each ascospore apex, these pairs arranged at right angles to one another (anomalous spores with 3 to 4 appendages on both ends may occur), Halosphaeria quadricornuta, Fig. b; 67(66’) 3 appendages at each apex of the ascospore; ascocarps developing predominantly on the surface of grains of sand and shells, Corollospora trifurcata, Fig. c; 68(67’) 3–4 (rarely 5) subterminal ascospore appendages; species of tropical and subtropical waters, Halosphaeria salina, Fig. d; 69(68’) Generally 4 radiating appendages at each ascospore apex, Halosphaeria quadriremis, Fig. e; 69’(68’) Generally 6 appendages at each apex, Halosphaeria stellata, Fig. f; 71(70) Symbiont of Ectocarpus, on the surface of Laminaria; ascospores rhomboid, almost pointed, Pharcidia laminariicola, Fig. g; 72(71’) Ascospores shorter than 30 µm; in Laminaria (and Alaria? [sic]), Phycomelaina laminariae, Fig. h; 72’(71’) Ascospores longer than 30 µm; in Cystophora, Massarina cystophorae, Fig. i.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 195.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.08
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Halosphaeria maritima [Remispora maritima Linder, Halosphaeriaceae]; Fig. b Halosphaeria pilleata [Halosphaeria pileata (Kohlmeyer) Kohlmeyer]; Fig. c Halosphaeria hamata [Remispora hamata (Höhnk) Kohlmeyer]; Fig. d Halosphaeria galerita [Remispora galerita Tubaki]; Fig. e Halosphaeria trullifera [Remispora trullifera Kohlmeyer]; Fig. f Gnomonia marina [Halosarpheia marina (Cribb & J.W. Cribb) Kohlmeyer]; Fig. f Gnomonia salina E.B.G. Jones, Gnomoniaceae; Fig. g Halosarpheia fibrosa Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer, Halosphaeriaceae; Fig. h Ceriosporopsis tubulifera [Halosphaeria tubulifera Kohlmeyer.

Description: 74(73) Ascospores thin-walled, ovoid or ellipsoidal; no distinct striae in the appendages, Halosphaeria maritima, Fig. a; 74’(73) Ascospores thick walled, rhomboid; distinct striae in the base of appendages (hematoxylin!), Halosphaeria pilleata, Fig. b; 75(73’) Ascospore appendages thin sheaths, at first completely attached subapically; finally appearing hamate, tapering; asci thin-walled, early deliquescing, Halosphaeria hamata, Fig. c; 76(75’) Immature ascospores enclosed in a gelatinous sheath; each apex of mature ascospores is surrounded by a large, subglobose, subgelatinous cap with delicate radiating striae (stain!), Halosphaeria galerita, Fig. d; 77(76’) Asci thin-walled, deliquescent, without apical apparatuses; catenophyses present, Halosphaeria trullifera, Fig. e; 78(77’) Ascospores shorter than 28 µm; diameter less than 15 µm; ascus with apical plate (hematoxylin!) Gnomonia marina, Fig. f; 79(78’) Ascospores forcibly ejected from ascus; catenophyses absent; ascospore appendages not transformed into a coil of filaments; temperate species, Gnomonia salina, Fig. f; 79’(78) Ascospores not ejected; catenophyses present’ ascospore appendages at maturity transformed into a coil of filaments (hematoxylin!); tropical and subtropical species, Halosarpheia fibrosa, Fig. g; 81(80) Ascospore appendages consisting of a distinct tube at each apex and a rupturing ring around the septum, Ceriosporopsis tubulifera, Fig. h.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 196.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.09
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Ceriosporopsis circumvestita (Kohlmeyer) Kohlmeyer, Halosphaeriaceae; Fig. b Halosphaeria torquata Kohlmeyer; Fig. c Halosphaeria mediosetigera Cribb & J.W. Cribb; Fig. d Corollospora maritima Werdermann; Fig. e Halosphaeria appendiculata Linder; Fig. f Ceriosporopsis calyptrata Kohlmeyer; Fig. g Helicascus kanaloanus Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. h Didymosphaeria enalia [Verruculina enalia (Kohlmeyer) Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, Testudinaceae; Fig. i Didymosphaeria rhizophorae [Lineolata rhizophorae (Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer) Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, Incertae sedis]; Fig. j Microthelia linderi [Kirschsteiniothelia maritima (Linder) D. Hawksworth, Incertae sedis]; Fig. k Didymosphaeria maritima [Bicrouania maritima (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Saccardo, Melanommataceae]; Fig. l Halotthia posidoniae (Durieu & Montagne) Kohlmeyer, Zopfiaceae; Fig. m Pontoporeia biturbinata [Amphisphaeria biturbinata (Durieu & Montagne) Saccardo, Amphisphaeriaceae].

Description: 81’(80) Ascospores without distinct tubes or ring; appendages inconspicuous, irregular; extended into lobes around the septum and into 1 process at each end of the ascospore; core of apical process different from outer part (staining dark with hematoxylin), Ceriosporopsis circumvestita, Fig. a; 82(80’) A tubular annulus around septum, Halosphaeria torquata, Fig. b; 83(82’) 2–3 lunate, rigid appendages, attached with the middle part to the ascospore over the septum; in addition a small apical cap, which may become reversed, at each end, Halosphaeria mediosetigera, Fig. c; 84(83’) Numerous flexuous cilialike appendages around the septum, Corollospora maritima, Fig. d; 85(84’) Ascospore appendages spoon-shaped at the bases, their tips without refractive bodies or small caps; without persistent paraphysoid chains in the ascosarp center, Halosphaeria appendiculata, Fig. e; 85’(84’) Base of ascospore appendage cylindrical, its tip with refractive body and covered with a small cap; persistent paraphysoid chains in the ascocarp center, Ceriosporopsis calyptrata, Fig. f; 86(30’) Ascospores surrounded by a gelatinous sheath, which may be deliquescing; wall smooth, Helicascus kanaloanus, Fig. g; 87(86’) Ascospores verrucose to verruculos, Didymosphaeria enalia, Fig. h; 88(87’) Ascospores distinctly striate; on Rhizophora, Didymosphaeria rhizophorae, Fig. i; 89(88’) Ascospores shorter than 22 µm; diameter less than 10 µm, Microthelia linderi, Fig. j; 90(89’) Ascospores shorter than 35 µm; diameter less than 16 µm; in Atriplex, Didymosphaeria maritima, Fig. k; 91(90’) Ascospores shorter than 61 µm; dark band around the septum; without distinct germ pores, Halotthia posidoniae, Fig. l; 91’(90’) Ascospores longer than 65 µm; without band around the septum; hyaline, apical germ pores, Pontoporeia biturbinata, Fig. m.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 197–198.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.10
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Pontogeneia codiicola (Dowson) Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. b Orcadia ascophylli G.K. Sutherland, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. c Sphaerulina orae-maris Linder, Mycosphaerellaceae; Fig. d Leptosphaeria pelagica E.B.G. Jones, Leptosphaeriaceae; Fig. d Leptosphaeria australiensis (Cribb & J.W. Cribb) G.C. Hughes; Fig. e Pontogeneia enormis (Patouillard & Hariot) Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. f Pontogeneia cubensis (Hariot & Patouillard) Kohlmeyere, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. g Pontogeneia valoniopsidis (Cribb & J.W. Cribb) Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. h Pontogeneia padinae Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. i Pontogeneia calospora (Patouillard) Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis].

Description: 96(95) Ascospores longer than 50 µm, diameter 20 µm or more; in Codium, Pontogeneia codiicola, Fig. a; 98(97) Asci opening with an operculus; ascospores longer than 33 µm, Orcadia ascophylli, Fig. b; 98’(97) Asci without operculus; ascospores shorter than 33 µm, Sphaerulina oraemaris, Fig. c; 99(97’) Ascospores 28 µm and longer; species of temperate waters, Leptosphaeria pelagica, Fig. d; 99’(97’) Ascospores shorter than 28 µm; species of tropical and subtropical waters, Leptosphaeria australiensis, Fig. d; 102(101) Ascospore length 280 µm or more; 4–5 septa, Pontogeneia enormis, Fig. e; 102’(101) Ascospore length less than 280 µm; 12 or 13 septa, Pontogeneia cubensis, Fig. f; 103(101’) Ascospore diameter 20 µm or more; in Valoniopsis, Pontogeneia valoniopsidis, Fig. g; 104(103’) Ascospores longer than 90 µm; in Padina, Pontogeneia padinae, Fig. h; 104’(103’) Ascospores shorter than 90 µm; in Castagnea, Pontogeneia calospora, Fig. i.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 199.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.11
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Buergenerula spartinae Kohlmeyer & R.V. Gessner, Magnaporthaceae; Fig. b Sphaerulina albispiculata Tubaki, Mycosphaerellaceae; Fig. c Biconiosporella corniculata Schaumann, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. d Savoryella lignicola E.B.G. Jones & R.A. Eaton, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. e Leptosphaeria obiones (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Saccardo, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. e Leptosphaeria paucispora [Savoryella paucispora (Cribb & J.W. Cribb) J. Koch, Incertae sedis]; Fig. f Leptosphaeria marina Ellis & Everhart, Leptosphaeriaceae; Fig. g Leptosphaeria orae-maris, Linder; Fig. h Trematosphaeria mangrovis Kohlmeyer, Pleomassariaceae; Fig. i Orcadia ascophylli G.K. Sutherland, [Incertae sedis].

Description: 105(100’) Ascospores distinctly attenuate at the base, longer than 35 µm, Buergenerula spartinae, Fig. a; 105’(100’) Ascospores not attenuate at one end, shorter than 35 µm, Sphaerulina albispiculata, Fig. b; 107(106) Ascospores unequally biconical, with 7–8 tubercules around the equator, Biconiosporella corniculata, Fig. c; 108(107’) Asci unitunicate, 8-spored; pseudoparaphyses absent, Savoryella lignicola, Fig. d; 109(108’) Ascospore length 36 µm or less; asci typically 8-spored, longer than 110 µm, Leptosphaeria obiones, Fig. e; 109’(108’) Ascospore length 36 µm or more; asci typically 2-spored, shorter than 110 µm, Leptosphaeria paucispora, Fig. e; 112(111) Ascospores longer than 33 µm, diameter 8 µm or more; subhyaline to yellowish, Leptosphaeria marina, Fig. f; 112’(111) Ascospores shorter than 33 µm, diameter (4 to) 5–8 µm; pale brown or darker, Leptosphaeria oraemaris, Fig. g; 113(111’) Ascocarps thick-walled, carbonaceous; asci longer than 150 µm, Trematosphaeria mangrovis, Fig. h; 114(113’) Asci unitunicate, thin-walled, opening with an opercula; ascospores hyaline, possibly yellowish at maturity; in algae, Orcadia ascophylli, Fig. i.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 200.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.12
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Phaeosphaeria typharum (Desmazières) L. Holm, Phaeosphaeriaceae; Fig. b Leptosphaeria peruviana Spegazzini, Leptosphaeriaceae; Fig. c Leptosphaeria albopunctata (Westendorp) Saccardo; Fig. d Trematosphaeria britzelmayriana (Rehm) Saccardo, Pleomassariaceae; Fig. e Carbosphaerella leptosphaerioides I. Schmidt, Halosphaeriaceae; Fig. f Haligena amicta [Appendichordella amicta (Kohlmeyer) R.G. Johnson, E.B.G. Jones & S.T. Moss, Halosphaeriaceae]; Fig. g Leptosphaeria contecta Kohlmeyer, Leptosphaeriaceae; Fig. h Leptosphaeria neomaritima [Phaeosphaeria neomaritima (R.V. Gessner & Kohlmeyer) Shoemaker & C.E. Babcock, Phaeosphaeriaceae]; Fig. i Phaeosphaeria ammophilae [Amarenomyces ammophilae, (Lasch) O.E. Eriksson, Incertae sedis]; Fig. j Leptosphaeria typhicola [Massariosphaeria typhicola(P. Karsten) Leuchtmann, Incertae sedis]; Fig. k Leptosphaeria avicenniae Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer, Leptosphaeriaceae; Fig. l Leptosphaeria halima [Phaeosphaeria halima (T.W. Johnson) Schoemaker & C.E. Babcock, Phaeosphaeriaceae].

Description: 115(114’) Ascospores longer than 20 µm, diameter over 7 µm, Phaeosphaeria typharum, Fig. a; 115’(114’) Ascospores shorter than 20 µm, diameter less than 7 µm, Leptosphaeria peruviana, Fig. b; 116(110’) Ascospores usually have 5 septa (rarely up to 7 septa); third cell mostly the largest, Leptosphaeria albopunctata, Fig. c; 116’(110’) Ascospores usually have 8 septa (rarely 4–7 or 9–10 septa); fourth cell mostly the largest, Trematosphaeria britzelmayriana, Fig. d; 119(118) Ascospore diameter more than 12 µm; central cells dark, Carbosphaerella leptosphaerioides, Fig. e; 119’(118) Ascospore diameter less than 12 µm; hyaline throughout, Haligena amicta, Fig. f; 121(120) Ascospores hyaline, 3 (rarely 4) septa, Leptosphaeria contecta, Fig. g; 122(121’) Ascospores have 3–5 septa; third cell from apex largest, Leptosphaeria neomaritima, Fig. h; 123(122’) Ascospores usually have 6 septa (rarely have 5, 7, or 8 septa); diameter 12 µm or more; smooth; mostly in Ammophila, Phaeosphaeria ammophilae, Fig. i; 123’(122’) Ascospores have 7–11 septa; diameter rarely over 10 µm; verrucose in age; in Juncus, Spartina, Phragmites, and Typha, Leptosphaeria typhicola, Fig. j; 124(120’) Ascospores hyaline; in pneumatophores of Avicennia, Leptosphaeria avicenniae, Fig. k; 124’(120’) Ascospores yellow-brown; in Spartina and wood, Leptosphaeria halima, Fig. l.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 201.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.13
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Chaetosphaeria chaetosa Kohlmeyer, Chaetosphaeriaceae; Fig. b Torpedospora radiata Meyers, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. c Halosphaeria cucullata [Okeanomyces cucullatus (Kohlmeyer) K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Halosphaeriaceae]; Fig. d Haligena unicaudata [Oceanitis unicaudata (E.B.G. Jones & Campion-Alsumard) J. Dupont & E.B.G. Jones, Halosphaeriaceae]; Fig. e Torpedospora ambispinosa Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. f Haligena elaterophore Kohlmeyer, Halosphaeriaceae; Fig. g Abyssomyces hydrozoicus Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. h Haligena spartinae [Magnisphaera spartinae (E.B.G. Jones) J. Campbell, J.L. Anderson & Shearer, Halosphaeriaceae]; Fig. i Haligena viscidula [Oceanitis viscidula (Kohlmeyer) J. Dupont & E.B.G. Jones, Halosphaeriaceae].

Description: 126(125) Lateral spore appendages only, cilialike, Chaetosphaeria chaetosa, Fig. a; 128(127) Ascospores with 3–4 radiating, acuminate appendages, Torpedospora radiata, Fig. b; 129(128’) Ascospores have 1 septum (upon germination up to 4 septa); diameter 6 µm or more; appendage subglobose, terminal, Halosphaeria cucullata, Fig. c; 129’(128’) Ascospores have 3 (rarely 4–5) septa; diameter 5 µm or less; appendage an elongate irregular sheath around the apex or along the upper side, Haligena unicaudata, Fig. d; 130(127’) 4–7 (normally 5) radiating, acuminate, subterminal appendages on each ascospore apex, Torpedospora ambispinosa, Fig. e; 131(130’) Appendages very long, enclosing the ascospore completely within the ascus, later on expanded, elaterlike, Haligena elaterophore, Fig. f; 132(131’) Ascospores shorter than 30 µm, with 3 septa; on animal substrates, Abyssomyces hydrozoicus, Fig. g; 133(132’) Ascospores more than 10 µm in diameter, predominantly 5 septa, Haligena spartinae, Fig. h; 133’(132’) Ascospores less than 10 µm in diameter, predominantly 11 septa, Haligena viscidula, Fig. i.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 202.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.14
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Corollospora lacera (Linder) Kohlmeyer, Halosphaeriaceae; Fig. b Corollospora intermedia E.B.G. Jones; Fig. c Corollospora pulchella Kohlmeyer, I. Schmidt & N.B. Nair; Fig. d Corollospora cristata (Kohlmeyer) Kohlmeyer; Fig. e Corollospora comata (Kohlmeyer) Kohlmeyer; Fig. f Pleospora gaudefroyi [Decorospora gaudefroyi (Patouillard) Inderbitzin, Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, Pleosporaceae]; Fig. g Carbosphaerella pleosporoides I. Schmidt, Halosphaeriaceae; Fig. h Pleospora pelvetiae G.K. Sutherland, Pleosporaceae; Fig. i Pleospora spartinae ((J. Webster & M.T. Lucas) Apinis & Chesters; Fig. h Pleospora pelagica T.W. Johnson; Fig. j Pleospora triglochinicola J. Webster; Fig. k Pleospora Rabenhorst ex Cesati & De Notaris

Description: 135(134) Ascospores longer than 37 µm (excluding apical thorns); predominantly 5 septa, Corollospora lacera, Fig. a; 135’(134) Ascospores shorter than 37 µm (excluding apical thorns); 3 septa, Corollospora intermedia, Fig. b; 136(134’) Ascospores with 7 or more septa, hyaline throughout, Corollospora pulchella, Fig. c; 137(136’) Mature ascospores typically have 3 septa; asci less than 100 µm long, Corollospora cristata, Fig. d; 137’(136’) Mature ascospores typically have 5 septa; asci longer than 100 µm, Corollospora comata, Fig. e; 139(138) Ascospores with gelatinous sheath withough striae; subconical appendages at each apex; asci thick-walled, persistent, Pleospora gaudefroyi, Fig. f; 139’(138) Ascospores with a gelatinous, striate sheath, without appendages; asci thin-walled, deliquescing, Carbosphaerella pleosporoides, Fig. g; 140(138’) In algae, Pleospora pelvetiae, Fig. h; 142(141) Ascospores typically with 5 transverse septa; up to 38 µm long, Pleospora spartinae, Fig. i; 142’(141) Ascospores with 7–9 transverse septa; up to 52 µm long, Pleospora pelagica, Fig. h; 143(141’) In Triglochin; ascospores with 7 transverse septa, Pleospora triglochinicola, Fig. j; 143’(141’) In Salicornia; ascospores with 8–10 transverse septa (see remarks about similar Pleospora spp. on other hosts under this species), Pleospora sp. I, Fig. k.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 203.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.15
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Oceanitis scuticella Kohlmeyer, Halosphaeriaceae; Fig. b Trailia ascophylli G.K. Sutherland; Fig. c Lindra thalassiae Orpurt, Meyers, Boral & Simms, Lulworthiaceae; Fig. c Lindra marinera [Lindra thalassiae Orpurt, Meyers, Boral & Simms, Lulworthiaceae]; Fig. d Lindra inflate I.M. Wilson; Fig. e Ophiobolus australiensis T.W. Johnson & Sparrow, Leptosphaeriaceae; Fig. f Lulworthia grandispora Meyers, Lulworthiaceae; Fig. f Lulworthia fucicola G.K. Sutherland; Fig. f Lulworthia kniepii (Ade & Bauch) Petrak; Fig. f Lulworthia G.K. Sutherland; Fig. g Melanotaenium ruppiae [Flamingomyces ruppiae (Feldmann) R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Piatek, Vánky & Oberwinkler, Urocystidaceae]; Fig. h Digitatispora marina Doguet, Atheliaceae.

Description: 144(1’) Ascospores with a whiplike appendage at the upper apex; a deep-sea species, Oceanitis scuticella, Fig. a; 146(145) Ascospores 3–3.5 µm wide on one end, tapering to the very narrow other end, shorter than 150 µm, Trailia ascophylli, Fig. b; 147(146’) Ascospores mostly longer than 230 µm, Lindra thalassiae, Fig. c; 147’(146’) Ascospores mostly shorter than 230 µm, Lindra marinera, Fig. c; 148(145’) Ascospores with a globose gelatinous appendage on each apex; 30 to 50 septa, Lindra inflata, Fig. d; 149(148’) Ascospores without processes, Ophiobolus australiensis, Fig. e; 150(149’) Ascospores longer than 500 µm; species on mangroves and wood in tropical and subtropical regions, Lulworthia grandispora, Fig. f; 151(150’) Ascospore length usually 110 µm or less; species of temperate regions, Lulworthia fucicola, Fig. f; 152(151’) Parasitic in calcified Rhodophyta, Lulworthia kniepii, Fig. f; 152’(151’) Saprobic in other substrates, Lulworthia, sp., Fig. f; 1. Parasitic smut in the stem of Ruppia, Melanotaenium ruppiae, Fig. g; 2(1’) Basidiospores consisting of 4 radiating arms; formed on the surface of a flat, cushionlike basidiocarp, Digitatispora marina, Fig. h.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 204.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.16
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Nia vibrissa R.T. Moore & Meyers, Niaceae; Fig. b Halocyphina villosa Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer, Niaceae; Fig. c Allescheriella bathygena Kohlmeyer, Botryobasidiaceae; Fig. d Tubercularia pulverulenta Spegazzini, Nectriaceae; Fig. e Sphaceloma cecidii [Gloeosporidina cecidii (Kohlmeyer) B. Sutton, Gnomoniaceae]; Fig. f Halonectria milfordensis E.B.G. Jones, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. g Dinemasporium marinum Sv. Nilsson, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. h Septoria ascophylli Melnik & M. Petrov, Mycosphaerellaceae; Fig. i Cytospora rhizophorae Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer, Valsaceae.

Description: 3(2’) Basidiocarp subglobose, puffball-like, irregularly dehiscing at maturity; basidiospores with 5 filamentous appendages, Nia vibrissa, Fig. a; 3’(2’) Basidiocarp funnel-shaped, releasing the nonappendaged basidiospores apically as a ball through a wide aperture, Halocyphina villosa, Fig. b; 3(2) Sporodochia brown, on wood in the deep sea, Allescheriella bathygena, Fig. c; 3’(2) Sporodochia brightly colored, on marsh plants (Salicornia spp.), Tubercularia pulverulenta, Fig. d; 4(2’) Acervuli with thin upper wall, rupturing irregularly; hyperparasitic in galls formed by Haloguignardia spp. in Phaeophyta, Sphaceloma cecidii, Fig. e; 5(4’) Pycnidia with a long beak, almost equal in diameter with the venter; on wood, Halonectria milfordensis, Fig. f; 7(6) Conidia with apical setae; produced in cupulate, setose acervuli, Dinemasporium marinum, Fig. g; 8(7’) Conidia filiform (at least 20 times longer than thick); in Ascophyllum, Septoria ascophylli, Fig. h; 9(8’) Composite pycnidia, 1.5–1.7 mm in diameter, with a central ostiole; under the bark of Rhizophora, Cytospora rhizophorae, Fig. i.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 205.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.17
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Rhabdospora avicenniae Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer, Mycosphaerellaceae; Fig. b Coniothyrium obiones Jaap, Leptosphaeriaceae; Fig. c Phialophorophoma litoralis Linder, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. d Phoma laminariae Cooke & Massee, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. e Phoma marina [?]; Fig. f Phoma suaedae Jaap, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. f Phoma Saccardo, [Incertae sedis] and Macrophoma (Saccardo) Berlese & Voglino, Botryosphaeriaceae; Fig. g Camarosporium roumeguerii [Camarosporium roumeguerei Saccardo, Incertae sedis]; Fig. h Camarosporium metableticum [Amarenomyces ammophilae (Lasch) O.E. Eriksson, Incertae sedis]; Fig. i Camarosporium palliatum Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. j Pleospora spartinae (J. Webster & M.T. Lucas) Apinis & Chesters, Pleosporaceae.

Description: 10(9’) Pycnidia on the bark of pneumatophores and tree trunks of Avicennia, Rhabdospora avicenniae, Fig. a; 11(10’) Conidia brownish, Coniothyrium obiones, Fig. b; 12(11’) Conidia produced endogenously in phialidea (oil immersion!), Phialophorophoma litoralis, Fig. c; 14(13) Saprobe on decaying Laminaria; pycnidia separate, not in a stroma, Phoma laminariae, Fig. d; 14’(13) Parasite on Chondrus crispus; pycnidia in a stroma (imperfect or spermogonial state of Didymosphaeria danica), Phoma marina, Fig. e; 15(13’) On Suaeda, Phoma suaedae, Fig. f; 15’(13’) On other substrates, Phoma and Macrophoma spp., Fig. f; 17(16) Conidia predominantly have 3 septa, usually not longer than 20 µm; without gelatinous sheaths or appendages, Camarosporium roumeguerii, Fig. g; 18(17’) Conidia with a gelatinous caplike appendage at each end; mostly on Gramineae in dunes, Camarosporium metableticum, Fig. h; 18’(17’) Conidia completely surrounded by a gelatinous sheath; on salt-marsh Salicornia spp., Camarosporium palliatum, Fig. i; 21(20) Conidia without appendages, imperfect state of Pleospora spartinae, Fig. j.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 206.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.18
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Septoria thalassica Spegazzini, Mycosphaerellaceae; Fig. b Stagonospora (Saccardo) Saccardo, Phaeosphaeriaceae; Fig. c Mycosphaerella ascophylli [Stigmidium ascophylli (Cotton) Aptroot, Mycosphaerellaceae]; Fig. d Stagonospora haliclysta Kohlmeyer, Phaeosphaeriaceae; Fig. e Robillarda rhizophorae Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. f Phoma laminariae Cooke & Massee, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. g Diplodia oraemaris [Diplodia orae-maris Linder, Botryosphaeriaceae]; Fig. h Ascochyta salicorniae [Stagonosporopsis salicorniae (Magnus) Diedicke, Incertae sedis]; Fig. i Ascochytula obiones (Jaap) P.K. Buchanan, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. j Clavatospora stellatacula [Heliscella stellatacula (P.W. Kirk ex Marvanová & Sv. Nilsson) Marvanová, Incertae sedis]; Fig. k Botryophialophora marina Linder, Sclerotiniaceae; Fig. l Heleococcum japonense Tubaki, Bionectriaceae.

Description: 22(21’) Conidia mostly longer than 60 µm; caps at both ends; in Distichlis, Septoria thalassica, Fig. a; 22’(21’) Conidia mostly shorter than 60 µm; caps at one end only; in Spartina, Stagonospora sp., Fig. b; 23(20’) In Ascophyllum, conidia have 0–2 septa, diameter less than 2 µm, imperfect state of Mycosphaerella ascophylli, Fig. c; 23’(20’) In Pelvetia; conidia have 3 septa, diameter more than 2 µm, Stagonospora haliclysta, Fig. d; 24(19’) Conidia with appendages in Rhizophora, Robillarda rhizophorae, Fig. e; 25(24’) Conidia hyaline, in Laminaria, Phoma laminariae, Fig. f; 26(25’) Conidia shorter than 9 µm; in wood, Diplodia oraemaris, Fig. g; 27(26’) In Salicornia; conidia up to 19 (to 20) µm long, up to 7 µm in diameter, Ascochyta salicorniae, Fig. h; 27’(26’) In Halimione; conidia up to 11.5 µm long, up to 5 µm in diameter, Ascochytula obiones, Fig. i; 30(29) Conidia with radiating projections (staurospores), Clavatospora stellatacula, Fig. j; 31(30’) Conidia globose, 2–3.3 µm in diameter, produced in phialides, Botryophialophora marina, Fig. k; 31’(30’) Conidia ellipsoidal, 8–12 µm long, produced on conidiophores, imperfect state of Heleococcum japonense, Fig. l.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 207.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.19
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Periconia abyssa Kohlmeyer, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. b Periconia prolifica Anastasiou, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. c Clavariopsis bulbosa Anastasiou, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. d Cremasteria cymatilis Meyers & R.T. Moore, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. d Halosphaeria mediosetigera Cribb & J.W. Cribb, Halosphaeriaceae; Fig. e Ceriosporopsis circumvestita (Kohlmeyer) Kohlmeyer; Fig. e Ceriosporopsis halima Linder; Fig. f Varicosporina ramulosa Meyers & Kohlmeyer; Fig. g Asteromyces crusiatus Moreau & M. Moreau ex Hennebert, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. h Clavariopsis bulbosa Anastasiou, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. i Orbimyces spectabilis Linder, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. j Humicola alopallonella Meyers & R.T. Moore, Chaetomiaceae.

Description: 33(32) Conidia 16 µm in diameter or more; deep-sea species, Periconia abyssa, Fig. a; 33’(32) Conidia generally 13 µm in diameter or less; littoral species, Periconia prolifica, Fig. b; 34(32’) Chlamydospores deep olivaceous to black, secondary spores of Clavariopsis bulbosa, Fig. c; 35(34’) Chains straight, unbranched, Cremasteria cymatilis, Fig. d; or imperfect state of Halosphaeria mediosetigera, Fig d; 36(35’) Chains straight or curved, same diameter throughout, single cells 3.5–7.5 µm wide, imperfect state of Ceriosporopsis circumvestita, Fig. e; 36’(35’) Chains predominantly curved, sometimes increasing in diameter from base to apex, single cells 6–17 µm wide, imperfect state of Ceriosporopsis halima, Fig. e; 38(37) Conidia hyaline, without bulbous cell, Varicosporina ramulosa, Fig. f; 39(38’) Conidia 1-celled, often distributed in aggregates of 5–9 cells, attached to the central sporogenous cell, Asteromyces crusiatus, Fig. g; 40(39’) Basal cell hyaline to light olive, 6–20 µm in diameter, Clavariopsis bulbosa, Fig. h; 40’(39’) Basal cell dark brown, 23–42 µm in diameter, Orbimyces spectabilis, Fig. i; 41(37’) Conidia 1- or 2-celled, rarely 3-celled, Humicola alopallonella, Fig. j.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 208.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.20
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Blodgettia bornetii E.P. Wright, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. b Cladosporium algarum Cooke & Massee, Davidiellaceae; Fig. c Dendryphiella salina [Scolecobasidium salinum (G.K. Sutherland) M.B. Ellis, Incertae sedis]; Fig. d Drechslera halodes [Setosphaeria rostrata K.J. Leonard, Pleosporaceae]; Fig. c Dendryphiella arenaria [Scolecobasidium arenarium (Nicot) M.B. Ellis, Incertae sedis]; Fig. c Dendryphiella salina [Scolecobasidium salinum (G.K. Sutherland) M.B. Ellis, Incertae sedis]; Fig. e Trichocladium achrasporum (Meyers & R.T. Moore) M. Dixon ex Shearer & J.L. Crane, Chaetomiaceae; Fig. f Sporidesmium salinum E.B.G. Jones, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. g Cirrenalia pygmea Kohlmeyer, Halosphaeriaceae; Fig. h Cirrenalia tropicalis Kohlmeyer.

Description: 43(42) Symbiotic fungus with chlamydospores, forming chains inside the walls of living Chlorophyta (Cladophora), Blodgettia bornetii, Fig. a; 45(44) Conidia have 0–2 (sometimes 3) septa, Cladosporium algarum, Fig. b; 45’(44) Conidia have 1–9 (sometimes 10 or 11) septa, predominantly with 3–5 septa, Dendryphiella salina, Fig. c; 48(47) Conidia thick-walled, with 6–12 pseudosepta; apical cells light-colored, separated from adjoining cells by dark septa, Drechslera halodes, Fig. d; 49(48’) Conidia 1–3 septate; shorter than 20 µm, Dendryphiella arenaria, Fig. c; 49’(48’) Conidia usually have 3–5 septa; rarely with fewer septa or up to 11 septa; usually longer than 20 µm, up to 75 µm, Dendryphiella salina, Fig. c; 50(47’) Conidia constricted at the septa, shorter than 100 µm, Trichocladium achrasporum, Fig. e; 50’(47’) Conidia not constricted at the septa, longer than 100 µm, Sporidesmium salinum, Fig. f; 52(51) Mature conidia black, shiny, fist-shaped, not constricted at the obscured septa, Cirrenalia pygmea, Fig. g; 53(52’) Conidia have 6–12 septa, slightly constricted at the septa, Cirrenalia tropicalis, Fig. h.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 209.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 7999.21
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Key to the Filamentous Higher Marine Fungi

Fig. a Cirrenalia macrocephala (Kohlmeyer) Meyers & R.T. Moore, Halosphaeriaceae; Fig. b Cirrenalia pseudomacrocephala Kohlmeyer; Fig. c Cirrenalia fusca I. Schmidt; Fig. d Zalerion maritimum (Linder) Anastasiou, Lulworthiaceae; Fig. e Zalerion varium [Halenospora varia (Anastasiou) E.B.G. Jones, Leotiaceae]; Fig. f Alternaria Nees, Pleosporaceae; Fig. g Monodictys pelagica [Piricauda pelagica T. Johnson, Incertae sedis]; Fig. h Dictyosporium pelagicum (Linder) G.C. Hughes ex E.B.G. Jones, [Incertae sedis]; Fig. i Epicoccum Link, Pleosporaceae; Fig. j Stemphylium triglochinicola [Pleospora triglochinicola J. Webster, Pleosporaceae]; Fig. k Stemphylium Wallroth; Fig. l Papulaspora halima Anastasiou [Incertae sedis].

Description: 54(53’) Conidia reddish-brown; height of apical cell less than 13.5 µm, Cirrenalia macrocephala, Fig. a; 55(54’) Conidia have 3–5 (sometimes 6) septa, apical cell subglobose to ellipsoidal; a tropical species, Cirrenalia pseudomacrocephala, Fig. b; 55’(54’) Conidia have 3 septa, rarely 2 or 4 septa, apical cell often sausage-shaped; a temperate species, Cirrenalia fusca, Fig. c; 56(51’) Conidia filament turns to produce a terminal, regular spiral; no additional complex spores formed, Zalerion maritimum, Fig. d; 56’(51’) Conidial filament turns to a lateral, variable spiral; additional complex spores composed of up to several hundred cells formed in the substrate, Zalerion varium, Fig. e; 57 (42’) Conidia borne acropetally in chains, Alternaria spp., Fig. f; 58(57’) Conidia black at maturity, septa obscured, Monodictys pelagica, Fig. g; 59(58’) Conidia consisting of 3–8 parallel branches arising from a single cell, Dictyosporium pelagicum, Fig. h; 60(59’) Conidiophores united into sporodochia, Epicoccum spp., Fig. i; 61(60’) Conidia trigonous, on dead leaves of Triglochin, Stemphylium triglochinicola, Fig. j; 61’(60’) Conidia not trigonous, on algae or wood, Stemphylium spp., Fig. k; V. Mycelia sterilia, Only one representative, Papulaspora halima, Fig. l.
Medium: ink
Support: paper taped to board
Dimensions (cm): 18 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: active 1962-1979
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Signature: EK (b.r.)
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979. Marine Mycology: The Higher Fungi. New York: Academic Press. P. 210–211.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 8000.01
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Ic. Fung. Mar. Tab. 33

Halotthia posidoniae (Durieu & Montagne) Kohlmeyer, Zopfiaceae

Description: Fig. 3: Schnitt durch Fruchtkörperwand mit eingewachsen Wirtszellen; Außenseite unten, Übergang in Paraphysoiden oben. – Fig. 4: Ascus. – Fig. 5: Ascosporen, die oberen unreif. – Fig. 6: Ascosporensepte (in der Aufsicht) mit zentralem Porus. – Fig. 7: Ausschnitt aus Pyknidium (von Posidonia-Wurzeln) mit Konidienträgern und Konidien.
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 25 x 17.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: ca.1964
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1964. Icones Fungorum Maris. 2 Lieferung. Tabula 33. Figs. 3–7.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 8000.02
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Ic. Fung. Mar. Tab. 35

Leptosphaeria discors [Passeriniella obiones (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) K.D. Hyde & Mouzouras], [Incertae sedis]

Description: Fig. 1: Schnitt durch Fruchtkörper (eingesenket in Halm von Spartina alterniflora Lois.).
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 14 x 20
Image Size:
Date of Execution: ca.1964
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1964. Icones Fungorum Maris. 2 Lieferung. Tabula 35. Fig. 1.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 8000.03
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Ic. Fung. Mar. Tab. 37

Leptosphaeria orae-maris Linder, Leptosphaeriaceae

Description: Fig. 6: Schnitt durch einen ins Holz eingesenkten Fruchtkörper. – Fig. 7: Schnitt durch Fruchtkörperwand, Außenseite links.
Medium: ink
Support: paper
Dimensions (cm): 19.5 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: ca.1964
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1964. Icones Fungorum Maris. 2 Lieferung. Tabula 37. Figs. 6–7.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 8000.04
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Ic. Fung. Mar. Tab. 40

Pleospora pelagica T.W. Johnson, Pleosporaceae

Description: Fig. 1: Schnitt durch den Fruchtkörperim Halm von Spartina alternifloria Lois.
Medium: ink
Support: mylar mounted on board
Dimensions (cm): 14 x 20
Image Size:
Date of Execution: ca.1964
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1964. Icones Fungorum Maris. 2 Lieferung. Tabula 40. Fig. 1.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 8000.05
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Ic. Fung. Mar. Tab. 46

Buellia haliotrepha [Dactylospora haliotrepha (Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer) Hafellner, Caliciaceae]

Description: Fig. 1: Schnitt durch den Rand eines Fruchtkörpers; a = Epitheciumzellen, b = Hymenium mit Asci und Paraphysoiden, c = Hypothecium, d = Excipulum.
Medium: ink
Support: paper mounted on board
Dimensions (cm): 27 x 20.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: ca.1965
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1965. Icones Fungorum Maris. 3 Lieferung. Tabula 46. Fig. 5.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 8000.06
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Ic. Fung. Mar. Tab. 49

Hydronectria tethys [Kallichroma tethys (Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer) Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, Bionectriaceae]

Description: Fig. 1: Schnitt durch Fruchtkörper im Holz.
Medium: ink
Support: paper mounted on board
Dimensions (cm): 22 x 29.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: ca.1965
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1965. Icones Fungorum Maris. 3 Lieferung. Tabula 49. Fig. 1.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 8000.07
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Ic. Fung. Mar. Tab. 50

Keissleriella blepharospora [Etheirophora blepharospora (Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer) Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, Incertae sedis]

Description: Fig. 1: Schnitt durch Fruchtkörper mit Clypeus, in Rinde von Rhizophora mangle L. (Stelzwurzel) eingesenkt.
Medium: ink
Support: paper mounted on board
Dimensions (cm): 19.5 x 28
Image Size:
Date of Execution: ca.1965
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1965. Icones Fungorum Maris. 3 Lieferung. Tabula 50. Fig. 1.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 8000.08
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Ic. Fung. Mar. Tab. 51

Leptosphaeria avicenniae Kohlmeyer & E. Kohlmeyer, Leptosphaeriaceae

Description: Fig. 4: Schnitt durch Fruchtkörper, mit der Basis in Atemwurzel von Avicennia nitida Jacq. eingesenkt. – Fig. 5: Ascosporen mit Schleimhülle. – Fig. 6: Pyknidiosporen aus Pyknidien neben Ascomata von L. avicenniae.
Medium: ink
Support: paper mounted on board
Dimensions (cm): 30.5 x 39.5
Image Size:
Date of Execution: ca.1965
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1965. Icones Fungorum Maris. 3 Lieferung. Tabula 51. Figs. 4–6.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 8000.09
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Ic. Fung. Mar. Tab. 52

Nais inornata Kohlmeyer, Halosphaeriaceae

Description: Fig. 1: Perithecien. – Fig. 2: Schnitt durch Perithecium. – Fig. 4: Schnitt durch Fruchtkörperwand (Außenseite rechts). – Fig. 4: Zellen aus dem sich in Ketten auflösenden Pseudoparenchym. – Fig. 5–6: Asci; Fig. 5 = unreif; Fig. 6 rechts = gestreckt, in Auflösung. – Fig. 7: Ascosporen mit großen und kleinen Öltropfen.
Medium: ink
Support: paper mounted on board
Dimensions (cm): 27.5 x 21
Image Size:
Date of Execution: ca.1965
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1965. Icones Fungorum Maris. 3 Lieferung. Tabula 52. Figs. 1–7.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
Accession Number: 8000.10
Artist Name: Kohlmeyer, Erika Otillie (Mrs. Jan J.)
Life Span: (1930–1979)
Nationality: German/United States
Gender: Female
Image (click image to view):
Title: Ic. Fung. Mar. Tab. 54

Orcadia ascophylli G.K. Sutherland, [Incertae sedis]

Description: Fig. 1: Schnitt durch Perithecium in Rinde von Fucus spec.
Medium: ink
Support: paper mounted on board
Dimensions (cm): 27.5 x 21
Image Size:
Date of Execution: ca.1965
Place of Execution: North Carolina
Published: Kohlmeyer, J. and E. Kohlmeyer. 1965. Icones Fungorum Maris. 3 Lieferung. Tabula 54. Fig. 1.
HIBD Exhibitions:
HIBD Publications:
